Kings x san antonio texas k&c (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 3, 2010


Martin...Wow..Just got back from SA!!

I got to the store after lunch. Parking was a challenge that I over came. I walked in the store and asked for you but you were out...nolo problemo!!

The displays were unbelievable!! There was a contractor apparently installing new glazing in some of your display cabinets that reminded me of the Hong Kong store. So as I did not have time I looked around briefly and had to go for my meeting.

The Alamo display was one of the best diorama's that I have ever seen!! The San Pablo; LAH; etc...well... nuff said I have found my dealer.

You will have my business from here on out and a number of others from the great Lone-star and adjacent states that I have already spoke to!!

How good can it have a division of K&C Hong Kong to buy from directly in the states.....cheaper shipping....and club figures for free with our buys that net up to 200.00 a piece on Ebay!! Not to mention cudo's from Andy and Gordon I would suspect!!

You can count on 500.00 to 1000.00 a month from me alone!! Wait until I send you others.

I cannot wait to meet you...I have your number and will call you this week!!

Absolutely outstanding...and thanks to all forum members that have pointed me in this direction!!



Martin...Wow..Just got back from SA!!

I got to the store after lunch. Parking was a challenge that I over came. I walked in the store and asked for you but you were out...nolo problemo!!

The displays were unbelievable!! There was a contractor apparently installing new glazing in some of your display cabinets that reminded me of the Hong Kong store. So as I did not have time I looked around briefly and had to go for my meeting.

The Alamo display was one of the best diorama's that I have ever seen!! The San Pablo; LAH; etc...well... nuff said I have found my dealer.

You will have my business from here on out and a number of others from the great Lone-star and adjacent states that I have already spoke to!!

How good can it have a division of K&C Hong Kong to buy from directly in the states.....cheaper shipping....and club figures for free with our buys that net up to 200.00 a piece on Ebay!! Not to mention cudo's from Andy and Gordon I would suspect!!

You can count on 500.00 to 1000.00 a month from me alone!! Wait until I send you others.

I cannot wait to meet you...I have your number and will call you this week!!

Absolutely outstanding...and thanks to all forum members that have pointed me in this direction!!


I agree with you. Those guys are great at Kings X.

I just recieved a parcel from kingsx, they really are smashing people. Ive always found them to be very helpful.
Somebody needs to say something here...:mad:...

I think Shannon and Peter are too nice to do it...

so I will...

all the distributors of K&C run great shops...

as Treefrog Treasure Toy Soldier Shop (our forum host) runs a great K&C distributoship...

I can't begin to say how wrong it is to tout your favorite dealership on THEIR forum...which they provide for free for us...

If a guy walked into my business...telling anybody that would listen...where to buy my products somewhere else...

well...I would throw him out the door in a second...

Peter and Shannon are being too kind here to even allow this thread...

I hope there are no more posts on their forum encouraging purchases from Treefrog's competitors...

This is just soooooooooooo can't take advantage of these people's generosity to your passion...
Somebody needs to say something here...:mad:...

I think Shannon and Peter are too nice to do it...

so I will...

all the distributors of K&C run great shops...

as Treefrog Treasure Toy Soldier Shop (our forum host) runs a great K&C distributoship...

I can't begin to say how wrong it is to tout your favorite dealership on THEIR forum...which they provide for free for us...

If a guy walked into my business...telling anybody that would listen...where to buy my products somewhere else...

well...I would throw him out the door in a second...

Peter and Shannon are being too kind here to even allow this thread...

I hope there are no more posts on their forum encouraging purchases from Treefrog's competitors...

This is just soooooooooooo can't take advantage of these people's generosity to your passion...

Here, here Mike I agree with you. The Forum is the place and there isn't any second. That is why I dedicate a portion of my toy soldier budget every year to Treefrog and I will continue.

Here, here Mike I agree with you. The Forum is the place and there isn't any second. That is why I dedicate a portion of my toy soldier budget every year to Treefrog and I will continue.

Carlos are a class act my man...I think I will follow in your footsteps...God knows I have been using their forum long enough for free..
Here, here Mike I agree with you. The Forum is the place and there isn't any second. That is why I dedicate a portion of my toy soldier budget every year to Treefrog and I will continue.


I feel the same way.
Somebody needs to say something here...:mad:...

I think Shannon and Peter are too nice to do it...

so I will...

all the distributors of K&C run great shops...

as Treefrog Treasure Toy Soldier Shop (our forum host) runs a great K&C distributoship...

I can't begin to say how wrong it is to tout your favorite dealership on THEIR forum...which they provide for free for us...

If a guy walked into my business...telling anybody that would listen...where to buy my products somewhere else...

well...I would throw him out the door in a second...

Peter and Shannon are being too kind here to even allow this thread...

I hope there are no more posts on their forum encouraging purchases from Treefrog's competitors...

This is just soooooooooooo can't take advantage of these people's generosity to your passion...

Absolutely right. Thankfully Michael stepped up and said so before I was compelled.

Come on folks, all it takes is common sense and common courtesy.
Hi Guys,

Whilst I appreciate anyone’s enthusiastic comments and support of Kings X. I have to agree with the majority of you guys that it’s a wee bit over the top, to say the least, to come on the Treefrog Forum and shout it from the rafters!

As many of you know Treefrog is one of K&C’s top trade dealers not just in America but worldwide… Heck, I’m a customer myself.

Shannon, Pete and their team do a first class, first rate job of selling and promoting toy soldiers (including K&C I’m delighted to say) through their business and… this Forum.

By all means be as enthusiastic as you like but temper that enthusiasm with, as our friend Rutledge wrote, a little common sense and that rare commodity these days, common courtesyespecially to the hosts of this Forum.

Sincerely Yours,
Andy C.
I've personally experienced what it's like to have somebody you have a relationship with direct other customers on where else to get their sets - right in front of me. And I lost a couple customers because of it.

I know how it feels and it sucks. I was too polite to do much about it at the time but there's not much you can do without coming off as a jerk.

So here's to Shannon and Pete for being gracious and going to great expense in money, time and effort for hosting this forum!
Hi Guys,
I saw the first post yesterday and as a dealer (not in USA) I found it to be most inappropriate and impolite towards TF. Even more so when I had seen the following post made on 11 NOV in another K&C thread.

"Hi Harschier,
Shannon from Treefrog here. As this is the Treefrog Treasures forum and Treefrog Treasures is in fact a King & Country dealer it may be due to common courtesy that you didn't get an immediate response from the dealer in question. It's rather bad form to go onto another dealer's forum and trumpet your wares--if indeed as in this case they are the same wares.
We cheerfully include our fellow dealers and competitors on the Treefrog Forum even though they are our, well, competitors and they in turn do their part to be gracious guests and not take advantage of our hospitality by using the forum to advertise themselves, their specials etc. etc. and we would do the same for them if the situation were reversed.
Shannon "

I tried to contact the poster to point this out but he has no contact details available.

Personally I think this thread should be deleted as inappropriate and hopefully the original poster will understand.

Have to agree with several of the above posts. I have the feeling that whats happened here is the author has joned the forum at full speed, and unaware of forum etiquette has managed to offend quite a few in the process. Hopefully none of this is intentional and perhaps considering each post a little longer before posting might help.:) (I only say this as I have had many experiences of posting without thinking, which normally ends up in regret:rolleyes:)

Have to agree with several of the above posts. I have the feeling that whats happened here is the author has joned the forum at full speed, and unaware of forum etiquette has managed to offend quite a few in the process. Hopefully none of this is intentional and perhaps considering each post a little longer before posting might help.:) (I only say this as I have had many experiences of posting without thinking, which normally ends up in regret:rolleyes:)


Sorry Rob, but there is no excuse for someone repeatedly being that rude and obnoxious. You're not the one who should be making apologies to smooth things over.

Sorry Rob, but there is no excuse for someone repeatedly being that rude and obnoxious. You're not the one who should be making apologies to smooth things over.


Yes I must say its hard to see the 'other side' of some comments, the post about deaths on the Somme was a gross insult to those men who died on that first day.

As an online retailer of many years standing (in the music business) and one of the moderators of the forum on my web-site I am very familiar with the dilemma presented by someone in effect advertising a direct competitor in my forum. It has even been known that the competitor themselves post an advert.
I don't always automatically delete such posts, unless they feature one of the retail behemoths such as Amazon, etc - they can look after themselves.

I know the chaps in the States can sometimes be very enthusiastic in their modes of communication, but my experience tells me that there is perhaps something wrong with the original post. I could be wrong, happy to be wrong in fact, but it seems a little troll-like.
As an online retailer of many years standing (in the music business) and one of the moderators of the forum on my web-site I am very familiar with the dilemma presented by someone in effect advertising a direct competitor in my forum. It has even been known that the competitor themselves post an advert.
I don't always automatically delete such posts, unless they feature one of the retail behemoths such as Amazon, etc - they can look after themselves.

I know the chaps in the States can sometimes be very enthusiastic in their modes of communication, but my experience tells me that there is perhaps something wrong with the original post. I could be wrong, happy to be wrong in fact, but it seems a little troll-like.

At last, someone else has said it!

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