Hi Scott and Richard,
Scott, you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for providing some specificity to my earlier post.
Richard, while I would love to preorder all the route liners at once, my budget could not possibly stand the total expense as a single expenditure. And, if I pre-order, I might be faced with the total expense as a single purchase. To make the point more clearly understood, ideally, I would like to have six of each of the four route lining figures that have currently been produced. Since four different route lining figures have been produced, the expense to me would be as follows:
6 figures X four different items = 24 figures
24 figures X $30.00 per figure = $720.00 total expense
If I revise the figures to reflect a 10% pre-order discount, the total expenditure would be: $648.00. The discounted price is still significantly beyond my normal budgetary resource if I am forced to purchase all the figures as a single expenditure.
I know two other collectors who would like to add ten figures of each item, but they have budget limitations similar to mine and there is no way they can commit to a total of $1200 (total cost of 40 figures) in a single pre-order. All of us would gladly hack away at the total cost over a reasonable amount of time, but if the supply disappears almost as quickly as they are produced, then our aspirations are completely foiled and W. Britains would not realize the funds we are willing to commit over a reasonable length of time.
Having said the above, I realize it costs money to produce the items, store them, and tie up the cash while you wait for someone to purchase them. Perhaps the wishes of collectors like myself are unreasonable and we should just accept we cannot have it all. Only W. Britains can make that determination, but I thought it might be valuable to speak for those of us who still want it all, but cannot have it all at once.
Warmest personal regards,