It would take no more explaining than why one has an LAH, Das Reich, totenkopf vehicle or, have an airial recognition swastika on show. I had a grandmother and her sisters, my aunts, all who went through the blitz in various civillian and military positions my uncles..Tommy was in the 8th Army and fought and lost his brother in Italy. My Grandfather, David was an RAF pilot from Day one and, John flew Lancs flying over germany. His brother fought and died in Burma.
They instilled in me what the war was about and, what they did. They bought me my very first toy soldiers books etc and, I recieved all their war memorabilia from their own equipment to what they acquired from their service.
My grandfather saw my interest in the germans and why they did what they did and, encouraged me to develop this interest. I think, if you have read this forum as you say, as well as everyone else, know that people are sick of the high and mighty attitude about what they collect. If painted toy soldiers offend, then avoid the LAH threads. I do not have to worry about what people will say about a collection of toy soldiers any more than when they see a library full of military books. It speaks for itself unless you hold other opinions which, really means that you cannot get your head around the fact that some collect something you dislike.
I am, as others are, sick and tired of the unecessary digs and rightous rubbish spilled by those who believe they are morally superior because they don't collect a certain range. I know, all of my family, and many people I know are more enlightened and, open minded to know that everyone has the right to collect what they want, have an interest in what part of history they want without certain people pushing their morality and opinions onto them.
I dislike the tyranny from many other ranges but, I am open minded to admire the ranges for what they offer asthetically than ply posters who like that range with the moral issues of why they should not collect such a range. I wish others would also have the common decency to do the same. there is a massive difference in saying critically why one does not like a range for faults etc rather than trying to import values onto the range for personal reasons.
We thrive on an unpalatable thing war and, depicting that is what is being done. If you have issues with the range take it up with the manufacturers not the people who collect it and, I would respectfully request that those who do are allowed to do so and, discuss the ranges without all the stupid stuff that has to be said before any discussions about the releases.
Alright guys, friendly fire{sm4}. I've read all that stuff about people getting antsy over the LAH collection. I don't really like them just cause of the nature of it (Just ignore that last bit keep it peaceful
). I do wonder how you guys explain the LAH to people who ''aren't in the know'' about why you collect it. It would be kinda confronting if you had visitors and they notice a large amount of swastikas on your table! I'm sure that if you had your Aunt over who lived through the blitz, she might take a dim view of it. Anyway, I wouldn't mind collecting the SA stuff, all that booze and power could make a good little dio!