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Got a late start this AM visiting the Forum an as always Martyn what a nice way to enjoy my early or late morning cup of coffee whenever you feature what you've added to your Trophy Treasures Chest. I once again salute you........Joe:salute:::salute:::salute::
Got a late start this AM visiting the Forum an as always Martyn what a nice way to enjoy my early or late morning cup of coffee whenever you feature what you've added to your Trophy Treasures Chest. I once again salute you........Joe:salute:::salute:::salute::

Many thanks Joe:salute::

Cheers mate

As an impulse buy, I purchased the "Come and Take it" gun set from the Texas War of Independence, only to find out that Hans has long been after the piece. Needless to say, I will be posting it to my good friend Hans tomorrow.:wink2:
I see you've been into your Trophy Chest again Martyn an what a nice way for my visit to the Trophy Section of the forum to begin. Thank you my friend an do agree they'd surely give The French Legioneers a sight to behold. Thanks again for sharing them with another round of great photos. You surely have master your photo taking...............Joe{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

boy, i wish trophy had done a foriegn legion line along the lines of beau geste
I see Tommy our Trophy Hunter Sir Martyn bagged another set to add to his Treasure Chest. Another nice find Martyn an thanks for sharing it..........Joe

great set, and was thinking last nite that i have never seen this one before so great timing and nice find

Many thanks Joe and Gregg:salute::


Here are the two Zulu figures I picked up in Chicago. Could have picked up more but space -- and money -- were becoming a factor. I noticed that the base of the British figure is quite thick. Does that signify something?


Thanks. Does that mean it's rarer?

Hi Brad

That figure represents LT. ARDENDORFF from the Defence of Rorke's Drift set, if you look under the base this name should be engraved there. The figure was only available with the set, nice find:salute::



I can't claim any great sleuthing abilities. I just liked the way he looked. These were part of the the figures that Nicholas (Scarlet Pimpernel) was selling (maybe 20 in all) and I believe there were other figures similar to the Lt.

I wonder why anyone would break up a set? ^&confuse


I can't claim any great sleuthing abilities. I just liked the way he looked. These were part of the the figures that Nicholas (Scarlet Pimpernel) was selling (maybe 20 in all) and I believe there were other figures similar to the Lt.

I wonder why anyone would break up a set? ^&confuse


Hi Brad

I could not work out the logic of breaking up a set unless the building, for instance, had gone AWOL

I managed to find an extra ADENDORFF at a London Show a couple of years ago, here is a picture of my figures along with a couple of pictures of the bases. If you look closely you can see the name ADENDORFF is not from a stamp, they are both slightly different




I know Clive (Lurcio) picked up several figures from the set, almost the complete set in fact, at a London Show


Thanks for the information Martyn. I don't think Clive picked up any of these figures this past weekend and having seen these on Friday, I don't think anyone purchased any of them until I did on Sunday.

I will look at the base of the Lt. tonight and report back :smile2:


Thanks for the information Martyn. I don't think Clive picked up any of these figures this past weekend and having seen these on Friday, I don't think anyone purchased any of them until I did on Sunday.

I will look at the base of the Lt. tonight and report back :smile2:



Betting you'll find the info there Brad an the additional 13 figures you saw were figures I purchased years ago where the set had already been broken up. Had Martyn hunting the Rev. and Dalton for me over the past few years.

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