Nice Arabs Al, I'll take a picture of all of mine together later. They have quite a variation of different colours also which is nice about these figures
Great, Martyn
I am looking forward seeing them. Please put Berbers with Berbers and Bedouins with Bedouins, as I did on my pictures, so we can see color variations for the same types of figures.
Al, here are my Berber and Bedouin
love those colorful Berbers and Bedouins...
the paint scheme on the capes really makes them pop!!!
Just to complete the picture here are four more
I see you've been into your Trophy Chest again Martyn an what a nice way for my visit to the Trophy Section of the forum to begin. Thank you my friend an do agree they'd surely give The French Legioneers a sight to behold. Thanks again for sharing them with another round of great photos. You surely have master your photo taking...............Joe{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
MartynThanks for posting. I had only seen the Gordan's version.OFFICER, BLACK WATCH and EGYPTIAN
MartynThanks for posting. I had only seen the Gordan's version.
MartynThanks for posting. I had only seen the Gordan's version.