Latest additions (9 Viewers)

TEASE I know of others but I'm not telling{sm4}{sm4}{sm4} Another nice addition.{bravo}}

^&grin^&grin^&grin thanks Joe

Here is the first ACW set found last week











Got a hunch Brad will be commenting on your recent ACW additions as you continue to feature them. :salute:::salute::
Hey all, I don't collect Trophy but I sure do appreciate them as one who has had some of them (WW1) in the past and still has some (about 3 or 4 dozen) Zulu War figures. I just want to say that seeing all of these wonderful Trophy sets makes this thread one of my favorites. Always look forward to seeing what will spring up on here.{bravo}} -- Al

Got a hunch Brad will be commenting on your recent ACW additions as you continue to feature them. :salute:::salute::

Hi Joe, he has already and likes them:wink2:

Hey all, I don't collect Trophy but I sure do appreciate them as one who has had some of them (WW1) in the past and still has some (about 3 or 4 dozen) Zulu War figures. I just want to say that seeing all of these wonderful Trophy sets makes this thread one of my favorites. Always look forward to seeing what will spring up on here.{bravo}} -- Al

Thanks Al, any chance of seeing your AZW sets, they are a favourite of mine and got me hooked on Trophy all those years ago{bravo}}


Hi Joe, he has already and likes them:wink2:

Thanks Al, any chance of seeing your AZW sets, they are a favourite of mine and got me hooked on Trophy all those years ago{bravo}}


Hi Martyn. Currently, I have no way to post pictures as I have no camera or any real computer savvy to load pictures. The AZW figures I have are mainly bits and pieces of larger sets as the man who sold them to me broke up sets to sell by the piece. I do have sets #TD3A, Patrol under attack; #TD4B, Incident at Isandlwana; #FW1, Fields of war; and a couple of figure sets, HZ2A ( 2 figure hand to hand) and ZS18 (Zulu Induna). Everything else are individual figures although there might be a sets worth or two that I can't ID. I have had them for 20+ years and they are the only Trophy I have left as I stupidly traded or sold my very nice sized WW1 Trophy collection some years ago. THAT was a BIG mistake.:( -- Al
Hi Martyn. Currently, I have no way to post pictures as I have no camera or any real computer savvy to load pictures. The AZW figures I have are mainly bits and pieces of larger sets as the man who sold them to me broke up sets to sell by the piece. I do have sets #TD3A, Patrol under attack; #TD4B, Incident at Isandlwana; #FW1, Fields of war; and a couple of figure sets, HZ2A ( 2 figure hand to hand) and ZS18 (Zulu Induna). Everything else are individual figures although there might be a sets worth or two that I can't ID. I have had them for 20+ years and they are the only Trophy I have left as I stupidly traded or sold my very nice sized WW1 Trophy collection some years ago. THAT was a BIG mistake.:( -- Al

The ones you have left are very nice sets Al, well worth keeping and displaying. Thank you for the set info :salute:::salute::



Congrats on the new additions :smile2: Looking forward to seeing more. All the best, Lawrence
Nice ACW additions, of course, Martyn but I think the Indian Medical Officer is quite neat.
Beautiful figure. Like the detail of the orange trim, from when the 2nd were still Dragoons. -- Al

Many thanks for that info Al, I wondered about that. I also have a set of three and a single figure of the 2nd that I will post pictures of later in the week, leaving home shortly for a big Militaria meet, the War and Peace Show at Beltring in Kent UK


Many thanks for that info Al, I wondered about that. I also have a set of three and a single figure of the 2nd that I will post pictures of later in the week, leaving home shortly for a big Militaria meet, the War and Peace Show at Beltring in Kent UK


I will look forward to seeing them, Martyn. For those who don't know, the 2nd Dragoons were formed in 1836 at Jefferson Barracks. Their uniforms were trimmed with an orange stripes and tape. They were engaged against the Seminoles, in the Mexican War, against the plains Indians, in Bloody Kansas, and even the Mormons. When the ACW broke out, the 12 scattered companies were gathered. Co K made 1st Manassas. On April 10, 1861, all US mounted troops were redesignated as cavalry and the 2nd Dragoons became the 2nd Cavalry. Cavalry uniform trim was yellow but the 2nd were allowed to keep their pre-war orange for recognition of service. Orange was used until the uniforms wore out and replaced by standard yellow. Info courtesy of Don Troiani's "Civil War". -- Al
I will look forward to seeing them, Martyn. For those who don't know, the 2nd Dragoons were formed in 1836 at Jefferson Barracks. Their uniforms were trimmed with an orange stripes and tape. They were engaged against the Seminoles, in the Mexican War, against the plains Indians, in Bloody Kansas, and even the Mormons. When the ACW broke out, the 12 scattered companies were gathered. Co K made 1st Manassas. On April 10, 1861, all US mounted troops were redesignated as cavalry and the 2nd Dragoons became the 2nd Cavalry. Cavalry uniform trim was yellow but the 2nd were allowed to keep their pre-war orange for recognition of service. Orange was used until the uniforms wore out and replaced by standard yellow. Info courtesy of Don Troiani's "Civil War". -- Al

Hi Al

Here are the other two sets

Set# ACW10B - MOUNTED TROOPER - 2nd Cavalry


Set# ACW11B - TROOPERS - 2nd Cavalry



A beautiful set of figures, Martyn. The orange trim is a great highlight and just brings out the color of the figures. Thanks for posting them. -- Al
A beautiful set of figures, Martyn. The orange trim is a great highlight and just brings out the color of the figures. Thanks for posting them. -- Al

Many thanks Al, glad you like them :salute::



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