Latest additions (3 Viewers)

I picked this up in Chicago, EL 17T, Maj. Gen. Bedford Forrest On Galloping Horse Attacking Union Artillery Man.




Hi Brian

Two more very nice additions {bravo}}

Did you realise that you have an extra figure with EQ7AZ Water Barrel Wagon, the original set only had two 24th Privates. The 24th Private with the slung rifle (in the centre of the picture) is from EQ38 OXEN DRAWN AMMO WAGON



No, I did not know that, I need to send Lynn, a Thank you.
052.JPG 032.JPG 035.JPG 037.JPG GY4 "The Fight at Little Round Top". According to Len, not in the catalog. Colonel Strong Vincent, a Standard Bearer, twenty-two men of the 20th Maine, loading, standing, kneeling and prone firing and two casualties. Overlooking the Union line on Cementary Hill.
View attachment 108735 View attachment 108736 View attachment 108737 View attachment 108738 GY4 "The Fight at Little Round Top". According to Len, not in the catalog. Colonel Strong Vincent, a Standard Bearer, twenty-two men of the 20th Maine, loading, standing, kneeling and prone firing and two casualties. Overlooking the Union line on Cementary Hill.

Great set Tommy {bravo}}, I have it listed in a catalogue as.... GY4 - "Give me your Orders"

With the following set description

"So asked Colonel Vincent Strong, commander of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps, at the start of the Battle of Gettysburg. His orders were to take and hold Little Round Top, a rocky elevation of utmost importance to the outcome of the battle. He placed men of the 20th Maine, the 83rd Pennsylvania, 44th New York and 16th Michigan in an extended line of defence. He gave his life in this fight, but his men did not give an inch"

The set includes - Colonel Vincent Strong, A Standard Bearer and 22 assorted Privates


Thanks for sharing your latest additions Brad, Brian and Tommy and it never ceases to amaze me of what Len Taylor brought to the toy soldier world throughout the years..........Joe
Hi Tommy

It is a great set {bravo}}

Now I know where the 2 wounded Union soldiers originally came from :wink2:


Thanks Brad and Martyn. The certificate for this set GY4 is 004 and has 26 figures rather than the 24 Martyn referenced. This 26 figure set did not appear in the catalog. The face down casualty is like the one in the AWI Molly Pitcher gun battery set. The other wounded is like the one in the Waterloo series. I don't recall any other wounded or deceased figures in the Civil War sets. Tommy
Thanks Brad and Martyn. The certificate for this set GY4 is 004 and has 26 figures rather than the 24 Martyn referenced. This 26 figure set did not appear in the catalog. The face down casualty is like the one in the AWI Molly Pitcher gun battery set. The other wounded is like the one in the Waterloo series. I don't recall any other wounded or deceased figures in the Civil War sets. Tommy

Hi Tommy

Here are my matte versions, I believe these were "specials" produced for Larry Simon



Hi Tommy

Here are my matte versions, I believe these were "specials" produced for Larry Simon



Thanks Martyn. My set has 1988 on the bottom of the base. Does your standing firing figure have a date on the bottom of the base? Tommy
Thanks Martyn. My set has 1988 on the bottom of the base. Does your standing firing figure have a date on the bottom of the base? Tommy

Hi Tommy

I have had a look at the base of the standing figure and it is stamped 1998. Using a magnifying glass I have had a look at the three figures I have pictured and it looks like they started life as Gloss and have had a coat of matte varnish added later.


Hi Tommy

I have had a look at the base of the standing figure and it is stamped 1998. Using a magnifying glass I have had a look at the three figures I have pictured and it looks like they started life as Gloss and have had a coat of matte varnish added later.


Martyn: Bummer! Can you turn them back to glossy? Tommy

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