Leave K&C Alone... (1 Viewer)

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As noted, to each their own in regards to personal taste and level of tolerance for inaccuracy.

If you say authentic and history I should be able to go to the historical record and again, determine whether it is in my level of tolerance.


And the challenge is that everyone has a different level of tolerance. One person's 'this is horribly wrong' is another's 'I think it looks awesome anyway.'

Neither is right...except from their own perspective.
best post by far for years

I'm sorry, but "authentic hand-made history" ends at the type of wheel the tank has. This whole thing is insane - we have to keep in mind the amount of collectors that are not on the forum. I'm sure there are tons of people that look at a tank in a store window display and say wow that would look great on my bookshelf. If they buy it, kudos to them. If you need every detail down to the nose hair of the tank commander "authentic" then thats a-ok too, I just think you will be disappointed more times than not.

This new guy got on here today, and posted based on what I am assuming is what little his has read of the forum and felt the need to create a post defending a company from accusations that they are not delivering a proper product. If anything, thats a reflection on the forum and not the company.
"The issue is not so much the criticisms but the sheer reptitiveness of some of them. I could get into a thread on American football and write 'why all the stoppages' which to someone who watches Aussie Rules which has three rules and no one understands two of them is a logical enough question. Its when over breakfast I make the same criticism on a thread, repeated at lunch and then once more at dinner. Then when someone says if you do not like American football stay out of the thread, I reply that man is endowed by his Creator with certain inalienable rights and I am merely exercising one of them. Then I start a thread 'Is this the end of American football' , or in a discussion of ice hockey I add 'At least its better than American football lol'. I firmly believe that people use 'errors' to highlight the depth of their perceived knowledge. I remember a line from 'Frasier' when he comes home and tells Daphne "I went to the most magnificent restaurant ... just one little problem'. She replies 'Oh good ... just the way you like it'. For some the errors are just the way they like it."

If only toy soldiers could be as perfect as this post!

"I thought the only rule was to bash one another." That's Rugby League!
It is spot on to say that there can be a variety of tolerances regarding the quality of a product. It is also true though, that for most people there is a limit to how much tolerance they have for negative, nit-picking, recycled, officious, pedantic and just plain boring posts. They deaden threads and drive readers away. In normal human interactions we seek out others with amusing/interesting outlooks. This doesn't seem to survive in many K & C threads, indeed they often have the life smothered out of them.
K&C does a significant amount of research on their products and it shows!

Have to agree with this. Not as easy as it looks, I suspect. We all have our niche for collecting & our own expertise, but K&C has how many ranges? That's a lot of discriminating customers to answer to. Sure, if I had to design figures in my own area of interest it would be fun...say East Front/Berlin WW2. But if I had to design the rest of that stuff? Ancients? ACW, etc., I'd be banging my head against a wall. It would be WORK. K&C does get a whole lot more right than wrong & I don't envy the job.

When people are repeatedly told how 'wrong' something is they can get the impression that are being told that they are 'fools' for purchasing something they enjoy.

I think 99% of the criticism here is fair & constructive (recall the 25 pder that actually resulted in change). However after thinking about Cicero's post some more it did later occur to me that maybe the OP is referring to one of the more partisan anti K&C people who would find fault with Andy fighting off a band of savages for Mother Teresa. But I would hope that even a newbie would see after a few months that this is a radicalized personality type. You read, yawn, click, move on... (and do your own research, and draw your own conclusions...don't be a lamb)


be this guy V

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Have to agree with this. Not as easy as it looks, I suspect. We all have our niche for collecting & our own expertise, but K&C has how many ranges? That's a lot of discriminating customers to answer to. Sure, if I had to design figures in my own area of interest it would be fun...say East Front/Berlin WW2. But if I had to design the rest of that stuff? Ancients? ACW, etc., I'd be banging my head against a wall. It would be WORK. K&C does get a whole lot more right than wrong & I don't envy the job.

I think 99% of the criticism here is fair & constructive (recall the 25 pder that actually resulted in change). However after thinking about Cicero's post some more it did later occur to me that maybe the OP is referring to one of the more partisan anti K&C people who would find fault with Andy fighting off a band of savages for Mother Teresa. But I would hope that even a newbie would see after a few months that this is a radicalized personality. You read, yawn, click, move on... (and do your own research, and draw your own conclusions...don't be a lamb)

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be this guy V

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Well said Blowtorch.

Although this got a little heated I have to admit the amount of humor on this thread really made it enjoyable. I hope the joking around continues!
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Australian rules "football" has rules? I thought the only rule was to bash one another. That's why I figured Howard is the way he is {eek3}

I guess I better run the other way when I see him in the Windy City :wink2:

If you make a comment about Essendon or James Hird being in the poop Brad then you definately better run the other way and very fast at that!!! It might pay to duck as well!{sm4}

Well said Blowtorch.

Although this got a little heated I have to admit the amount of humor on this thread really made it enjoyable. I hope the joking around continues!

Is the photograph suggesting we should be like an *** rather than a lamb?

This post would be funnier if the older word to describe a donkey made it through censorship. Now I just look lame!
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If you make a comment about Essendon or James Hird being in the poop Brad then you definately better run the other way and very fast at that!!! It might pay to duck as well!{sm4}


Tom, since I don't know who they are I should be safe {sm0} Whew....
Tom, since I don't know who they are I should be safe {sm0} Whew....

Just insert the name of any team that took drugs and then demanded due process.

Howard will do more than spill his coffee when he hears that!
Is the photograph suggesting we should be like an *** rather than being lame?

This post would be funnier if the older word to describe a donkey made it through censorship. Now I just look like a lamb!
You've got to be careful with the auto editing software. It does funny things to your posts.
Can you all please calm down!!! Toy soldiers are NOT life. They are rather interesting and expensive PLAYTHINGS for us history buffs. However, if they are central to your existence, then I fear it is time to seek help... But do not seek it on this forum....

Now, I'd like to see some Fallschirmjager in September, either Carentan of Ardennes, - both would be welcome....

I totally agree with you, for example I am in these days in Poland searching for P. And i don't mean KC P figures.
I have always been one who complained of accuracy, scale, detail etc. I am beginning to think I am in the wrong hobby. I dont think this industry will ever get it right in regards to these issues.

My other love is HO trains and I have just started a layout, my last one was in 1991. When I look at the detail level of the MODEL trains I am very pleased with their accuracy, scale and detail etc. My Military stuff is in the same room and looks a bit lame next to the trains. Yes I know 1/35th scale plastic models would satisfy me, but I dont want to build them.

I think my time in this hobby may be coming to an end......This came on very suddenly, but the trains just made a statement to me. This forum stuff is getting old also, you can talk about whatever you want but there is a price to pay and it is the same thing over and over again.

If I do decide to get out of the hobby I will just keep my FL and Figarti, because to me they achieved the closest level of detail to a 1 /35th scale model and a few other pieces from the other manufacturers


My layout getting started.

I have always been one who complained of accuracy, scale, detail etc. I am beginning to think I am in the wrong hobby. I dont think this industry will ever get it right in regards to these issues.

My other love is HO trains and I have just started a layout, my last one was in 1991. When I look at the detail level of the MODEL trains I am very pleased with their accuracy, scale and detail etc. My Military stuff is in the same room and looks a bit lame next to the trains. Yes I know 1/35th scale plastic models would satisfy me, but I dont want to build them.

I think my time in this hobby may be coming to an end......This came on very suddenly, but the trains just made a statement to me. This forum stuff is getting old also, you can talk about whatever you want but there is a price to pay and it is the same thing over and over again.

If I do decide to get out of the hobby I will just keep my FL and Figarti, because to me they achieved the closest level of detail to a 1 /35th scale model and a few other pieces from the other manufacturers


It is always sad when someone leaves the hobby. The more people collecting, the more product, the more competition and that can only be good. I wonder, however, if your desire for greater and greater accuracy has had a negative effect on your own collecting. I look at figures in my shop and think 'Gee, that's great' and then someone will say 'Take a look at that horse's front leg ... that's a problem'. I look closely and if I see what they are talking about (which is not always, sorry Bob!) it can make it difficult to look at the horse with the same enthusiasm (Never, ever thought I would write that sentence). Do you feel that you may have let the two inaccuracies cloud the joy that a nice looking tank might otherwise have brought? You have a right like anyone to pursue the hobby in any way you see fit but I observed to my moderately good friend Larso the other day in conversation, though I was certainly not thinking of you when I said it, that I often wondered if the greater and greater calls for accuracy actually have the most profound influence, not on the makers, but on the people making them. I fund my hobby by marking university papers and I find in the darkness of the night after a day of marking errors, that I have to consciously remind myself to look at what is right as my first order of business. Just a thought. I may well be totally wrong. There is a precedent for that. {sm4} I am sure that you will soon be making the biggest and most impressive train dioramas. I will keep an eye out!
I have always been one who complained of accuracy, scale, detail etc. I am beginning to think I am in the wrong hobby. I dont think this industry will ever get it right in regards to these issues.

My other love is HO trains and I have just started a layout, my last one was in 1991. When I look at the detail level of the MODEL trains I am very pleased with their accuracy, scale and detail etc. My Military stuff is in the same room and looks a bit lame next to the trains. Yes I know 1/35th scale plastic models would satisfy me, but I dont want to build them.

I think my time in this hobby may be coming to an end......This came on very suddenly, but the trains just made a statement to me. This forum stuff is getting old also, you can talk about whatever you want but there is a price to pay and it is the same thing over and over again.

If I do decide to get out of the hobby I will just keep my FL and Figarti, because to me they achieved the closest level of detail to a 1 /35th scale model and a few other pieces from the other manufacturers


My layout getting started.

I can see why people get into trains, there is something about them that people are drawn to, perhaps it is the ingenuity of building one’s own little city. Setting them up lends itself to a creativity and imagination.

PS-I know this sounds crazy but I really like the giant yellow crane.
I can see why people get into trains, there is something about them that people are drawn to, perhaps it is the ingenuity of building one’s own little city. Setting them up lends itself to a creativity and imagination.

PS-I know this sounds crazy but I really like the giant yellow crane.

There will be a military base on the layout. The Crane is part of the container yard. I already made the layout bigger. You can follow the progress on my website's forum.

It is going to be pretty cool.

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