The Bias tragedy had a lot of fall out. Greg Williams (who was a personal family friend) the then Def Coordinator shared a story with me when I was in college and working for him on the football team. Apparently, prior to the Bias tragedy, revenue sports teams had exceptions to admissions. They could get marginally academic players admitted on a waiver (i think between 5-10 per semester). As the story went, Ross on the recruiting trail, had 3 Defensive Ends he was competing with NC ST, VA and UNC. Maryland admissions/athletic due to alll the unwanted scutiny in the wake of the tragedy denied the admission waiver and we lost the recruits. Ironically, 2 went to UVA, one to NC St. All 3 played decent careers in the pros (I forgot their names). Ross felt that he was going to be handicapped in recruiting for the next 5 years, he walked away from his contract that next season and as they say the rest is history. MD went from a rising power to a doormat by the mid to late 90s. When I was there, I would argue that we didn't have a pro potential recruit from 91 on for a long time. It really changed MD football for a long period of time. Ironically, Ralph F (A Ross protege and colleague) brought them back. Then even more ironically, that idiot AD Debbie Yow fired him after he was named again ACC Coach of the Year. You just can't make up the missteps at that School. Now you know why, I have all but abandoned any support to them. The move to the Big 10 was my icing on the cake. Done and over.