Further to my last - here's yet another Life Guard - which came my way via e-bay in a mixed lot. Now this one is far more typical of the injuries to pieces, which frequently come along. ( He could be either a Britains - or johillco figure - difficult to tell in this state - but can be fixed up, either way).
Note the almost obligatory sword blade missing from the right carrying arm, (replacement arm with sword required). Then, damage to all four legs - with one VERY bent and the other three snapped off the horse - however tail is intact ( frequently broken off too). The boot to the scabbarded carbine is also broken off - but that's an easy fix - as you will see later. There's also a snapped off scabbard for the sword at the other side - so that's a replacement part required too.
So - another one for my growing collection - with typical parts required to replace - and a few modifications needed.
I now have the luxury of two extra spare figures - so maybe my eventual set could feature a few more than Set 72 ever did.
Note that I only bought this figure because he was in a "lot" which contained other pieces that I wanted - and got them all at a very good price - so I think I will stop collecting them now.
See you later...............jb