Life of Jesus (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
King & Country has unveiled another line, called Life of Jesus. Gordon built a small diorama with figures from that time in front of a desert building that looks very interesting, are very well done and will have a lot of appeal, particularly to non TS collectors. The range is 1/30 scale.
I think a lot of people were impressed. I know I was.
King & Country has unveiled another line, called Life of Jesus. Gordon built a small diorama with figures from that time in front of a desert building that looks very interesting, are very well done and will have a lot of appeal, particularly to non TS collectors. The range is 1/30 scale.
So that would include Romans, no?
Now, this is going to be a very interesting range. Many, many paths to follow. -- lancer
This range is supposed to go from nativity to crucifxion so I believe the answer on Romans is yes.
I'm sure that is a way of using the new building from the Middle East sets and can therefore be put into further use by K&C collectors. You can use them for WW2 North Africa, WW1 Charge at Bersheeba (coming very soon) , the Saracens & Crusaders, and now with Romans for the life of Christ.

Now that is a multi useful diorama!

The civilians form thet period can also be used in the all those listed periods too... and what about camels and donkeys ????

Very clever Andy!!!!

King & Country has unveiled another line, called Life of Jesus. Gordon built a small diorama with figures from that time in front of a desert building that looks very interesting, are very well done and will have a lot of appeal, particularly to non TS collectors. The range is 1/30 scale.


Please post a picture this small diorama.:eek:
This range is supposed to go from nativity to crucifxion so I believe the answer on Romans is yes.


"Life of Jesus" - from nativity to crucifxion. This is interesting.

A couple of pictures would be very helpful.

How many sets are there in this series ?

With Kind Thanks, Raymond.:)

That is going to make a great diorama with the Light Horse charging by.
I am guessing this series out before Christmas.
Think of the possibilities !
Yet another series that the Desert Village can go with. I can see Andy has done some serious planning ahead with those buildings.
You are right about the timing of this paticular release, Brett.

A real marketing strategy to the masses, as its only 3 'shopping' months to Christmas.

Wow! What an unexpected surprise! Thanks for the report Brad, we really appreciate it :). Enjoy the show!

And thank you Warbuff26 for posting the flyer and close-up pics! Very nice of you to take the time to do this for those who cannot attend. This new line looks very intriguing, to say the least, with a lot of potential to expand in any number of directions. Thanks again and enjoy the show!


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