Well, up to about WW II, the Brits were the colonial power "bad guys". Not Mel Gibson movie bad of course. I've talked to Indians who still believe the Enfield cartridges were greased with animal fat! What did Britain save the world from in 1815? Meritocracy?
The CSA of course was fighting bravely and honorably, with Constitutional and Biblical authority, for a system than only Brazil, and some really bad medieval hell holes still practiced.
Southern folks upset by a movie will just have to skip this one and watch GWTW, Outlaw Josie Wales, Gods and Generals, The Unconquered, Drums in the Deep South, etc etc for feel good Southern Hero films. Maybe they'll read the Battles and Leaders book series that is made up of "The Century War series" including articles by Southern officers.
Maybe read Jefferson Davis' post war writings. There's a quotable man!
Besides, it's Abraham Lincoln! He was a giant of a man who deserves some "fan fiction." I'm surprised that there were no Lincoln "sightings" after his death like the Elvis, John F. Kennedy, Billy The Kid, Emilio Zapata, Fletcher Christian, Butch Cassidy, John Wilkes Booth etc.