Line you wished you collected? (2 Viewers)


Nov 26, 2007
Are there any particular KC lines that you absolutely love, but don't have the time or money to collect? All of my KC funds go to WW2 Germans, but I really wish I had some extra cash for the Crusaders. They're beautiful figures, but they don't seem to get much attention on here.
Iwo Jima and Romans. I had a Roman fort but sold it. I really regret that now.
The Germans from the Fall of Berlin range, and many D-day sets.

Wish I kept collecting Crusader line but sold/traded them off.
When I first started to collect K&C, the Romans were at the tail end of their production. I wish I had been collecting when they first came out. They were really well done and I liked the shields! Not a money issue, just a moment in time issue.
Are there any particular KC lines that you absolutely love, but don't have the time or money to collect? All of my KC funds go to WW2 Germans, but I really wish I had some extra cash for the Crusaders. They're beautiful figures, but they don't seem to get much attention on here.


BTW, great topic for a thread!
GJB22, It was honorable of you to change your avatar. Now back to toy soldiers. The old seaforth highlanders looks cool. I hope KC brings it back.
The Akrika Korps & Romans lines although I have a couple sets simply because I like them so very much!

Hang Tough,
Crimea, the Real West and the Crusaders. Probably the Sons of the Empire soon...:D. It is not really that hard to find a K&C line I'd wish to collect:rolleyes:.

I wish I would have collected the Alamo series, I still could but the funds just really are no there for all that. Sometimes I regret getting rid of my Crusaders, but something had to go.
Old Romans especially the Archway, I passed on this twice now, won't do it a third time.

Wish I would have finished my USMC line, still need a few pieces.

Are there any particular KC lines that you absolutely love, but don't have the time or money to collect? All of my KC funds go to WW2 Germans, but I really wish I had some extra cash for the Crusaders. They're beautiful figures, but they don't seem to get much attention on here.

If you have a chance, I will say GO for the Crusaders. I was like you, I do only WWII, and then decided to go with Crusaders & Saracens, IMO they are one of the best soldiers produced by K&C, the color is beautiful.

I am a somehow saturated of WWII, and I had to disconnect a little and go for a different ERA.

Can only say, that i agree with Rod on the Crusaders! :D

If we could turn back time, i´ll go for the Romans and Egypts! And then again - the D-Day line is great too!
Egyptians without doubt.Wonderful country and History and a superb range from K&C,another example of why K&C are No 1.:cool:


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