Little Legion (1 Viewer)

I think trooper meant that ATS uses the same sculptor for both types of figures, I think. Mike:confused:
Mike still sculpts some of his own figures but hasn't the time to mould, cast and paint as well, so most of his sculpting is contracted out.
Mike still sculpts some of his own figures but hasn't the time to mould, cast and paint as well, so most of his sculpting is contracted out.

Alan Caton? His work for ATS looks really nice from what I see on the website.
It never ceases to amaze me as how quickly a simple question can bring on a battle royal. Harry to answer your question if the Little Legion figures were available in castings I'd consider painting one or two in matte to see what the outcome would be. Would I strip a finished gloss figure to accomplish the same no way. The figures are sculpted to be featured as traditional toy soldier where the matte figures are being sculpted as military miniature.

That said I'd be hogged tide and feathered if I'd did by by fellow Collectors of Glossy Zulu War Figures. By the way Harry thanks for asking the question which had nothing to do with painted preferences. Damian, Joachim and Mike isn't it great being Trophy and Little Legion owners.......The Lt.

Awww gimme I will do it! Any one who wants to hog tie me will need to bring help! A lot of help.:p

In answer to the question, why a person might not repaint in matte. I reply in the immortal words of Austin Power... "It's just not cricket!":D
No one wants to hog-tie you. Trust me, roasted bat is not what it's cut out to be(trust me, had some on extended ftx). But you are right, Matte is matte and Glossy is glossy.Never the two shall be changed. Mike
Sice you got those backdrops and huge numbers of zulus Your pictures rock! Now you need to figure out some smoke for gun shots and the like.
Sice you got those backdrops and huge numbers of zulus Your pictures rock! Now you need to figure out some smoke for gun shots and the like.

Agree KV need to find a female tutor to help me, You'll not it's my first preference need to take some classes. In the mean time the 24th got off another volley with a gust of wind which has blown the smoke away.....The Lt.

Agree KV need to find a female tutor to help me, You'll not it's my first preference need to take some classes. In the mean time the 24th got off another volley with a gust of wind which has blown the smoke away.....The Lt.


I have seen some of your tutors! Whoo hooooo!
Has anyone picked up any of the new LL sets with the buildings as of yet?
I've got the Royal Artillery 7pd Muzzle-Loading Gun set up for range and elevation. Give me some coordinates, guys!! Mike


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I've got the Royal Artillery 7pd Muzzle-Loading Gun set up for range and elevation. Give me some coordinates, guys!! Mike

Forgive my ignorance but when I think of NJ I think of Bruce Springsteen and the Soparanos and guys who say boid instead of bird. WHy do you refer to it as the Supreme Soviet?

Because it is a welfare state that employs the unemployable, taxes those who have and gives to those who don't, regulates for the sake of intrusion and revenue, etc... :).BTW Bruce Springsteen is a terrible overrated has-been activist holier than though waste of air-time non-artist. The Sopranos are somewhere else besides where I am in farm country, and belong in NY. Mike

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