It never ceases to amaze me as how quickly a simple question can bring on a battle royal. Harry to answer your question if the Little Legion figures were available in castings I'd consider painting one or two in matte to see what the outcome would be. Would I strip a finished gloss figure to accomplish the same no way. The figures are sculpted to be featured as traditional toy soldier where the matte figures are being sculpted as military miniature.
That said I'd be hogged tide and feathered if I'd did by by fellow Collectors of Glossy Zulu War Figures. By the way Harry thanks for asking the question which had nothing to do with painted preferences. Damian, Joachim and Mike isn't it great being Trophy and Little Legion owners.......The Lt.

It was a semi-serious thought that happened to cross my fevered mind, so I reckoned I'd cast it out in order to stimulate a
friendly discussion (?).
Instead, for my pains, the Village Court was instantly convened and I was condemned to the flames, with a great big B for Blasphemer message branded on my forehead.

Well, if that's wot you lot are like over here, guess I'd better scurry back to the K&C threads where I belong. They seem to be a much less touchy crowd over there....

Cheers (I Think)
Paranoid Heid
PS. Yeah Damian, I can generally suss when my leg's being pulled - and so can you lot who contribute here by the looks of things...

I am now, in fact, the proud owner of several WB Zulu War figures,
in matte, and I luv em. Hmmm...having said that, I really do like that photo that Joe posted....hmmm....I do need to think quite carefully about this before I go zooming down yet another avenue in this hobby. Would be next year anyway, once things calm down on the job and domestic fronts.