Buster, thanks.....Your sets are fantastic also, please consider adding them to the Little Victorian Wars Club Album so that others can enjoy the various sets realted to that period. What would be also great were if Mike at LL would come up with a wheeled version of the maxim machinegun..........Hummmm, its "ratta-tat-tat" would be fantastic! Gatlings and Nordenfelts were less bussy in the field, but given that is all manufacturers roll out in their series.....may lead people to imagine that they were all over the place.....They were not even present at Omdurman! I was counting that given that the Naval version is part of Mike´s production line,a land one on a carriage would be the next move! Let us see if one will show up soon.........counting ........ no other manufacturer has come close to rolling one out. Was counting on WETS who actually came to a set, but Craig ( the man behind WETS ) passed away last December and the business folded.