Well I'm back!!!! Loads more photo's from the Britains and MKL stands.
Great photo,s thanks to all who posted........ Wish we would get a toysoldier show down here,one day maybe.........
All for it.
How about a Toy Soldier Show in Perth, WA ?
and Clive prentending to take a photo.
Actually I would like to take this opportunity to thank Clive again for the very generous gift of one of the limited edition show figures.
Hey Jeff what was the figure?
Sorry guys,forgot who made these but they were very impressive,I think Clive got one of them.
Rob, what a great day out yesterday!
These are made by The British Toy Soldier Company and retail at £800 for the boat and £300 for the figures which are Dorset Soldiers castings.
Was really good wasn't it Jeff,good to see you mate.Thanks for your superb shots,much better than mine.
Rob, there's nothing wrong with yours Mate!