Looking for help w/ FL's Union dismounted cavalry.... (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Sep 26, 2007
I'm considering jumping in and purchasing some of Buford's soldiers. I was hoping some of you who already have these figures could perhaps offer some opinions of them. I guess the best thing to do would be to buy one and see it for myself, but it lieu of that option, maybe someone could post a few pics of their Union troopers? I guess the thing I'm most curious about is the sizing. I collect FL's Romans and Germanic tribesmen and was wondering if Buford's men are scaled the same.

Thank you,

I have a fair number of these and I think I've posted some photos here and there in either the FL section or the Diorama section.

I don't collect other FL lines so can't help you there. However, Mike Estell has had these and they fit in with Britains. Also, if you look at UK Reb's Civil War photos, you can see FL mixed in with Britains.

Historically, some have said they're inaccurate because of the yellow stripe down the trousers. However, I've had others say that isn't so. At any rate, whether they're historically correct or not, I think they're fantastic.

If you wish I can try to post a few photos this weekend.

I'm considering jumping in and purchasing some of Buford's soldiers. I was hoping some of you who already have these figures could perhaps offer some opinions of them. I guess the best thing to do would be to buy one and see it for myself, but it lieu of that option, maybe someone could post a few pics of their Union troopers? I guess the thing I'm most curious about is the sizing. I collect FL's Romans and Germanic tribesmen and was wondering if Buford's men

Thank you,
I have most of the Romans and Barbarians and a great many Napoleonics and their scale appears the same to me. I have seen the ACW figures displayed next to these lines and I believe they are the same common scale as well. I also think you can confirm that fairly well by looking at the FL scale page


I would bet if you get one it won't be lonely for long.
Like Brad said, if you want exact and very detailed analysis as to the accuracy of these figures, ask Mike. He is certainly one of the best in describing the good or bad points of ACW uniforms on scale figures.

Joe ..I have 16 Romans and 18.. 19TH Alabama and the scale is the same .....the only FL that I find a little different is the Satlingrad figs they seem a little smaller ....but my eyes are not what they used to be !!!!!!^&grin^&grin

I have a fair number of these and I think I've posted some photos here and there in either the FL section or the Diorama section.

I don't collect other FL lines so can't help you there. However, Mike Estell has had these and they fit in with Britains. Also, if you look at UK Reb's Civil War photos, you can see FL mixed in with Britains.

Historically, some have said they're inaccurate because of the yellow stripe down the trousers. However, I've had others say that isn't so. At any rate, whether they're historically correct or not, I think they're fantastic.

If you wish I can try to post a few photos this weekend.


Like Brad said, if you want exact and very detailed analysis as to the accuracy of these figures, ask Mike. He is certainly one of the best in describing the good or bad points of ACW uniforms on scale figures.


I'm considering jumping in and purchasing some of Buford's soldiers. I was hoping some of you who already have these figures could perhaps offer some opinions of them. I guess the best thing to do would be to buy one and see it for myself, but it lieu of that option, maybe someone could post a few pics of their Union troopers? I guess the thing I'm most curious about is the sizing. I collect FL's Romans and Germanic tribesmen and was wondering if Buford's men are scaled the same.

Thank you,

Thank you for the recognition Brad and Noah. Joe, my main TS collecting interest is ACW. I collect mostly WB, but do have figures from other manufacturers, including FL. The FL ACW figures fit very well with WB, Conte, and ONTC. I have most of the FL Confederate figures, the mounted Gen Buford figure, and just two of the FL dismounted cavalry figures, the Sgt & Cpl. The link below is to one of my photos in my ACW album. The front row of Rebs is all FL, the backrow is WB and Conte. Check out the rest of my ACW album to get a better idea how these all blend together. All the best . . . .
:smile2: Mike

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Mestell. That is one amazing dio. When i look at it it seems the rebs are charging right at you!!! Brad
I'm considering jumping in and purchasing some of Buford's soldiers. I was hoping some of you who already have these figures could perhaps offer some opinions of them. I guess the best thing to do would be to buy one and see it for myself, but it lieu of that option, maybe someone could post a few pics of their Union troopers? I guess the thing I'm most curious about is the sizing. I collect FL's Romans and Germanic tribesmen and was wondering if Buford's men are scaled the same.

Thank you,

Hello Joe,
Even I'am French {sm4} I collect ACW range from FL. The level of paint and sculpt is very high. Check pics from Mike (Mestell) and Brad (Jazzeum), you will not be disappointed.
Please find bellow a small contribution from my website.
Best regards
And really like all of your dio's well Xavier. I always look forward to when you post a new one! Brad

Hi Brad,

Thanks for the links to the dios....great story telling & images! Thank you for all the info in your first post as well- very helpful. The lost trooper w/ the pistol looks like an amazing figure. The detail on the pistol is for intricate. If I decide to jump in, this would be my first figure.
I have most of the Romans and Barbarians and a great many Napoleonics and their scale appears the same to me. I have seen the ACW figures displayed next to these lines and I believe they are the same common scale as well. I also think you can confirm that fairly well by looking at the FL scale page


I would bet if you get one it won't be lonely for long.

Excellent! This is the news I was hoping for. Thank you Harper!

Joe ..I have 16 Romans and 18.. 19TH Alabama and the scale is the same .....the only FL that I find a little different is the Satlingrad figs they seem a little smaller ....but my eyes are not what they used to be !!!!!!^&grin^&grin

Hi Rod,
The news just keeps getting better! I have a bunch of the Romans and some of the great Ancient Germans too, and I really like the way they're scaled. I was just hoping the Union figures weren't a tad smaller as the Stalingrad figures appear to be. (My eyes are going too, but since we both saw the Stalingrad figures the same way, I think we're right.)
That is indeed good news that your 13th Alabama soldiers are the same size as the Romans. This is what I was hoping to hear, as I'm sure Buford's men are made to match.
Thank you for the recognition Brad and Noah. Joe, my main TS collecting interest is ACW. I collect mostly WB, but do have figures from other manufacturers, including FL. The FL ACW figures fit very well with WB, Conte, and ONTC. I have most of the FL Confederate figures, the mounted Gen Buford figure, and just two of the FL dismounted cavalry figures, the Sgt & Cpl. The link below is to one of my photos in my ACW album. The front row of Rebs is all FL, the backrow is WB and Conte. Check out the rest of my ACW album to get a better idea how these all blend together. All the best . . . .
:smile2: Mike


Wow Mike!{eek3} That diorama is incredible! And such seamless blending of so many different manufacturer's figures and scenic elements. Your ACW album pics are fantastic and look incredibly realistic. It's really amazing how you have amassed so many figures that all work so well together and each figure is positioned so well. Thanks again for the info. I will be revisiting your albums again very soon.
Hello Joe,
Even I'am French {sm4} I collect ACW range from FL. The level of paint and sculpt is very high. Check pics from Mike (Mestell) and Brad (Jazzeum), you will not be disappointed.
Please find bellow a small contribution from my website.
Best regards

Hello Xavier,
Thank you for the information and for the link to your staggering website{eek3}!
I'm just blown away. Such wonderful photography, diorama's and creative vision. Buford's men look amazing in your scenes. I believe I am sold!:smile2:
Hello Xavier,
Thank you for the information and for the link to your staggering website{eek3}!
I'm just blown away. Such wonderful photography, diorama's and creative vision. Buford's men look amazing in your scenes. I believe I am sold!:smile2:

Hello Joe,
I'am sure you will be very happy with these sets!
I have a project for a new Civil War dio, but waiting for more Union troops.
Mestell. That is one amazing dio. When i look at it it seems the rebs are charging right at you!!! Brad

Wow Mike!{eek3} That diorama is incredible! And such seamless blending of so many different manufacturer's figures and scenic elements. Your ACW album pics are fantastic and look incredibly realistic. It's really amazing how you have amassed so many figures that all work so well together and each figure is positioned so well. Thanks again for the info. I will be revisiting your albums again very soon.

Thank you Brad and Joe. I don't know what I enjoy more . . . collecting the figures or photographing them . . .
:smile2: Mike

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