You don't seem to be able to say 'Ok guys you are all right, I messed up it is just easier to produce an m1 carbine in 1/30th than an M1A1.'
You just seem to want to have a dig at me?:salute::
So if you're saying that I don't know what i'm talking about and that I'm wrong about the M1 carbine...does that mean you are saying that every member on here who is agreeing with me about the M1 carbine are also wrong and have no idea what they are talking about as well? That's a dangerous claim.
M1 Carbines had all wooden stocks.
M1A1 Carbines had all wooden stocks which were shortened near the trigger guard and had a folding butt which could be folded or unfolded.
And Andy mate I'd hate to tell you mate but if you're saying you have an original M1A1 carbine with all wooden stock then you've been duped mate...
I'd go get my money back right now!^&grin
Seems the only knickers in a twist here are yours Andy as you felt the need to create a whole thread just to try and prove me wrong and have a dig about me reenacting. You fouled up because not only was I right but you now look foolish having digs at a young guy and trying to prove them wrong when anyone who knows even a little about the m1 and m1a1 carbines knows the difference.
Think on that.
P.s. don't try and fold the wooden stock*