MG "old" and "new".... (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Feb 8, 2012
just thought it would be interesting to compare the new one with the old one; most, if not all, will consider it a "significant" improvement over the old ones in terms of paint/details; whether it justifies the amount of price increase is very subjective. as some have already mentioned, we have to wait to see them "live" before any definitive comments. also interesting is to see how the "new" will mix with the "old". i believe those attended the weatcoaster show may be able to shed more light on this after seeing gordon's dio....

Beside looking darker can't see much improvement for a £23.00 increase!
I would say there is a slight tonal variation to the combat jackets and the new figures have shaving lines. I like the new figures as I said yesterday in dispatches but, can't see this 'premium' level. I will now accordingly raise my painting prices and add a premiership level next to the championship I currently paint at!!!LOL
I am thinking although different shade, they will blend in together quite nicely. Same pattern just perhaps the new P figure a little richer. Good of you to try to compare with these photos, but until they are side by side, that will possibly be the only real test.:confused:, Robin.
Beside looking darker can't see much improvement for a £23.00 increase!

yes.....for the collectors in uk....this hike is even more magnified given the heavier weight of the £ sign
photo taken by "joesgis" (apologise in advance)
hope "joesgis" wont mind me posting his photo in this thread for the purpose of comparing the MG figures

hi mitch

i agree with you

recent releases of the classic germans; russians etc also feature shaving lines; better paint and details in general..........yet without the "premium" level

maybe a reduction in supply and or an "anticipated" increase in demand thus driving the price of the new MG up??!!

I would say there is a slight tonal variation to the combat jackets and the new figures have shaving lines. I like the new figures as I said yesterday in dispatches but, can't see this 'premium' level. I will now accordingly raise my painting prices and add a premiership level next to the championship I currently paint at!!!LOL
I would say there is a slight tonal variation to the combat jackets and the new figures have shaving lines. I like the new figures as I said yesterday in dispatches but, can't see this 'premium' level. I will now accordingly raise my painting prices and add a premiership level next to the championship I currently paint at!!!LOL

Agree there very nice but £54.00 is way to much
I can see a few increases in detail. I suppose if the old and new display well together, is there enough difference in quality to be worth the increased price. If the old and new figures didn't display well together, that might indicate there is a big difference in quality. I suppose it is up to the individual - the premium quality does not do it for me and will not get me to spend extra money for them.

Yep that's a better comparison, to the untrained eye the figure at back does not look that different to the new 3 at the front IMO. I am biased because I have always liked the camo of these British Para's, so I can accept the paler shade between the two. If they end up conflicting, I will use the old ones to take one end of the bridge and the newer versions the other, thus keeping them apart.{sm4}, Robin.
good point

it certainly makes me appreciate the old releases more in terms of quality vs cost

I can see a few increases in detail. I suppose if the old and new display well together, is there enough difference in quality to be worth the increased price. If the old and new figures didn't display well together, that might indicate there is a big difference in quality. I suppose it is up to the individual - the premium quality does not do it for me and will not get me to spend extra money for them.

just thought it would be interesting to compare the new one with the old one; most, if not all, will consider it a "significant" improvement over the old ones in terms of paint/details; whether it justifies the amount of price increase is very subjective. as some have already mentioned, we have to wait to see them "live" before any definitive comments. also interesting is to see how the "new" will mix with the "old". i believe those attended the weatcoaster show may be able to shed more light on this after seeing gordon's dio....

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The camo on the para smock is quiet different in the new figure..... a noticeably difference .....I do not understand why the new figures smocks have a new camo scheme .....maybe they were issued with more realistic smocks later in the war.....TomB
The camo on the para smock is quiet different in the new figure..... a noticeably difference .....I do not understand why the new figures smocks have a new camo scheme .....maybe they were issued with more realistic smocks later in the war.....TomB

Both figures are from the same battle so should have the same smocks
photo taken by "joesgis" (apologise in advance)
hope "joesgis" wont mind me posting his photo in this thread for the purpose of comparing the MG figures

View attachment 124055

No problem at all Tommy. I hope the pic helps shed some light on the subject. Having a chance to see the MG figures first hand was a real pleasure. I think I mentioned it when I first posted the pics originally, but I immediately noticed the extra facial painting detail. And I'm not just talking about 5 o'clock shadows as someone pointed out in another critique (from pics only I might add). But after seeing several of these figures in the flesh I can say clearly that the new figure's facial features are much more delicately painted and appear more realistic because of it. It just really jumped out at me when I first viewed the figures. Now I'm not defended or condemning the price hike; I'm just reporting what I observed. I would like another look at the figures in person before I decide if the price increase is justified or not, especially since upon initial viewing of the figures I was completely unaware of the price jump that came w/ the Pathfinders label.
Here's an interesting point to consider as well. I collect connoisseur figures, and have studied them quite closely over the past 4 years or so. Often I have found the biggest determining factor (and sometimes the only factor) between a figure being rated a "9" as opposed to a "10" is the level of detail/realism of the facial painting. Just something to think about.

No problem at all Tommy. I hope the pic helps shed some light on the subject. Having a chance to see the MG figures first hand was a real pleasure. I think I mentioned it when I first posted the pics originally, but I immediately noticed the extra facial painting detail. And I'm not just talking about 5 o'clock shadows as someone pointed out in another critique (from pics only I might add). But after seeing several of these figures in the flesh I can say clearly that the new figure's facial features are much more delicately painted and appear more realistic because of it. It just really jumped out at me when I first viewed the figures. Now I'm not defended or condemning the price hike; I'm just reporting what I observed. I would like another look at the figures in person before I decide if the price increase is justified or not, especially since upon initial viewing of the figures I was completely unaware of the price jump that came w/ the Pathfinders label.
Here's an interesting point to consider as well. I collect connoisseur figures, and have studied them quite closely over the past 4 years or so. Often I have found the biggest determining factor (and sometimes the only factor) between a figure being rated a "9" as opposed to a "10" is the level of detail/realism of the facial painting. Just something to think about.


That assumes the rest of the figure (hands and fingers, weapons, guns, swords, cigars, cigarettes, etc) are already at a level 10. I have some big concerns about stratified production quality and pricing going forward.

You are correct Terry, and to that end, K & C's MGP figures upgrades are not limited to the faces alone. The faces are just what jumped out at me. I too am concerned w/ the stratification of pricing. I must say, I was plenty happy w/ the figures as they were, and if they were available in a MG series and a MG-P series, I would stick w/ the MG series. But something tells me if you want the P level figures, that just might be the only way to get them.
Back to the Russian figure comparison, I just wanted to emphasize that I'm not comparing K & C to Russian painted figures, but I'm just trying to point out that the MG-P figures I saw at the Westcoaster clearly exhibit a step up in facial detailing, and when this occurs w/ a Russian figure, it comes with a significant jump in price. Just something to think about. Lastly, I had to use flash in the photos I took of the MG-P figures. There is no doubt that the figures look better in person than in my pics.

The one figure that looked the best to me was the one on the left in the foreground. However, as I didn't see that figure in the releases, I assume it's in the next one.
Going by the two different photos I don't think the old set will work with the new sets as the camo on the new figures are a lot darker
I have been looking at a number of faces from recent and older K&C and comparing them to these new P figures and, I again just don't see the difference. I have just been looking at the plain old everyday releases of the new medic sets and these faces look very well detailed and have shading and detail (have a look) I have also been looking at some of the recent and older ones in terms of paint style from the perspective of what is asked for in shows and competitions (something again I know a good bit about) I also have been sent by a family member on the wife's side who attended the US show, his close up shots of the MG figures taken from the show so, for those who think I am using those for my comments upon only some flash shot semi blurred pictures, I am not.

I have not placed any pics but, look at the Hitler Jugend surrendering trooper recently excellent facial detail most of the D-Day brit and US troops have good facial detail as do nearly all of the BBA and BBG sets. Looking back at some older sets I could name several that have very good facial features also. This also covers uniform detailing in case anyone considers I have missed that area.

I cannot see what the difference is in terms of sudden detail increase from last months mundane releases to this months alleged super P releases. If what we are saying or will be said that the newer MG figures look better than the older ones I would accept that as they were released in 2007/8 when the painting across the board was similar however, in recent times the painting has in the terms I have mentioned got better but, these figures have not jumped above the current standard of last month's releases in terms of the rise in costs for them.

Just my view from behind the paint pallet chaps

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