Mike miller!!! (4 Viewers)

they can all be saved Brad...
I got almost 2 feet of salt water on my ground floor during Ike...
right up to my 110 plugs...
my house is 2,800 square...so about 1,400 square downstairs got flooded...
with salt water...

salt water is very corrosive...
anything metal will corrode...
washer...dryer...dish washer...outside air conditioners...cars...motorcycle...generators...pressure washers...
anything metal will rust once exposed...
all wood warps when it dries out...tables...doors...trim...molding...etc...

my golf group...
2-3 years later...
a guy would swing a golf club...
hit the ball...
and the head would fly off the shaft...
steel shafts were rusted on the inside...

most of their flooding was fresh water...not as bad...but not a pissing contest...so still...absolutely horrible...

in my house...we cut all the sheet rock up to 4 feet off the ground...to expose the studs...dried them out...and addressed any mold...

a company brought in industrial heaters and fans...(in August at 90+ degree)...made the house like an oven...
very expensive...shut all doors and windows...dried out the studs for 3 days...
then put new sheet rock...
taped...floated...textured...painted...new flooring...replaced metal windows...all appliances...etc...
downstairs of house was brand new when I finished...

if you skipped this mold process...and did not hire a de-humidifying company...and show proof to your insurance company that you did...then after your repairs...they were not responsible if you got mold years later...

the problem with a lot of these homes...not all by any means...is that they are already in low elevation areas...

some of the homes that flooded...never should have flooded...the meteorologists referred to this unequaled downpour as an 800 year storm...this has never happened...

there was so much damage...Texas Windstorm and my flood insurer were hiring any agents they could find to settle claims...
my guy was from Georgia...
he was so swamped with claims...
he didn't argue about anything...
almost just throwing money at me so he could close my claim and move on...

they can be fixed...

problem is.......................

over 80% of Harris County didn't carry flood insurance...
most of these areas never should had flooded...
I figured you were ok, I have been watching many of the helicopter rescues and I never saw a guy get off-loaded from the basket with boxes of toy soldiers in his lap.

Seriously though, hang tough and hit me if you need anything, I am headed back to Texas on Thursday.

Jason..where is your home in Texas??? did it make it through ok??
Houston took it out on Harvey today, that is the Astros against the Mets' Matt Harvey.
Houston took it out on Harvey today, that is the Astros against the Mets' Matt Harvey.

Hats off to the Mets as they pitched in and supported Houston this weekend. They agreed to play a double-header on Saturday so that the Astros players could use the day off to help out their communities and then they joined their fellow Astros at volunteer centers throughout the effected areas.
Jason..where is your home in Texas??? did it make it through ok??


Jason lives were all the HIGH rollers are at. Man, they got their own, PD, FD, greenskeepers...hell I think they all have personal assistants and chefs. Seriously though, San Antonio got real, real lucky!!!

John from Texas
along with Irma in the Atlantic (Cat 3)...
projected to move up the East coast...
I think the Boston/New York area is catching the remnants of Harvey...
They are saying Irma could reach the Gulf.They are not sure what it's gonna do.

Jason lives were all the HIGH rollers are at. Man, they got their own, PD, FD, greenskeepers...hell I think they all have personal assistants and chefs. Seriously though, San Antonio got real, real lucky!!!

John from Texas


Thanks, I truly needed a laugh. We are also known to have the most strictly enforced speed limits in the state.

On a serious note, the San Antonio area was spared most of the brunt of Harvey. As everyone knows Houston has deservedly gotten most of the attention when it comes to the destructive flooding. My thoughts and prayers also go out to the small communities such as Victoria, Beaumont and of course Corpus Christi.

It will be a massive recovery that will continue long after the water recedes. But like George will tell you about Boston, or Louis about New York, certain areas were made to take a hit and come back even stronger. Texas is one of those places.


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