Mike miller!!! (2 Viewers)

Once mike gets himself dry once again, I am envisioning a toy soldier weekend in the haunted Allen manse!
All of us wack jobs in a haunted house would be a hoot!!! 😀
Once mike gets himself dry once again, I am envisioning a toy soldier weekend in the haunted Allen manse!
All of us wack jobs in a haunted house would be a hoot!!! 😀


OMG that would be so fun!!! But, knowing us whack jobs there would be alcohol involved, seance's, a BBQ pit and a plan to toilet paper Stephan Kings house. Yeah, we would never be invited back.

John from Texas

Wow, what a story and what a history to your home. Besides all the paranormal stuff I can only imagine its serenity and beauty. Those are interesting ghost stories and YES I am a believer of things that go bump in the night. I've seen then and heard them in the US and abroad. They are there man.

The CLOMP, CLOMP story is funny..."I yelled at him"...what cajones you have but I did read somewhere that if you do speak to them and tell them to stop or tell them they don't belong here they will go. Kinda like a "What are you doing? Go home already" tone and they will comply. I honestly believe people's versions of what they saw or heard. It may sound fantastic, but it IS what they see, feel or hear at that moment. I give most stories a 70/30 split: 70 being true and 30 possible BS.

I have been to Maine once in my life. A passing moment from returning from the Gulf War. We flew into Bangor, Maine and were met by some creeped out hippy protesters playing their guitar and singing baby killer songs...subtly though. We were so hung over from drinking Guinness in Ireland that we paid them no mind. However, in the reception area I remember these old VETS from the VFW passing out mini American flags and saying "Welcome home son". They were so sweet, kind and to be there at midnight to welcome us was a honor I will never forgot that. After that it was straight to the concession stand for a Hot Dog and a Coke.

Maine is now on my radar for a far future trip...but I have to go through Boston first and pick up ZB Lang for protection.

Can you send a pic of your home? It would stir the imagination.

John from Texas
gotta love the Governor here...

came out with 2 press releases just now...

"if you loot or rob a vacated home...if we catch you...we are magnifying the penalty to 5 years to life"...

hehehe...love it...

but by the same token...

he said...

"if you need help...shelter...food...medical assistance...we don't care if you are a citizen of the US...an illegal alien...just come to us and we will help you no questions asked"...

they are calling this an "800 year rain storm now"...


Ole Abbot the savior...from Mother Jones website AND the Texas Legs:

"With the worst of Hurricane Harvey’s destruction yet to be seen, two new laws—one that will limit the right of homeowners to sue insurance companies, and another that aims to crack down on sanctuary cities and undocumented immigrants—will go into effect in Texas on Friday. Both carry the potential to seriously harm vulnerable residents in the state already battered by the catastrophic storm, and some lawmakers are calling for a special session to roll back the implementation date of both measures.

The relatively obscure law, House Bill 1774, was passed in May and is designed to discourage so-called “abusive” lawsuits that occur when policyholders sue insurance companies over certain weather-related claims. Proponents say the law will target scams and frivolous lawsuits that have caused insurance premiums to skyrocket in the state. But critics argue that the law guts important homeowners’ protections, while relieving insurance companies from having to pay for penalties such as late fees incurred with overdue insurance claims.

“It’s a David v. Goliath battle from the start,” Dallas lawyer Brian Lauten told the Dallas Morning News. “They have basically taken away David’s slingshot.”

The law has become especially relevant this week, when Texans attempt to assess the colossal damage in Harvey’s wake, and forecasters predict the state will be battered by a second wave of flooding mid-week. Displaced Texans may be unable to return home before the law’s September 1 implementation.

Some lawmakers are now calling for a special legislative session in order to delay the law from going into effect before the full extent of Harvey’s catastrophic damage can be assessed:

SB 4 already has received national attention thanks to the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration. The Texas law will allow police officials to inquire about a person’s immigration status once they are legally detained. It also targets so-called sanctuary cities—Austin, for instance—that refuse to cooperate with federal efforts to lock up undocumented immigrants. Immigration groups fear that the law will dissuade undocumented immigrants from seeking government assistance both during the storm and in its aftermath.

Speaking at a press conference Monday, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner urged Texans to place the law on hold as relief efforts continued. “I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what your status is,” Turner told reporters. “I do not want you to run the risk of losing your life or a family member because you’re concerned about SB 4 or anything else.” He added: “If someone comes and they require help and then for some reason [someone] tries to deport them, I will represent them myself.”

Despite the encouraging message, the state’s border patrol stations have remained open for business during the storm."

So, George when your Italian manliness come to Texas for a visit and local Texas cop smells Mexicano in your blood, he has the right to stop you and say "Show me your papers"...like the KGB in Russia. SB4 also gives Campus Cops the power, so if Mike Miller is back at his Alma Mater in Dallas partying it up and a Campus cop smells illegal immigrant from the Maldives...he can be detained. Also, if Louis come to Texas and runs for Mayor of Houston and wins and thinks his city council members are deemed "uncooperative" in reporting illegals he can have them brought up on Class A misdemeanor charges.

Oh yeah, we are headed to a police state.

John from Texas
So, George when your Italian manliness come to Texas for a visit and local Texas cop smells Mexicano in your blood, he has the right to stop you and say "Show me your papers".........................

This made me laugh and think of a Cheech and Chong movie and one of the lines from a song in it; "Mexican Americans come to America, take Spanish and get a B".............................
Once mike gets himself dry once again, I am envisioning a toy soldier weekend in the haunted Allen manse!
All of us wack jobs in a haunted house would be a hoot!!! 😀

I can just imagine the lot of us wandering around Larry's haunted house "Hey Zack, let go of my arm so I can open this bedroom door"................."I'm not holding your arm".........."Hey look, it's the "clopper" Larry yelled at with the size 15 gunboats....."YEAAAAAHHHHAA!".......something right out of one of those three stooges shorts when the boys were in a haunted house............come to think of it, we already have a Larry, now we need a Moe and a Shemp (or a Curly if you prefer)..................
I can just imagine the lot of us wandering around Larry's haunted house "Hey Zack, let go of my arm so I can open this bedroom door"................."I'm not holding your arm".........."Hey look, it's the "clopper" Larry yelled at with the size 15 gunboats....."YEAAAAAHHHHAA!".......something right out of one of those three stooges shorts when the boys were in a haunted house............come to think of it, we already have a Larry, now we need a Moe and a Shemp (or a Curly if you prefer)..................

George "Stop grabbing me"...Zach "I'm not I'm under the table"...The Clopper..."sorry that was me"...Mike Miller "I'm thirsty"....John "I'm hungry"...LaRRy (yelling) "ALL OF YOUS GO TO BED!"...Louis "Gentleman the man said go to bed"...TOMTNT..."my torch is not working"...Julie "its a FLASHLIGHT"

John from Texas
This made me laugh and think of a Cheech and Chong movie and one of the lines from a song in it; "Mexican Americans come to America, take Spanish and get a B".............................


My face his hurting from all the laughing!!! You nailed it!!!

John from Texas
Wow Larry 48 acres 17 rooms not a large population in Maine.Sounds great except the Maine winter and cleaning those 17 rooms.{eek3}^&grin

Nope the population of Waldoboro is only 5000 or less. We have a lot more moose, coyote, deer, fox and such than people.

Ya' Maine winters can be a bit tough. When the temps drop to 10 or 20 degrees below zero and the wind chill pushes that down another 20 or so degrees you don't want to lease the house without your double insulated long-johns!

BUT ... that is when you crank up the wood stoves (or gas stoves) and watch the flames flicker as you sip your Courvoisier or Grand Marnier, with a great book in your lap and Mozart or Beethoven plays in the background.

Clean? What are wives for????
Okay, okay ... truth be told, I swing a mean mop. {sm4}

--- LaRRy
Once mike gets himself dry once again, I am envisioning a toy soldier weekend in the haunted Allen manse!
All of us wack jobs in a haunted house would be a hoot!!! 😀


-- LaRRy

OMG that would be so fun!!! But, knowing us whack jobs there would be alcohol involved, seance's, a BBQ pit and a plan to toilet paper Stephan Kings house. Yeah, we would never be invited back.

John from Texas

WELL that implies that you bunch of wild crazies would be invited in the FIRST PLACE! ...{sm4}
As I said, I would feel safer with the ghosts than you bunch!

--- LaRRy
I can just imagine the lot of us wandering around Larry's haunted house "Hey Zack, let go of my arm so I can open this bedroom door"................."I'm not holding your arm".........."Hey look, it's the "clopper" Larry yelled at with the size 15 gunboats....."YEAAAAAHHHHAA!".......something right out of one of those three stooges shorts when the boys were in a haunted house............come to think of it, we already have a Larry, now we need a Moe and a Shemp (or a Curly if you prefer)..................

Come to think of it .... my barn is the best place for you guys.
There is still some bales of hay there and I can toss you a few scraps of food in the evening.

--- LaRRy
..Julie "its a FLASHLIGHT"

If you ever come to the Chicago show, Julie, myself and Larry will tell you the greatest "flashlight" story ever in the history of flashlight stories.........it involves toy soldiers, a toy soldier show and an escaped mental patient................I promise you that you'll never laugh harder in your life...................Larry can back me on this one................
If you ever come to the Chicago show, Julie, myself and Larry will tell you the greatest "flashlight" story ever in the history of flashlight stories.........it involves toy soldiers, a toy soldier show and an escaped mental patient................I promise you that you'll never laugh harder in your life...................Larry can back me on this one................

AND ... don't forget the scanning electron microscope that goes with the story...... ^&confuse

--- LaRRy
I love juicy stories....when's the Toy show again?

Nevermind I looked it up.

John from Texas
We're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, when we're talking about haunted houses. Sounds like fun. Anybody remember the three stooges episode where a scary balloon face got hooked up on the back of Curly's pants and whenever Curly turned around he'd see the scary balloon and start running. Mike, you're one popular guy judging by the amount of posts and views on this thread. Stay dry.
I see Chris Christie and Ted Cruz are engaged in a war of words. I'm no fan of Christie but I'm glad to see he called Cruz out.
I see Chris Christie and Ted Cruz are engaged in a war of words. I'm no fan of Christie but I'm glad to see he called Cruz out.

Cruz has a look on his face like he's got a pole up his ***, what a dour looking fella he is................

The MIKE MILLER thread is about to get political.

I loathe (thats the nice word) Ted Cruz...if I ever see him face to face...well I don't want this thread to be shut down. But he IS a creep, ugly, out touch and does not eat like a Mexican. I know Cowboys who eat like Mexicans better than him. Why? Because he is from Canada. A wanker of the highest order. George I had to look up the word "dour".


John from Texas

PS: I hope non of our Canadian friends get mad at me. I dig Canada, but please extradite this fool out of Texas.

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