Mike miller!!! (2 Viewers)

Mike, glad to see posting, which means you have electricity to keep your refrigerator running. Footage of Houston is horrendous. Hang tough.
Mike - Post some photos if you have the capability and opportunity. I hope you still have power. I know from experience that things start to get rough under any conditions when the power is out for more than about 48 hours. After a week or so many people are going to be a big hurt with possibly no access to food, medicine etc.
Yes the water will start to stagnate and then diseases will start to spread.I'm worried how many bodies they will find under the water.I just can't imagine losing everything like that.You might not even have a job to go back to.What a terrible tragedy
Thoughts and prayers Mike is all I can say, I'm embarrassed to realize I never knew the lay of the land so to speak regarding Galveston, it's literally an island in the Gulf of Mexico, unbelievable, hang tough my friend.

Was listening to a commentator on a talk radio show today in MA, he was raving about the people of Texas and how they've banded together and are helping neighbors, friends and most importantly, total strangers get through this, story after story about rescuing people.

No waiting for the government to step in, no hand outs, no "When is the government going to help ME", they are helping themselves and doing what all human beings should do; lend a helping hand to those in need, no wonder it's called the GREAT state of Texas, they are doing themselves proud.

What a terrible tragedy this is, this storm is just unrelenting, refusing to give those poor people a break, it's heartbreaking to see.

Chopper from Port Aransas info is as follows:

Espejo Helicopters
Dos Gates-Pilot

The contact in San Antonio is getting booked real fast.

They both will only fly in weather up to 49 knots. I don't know the winds you got over there now, but Mike if you need a evac to my house let me know. I hate to say this but the skies are clear here and you know we are only two hours and change away. You can stay anytime now or in the future.

Thinking of you My friend-John

PS: George thanks for the shout out...it really means a lot to us Texans.

Marco you are so right about the plumbing. Once that fails its over, until the water recedes...disease, stench and death. It could be weeks with out sanitation and water.

Chopper from Port Aransas info is as follows:

Espejo Helicopters
Dos Gates-Pilot

The contact in San Antonio is getting booked real fast.

They both will only fly in weather up to 49 knots. I don't know the winds you got over there now, but Mike if you need a evac to my house let me know. I hate to say this but the skies are clear here and you know we are only two hours and change away. You can stay anytime now or in the future.

Thinking of you My friend-John

PS: George thanks for the shout out...it really means a lot to us Texans.

Marco you are so right about the plumbing. Once that fails its over, until the water recedes...disease, stench and death. It could be weeks with out sanitation and water.


Get Mike out of there if you can. And thank you for offering him your hospitality. The same offer stands from me. If you, Michael or Carlos can get to an airport, you have a place to stay in New York if you need one.

yes...Galveston is an island...our main economy is tourism...the hotel and restaurant industry...after that...the largest employer is the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)...tourism...health care and shipping are the main industries here...

it is a favorite destination for Spring breakers to summer family vacations...the Tourism Bureau works hard to host events all year long to promote tourism...Mardi Gras...the Biker Rally...Dickens...etc...

it is 27 miles long and 3 miles wide...we have a beach facing the Gulf of Mexico that runs all the way down the south side facing the Gulf of Mexico...the north side is mostly commercial properties for shipping...shrimpers, commercial and recreational fishing...cruise ships...etc...

a smaller population now...about 50,000...but around 65,000 before Hurricane Ike 9 years ago...a lot of people didn't rebuild and left...

it is connected to the sate of Texas by a large tall concrete causeway bridge over Galveston Bay that leads up the Houston ship channel...ships can pass under this...it allows access to supertanker ships...

there is a ferry towards Louisiana on the east end of the Island and a toll bridge to Surfside on the west end of the Island...these are the only 3 ways to enter Galveston other than plane or boat

Galveston was known as "The Wall Street of the South," during the 19th century. At that time, Galveston was the most prosperous city in Texas and one of the busiest ports in the nation, second only to New Orleans. Extremely wealthy families were made shipping cotton...and the five largest banks (at that time) in Texas...were located on The Strand in Galveston. They made their fortunes from handling their monies. The is a lot of "old money" here.

Galveston County is next to Harris County (Houston)...about 30 miles...Harris County is where all the flooding is...Galveston only got minor flooding of streets...no homes flooded that I know of yet...see map...

today has been the rainiest and windiest day since this system appeared...the system is now projected to move to Louisiana by Thursday...when it was Harvey...a Category 4 Hurricane...in it's full strength...it hit another coastal town about 250 miles south west of Galveston...Corpus Christi...

Galveston so far has been sparred the brunt of it...winds right now are about 60mph...and sporadic rain that is declining...

I consider myself VERY LUCKY...
I have had no issues to speak of...
a few shingles lost...
the upstairs central air is out (but the downstairs still works)...
it appears one of my a/c outside units became un-strappped and shifted some on it's concrete slab...
probably due to high winds...
the breakers flipped off and I'm hoping it is just a short...or a wire pulled out...and not the compressor...
my a/c guy said he will get to me asap weather permitting...

things are coming back to normal...
I have no pictures of interest...

there were a couple of fools paddling a kayak in the street behind my house today...
maybe 3 foot of water...
we are surrounded by water and they felt the need to paddle around in the flooding...

I appreciate all the emails...phone calls...PM's...of concerns...
I also appreciate and all the responses with offers to host me and well wishes...

thank you guys...sincerely...thank you very much...
map of Galveston County...

Harris County got the absolute worst of it...


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Glad you are ok Mike.

They showed some time lapsed images of a river in Houston before and after; the after pictures are just frightening, the tops of trees sticking out of the water.

Some reporter was interviewing a large African American male (looked more like a linebacker for the Cowboys than your average citizen) at a gas station as they both stood in about a foot of water and he was gassing up his boat and the reporter asked him what he was doing where he was going and he said "I'm going to go rescue people".................holy ****, what a moment, just incredible...................
Nature plays some cruel tricks sometimes ... like now.

Here in Maine we have had a very dry summer and people are "praying" for rain.
The park rangers and wardens are getting nervous due to a (FIRE DANGER) in the forests.

Then we have you folks, with 6 trillions gallons, or more by now, pounding you guys. ..... hard to fathom! :redface2:

As before my friend, the offer for accommodations is out there ....I live in a 1790's; 17 room; Colonial home .. and have more than enough space for you to kick back and rest a bit.

Keep safe.

--- LaRRy

Just got off the phone with Mike Miller! He's OK!!! He said there are two shirtless dorks on a kayak paddling around...classic Mike Miller!!! You can hear the wind and rain on the phone. The winds are about 60mph and his palm trees are bending. His AC is out only because the got water around the compressors and out of all things his hot water heater decided to go out, which had nothing to do with the Hurricane. So, he said its him, the dog and cold showers. Other than that he is good to go.

He thanks everyone for reaching out and he said that he even got a call from John Jenkins. He really, really appreciates the thoughts and prayers. I gotta tell you it is always a hoot to talk to Mike Miller...he had my rolling on the phone with some of his stories. So, one minute of serious talk and 20 minutes of slack jawing. Love that guy!

John from Texas
Nature plays some cruel tricks sometimes ... like now.

Here in Maine we have had a very dry summer and people are "praying" for rain.
The park rangers and wardens are getting nervous due to a (FIRE DANGER) in the forests.

Then we have you folks, with 6 trillions gallons, or more by now, pounding you guys. ..... hard to fathom! :redface2:

As before my friend, the offer for accommodations is out there ....I live in a 1790's; 17 room; Colonial home .. and have more than enough space for you to kick back and rest a bit.

Keep safe.

--- LaRRy


17 rooms? Man that has got to be cool! In a house that old you got to have ghosts man. When can we visit?

John from Texas
gotta love the Governor here...

came out with 2 press releases just now...

"if you loot or rob a vacated home...if we catch you...we are magnifying the penalty to 5 years to life"...

hehehe...love it...

but by the same token...

he said...

"if you need help...shelter...food...medical assistance...we don't care if you are a citizen of the US...an illegal alien...just come to us and we will help you no questions asked"...

they are calling this an "800 year rain storm now"...

17 rooms? Man that has got to be cool! In a house that old you got to have ghosts man. When can we visit?

John from Texas

Evening John,

Ya' John, it has a lot of space to spread the wings .... :rolleyes: or put toy soldiers ... ^&grin.

When I brought the house, most of the rooms were just barely usable, but over the years I have worked on the house, barns, property (48 acres) and got it up to my liking. I am still working as this summer has been two porch extensions.

The house was built by Joshua and John head who started it in 1798 and finished in 1802 ... extensions have been added in 1880's, 1923 and 1972.
The Head family went on to establish Head sporting equipment empire .. Head Ski. The Head family was quite wealthy in their day and owned a large fleet of merchant ships.

Ghosts ... most certainly.
Actually two active ones!

We have the crying baby.

Back in the 1700's - 1800's expectant mothers were move into the "Birthing' room when delivery time arrived. It was generally a closed room (No windows and one door.) The history of the house has some children living only a short time after birth and (sadly) passing away in that room.
When we first purchased the house, it was an operating inn, which we ran for 12 years.

SEVEN times we had a guest tell us that the child in the next room was crying during the night and woke them up a few times. Their complexion changed when I told them the room next door was empty and that was our most likely a child that died two hundred years ago. {eek3}

Then we have Jingles

More times than I can relay, my wife, myself and many guest have heard 3 to 4 minutes of a Jingling <something>.

It might be Jingling keys, it might be Jingling bells, it might be Jingling glass ware or silverware ... what ever.

We had a couple come to us in the middle of the night and request a different room. Seems that "Jingles" took a liking to the lady's charm bracelet and decided to play with it. (TRUE or NOT) she said when they turned on the light the bracelet fell to the floor. They put in back on the deck and 5 minute later then goes the jingling bracelet and then plop on to the floor. They were supposed to stay with us 5 night but left the next morning. :redface2:

The only one that annoyed me was the one who liked to walk up and down the darn stairway at night. He must have had size 15 shoes when he was alive.
CLOMP .... CLOMP .... CLOMP. After I yelled he would stop for a few days then startup again. Haven't had him for a while now.

We did have a Paranormal Investigator here once from Southern Maine University ... what a joke! He scared me more than the ghosts!

Evening John,

Ya' John, it has a lot of space to spread the wings .... :rolleyes: or put toy soldiers ... ^&grin.

When I brought the house, most of the rooms were just barely usable, but over the years I have worked on the house, barns, property (48 acres) and got it up to my liking. I am still working as this summer has been two porch extensions.

The house was built by Joshua and John head who started it in 1798 and finished in 1802 ... extensions have been added in 1880's, 1923 and 1972.
The Head family went on to establish Head sporting equipment empire .. Head Ski. The Head family was quite wealthy in their day and owned a large fleet of merchant ships.

Ghosts ... most certainly.
Actually two active ones!

We have the crying baby.

Back in the 1700's - 1800's expectant mothers were move into the "Birthing' room when delivery time arrived. It was generally a closed room (No windows and one door.) The history of the house has some children living only a short time after birth and (sadly) passing away in that room.
When we first purchased the house, it was an operating inn, which we ran for 12 years.

SEVEN times we had a guest tell us that the child in the next room was crying during the night and woke them up a few times. Their complexion changed when I told them the room next door was empty and that was our most likely a child that died two hundred years ago. {eek3}

Then we have Jingles

More times than I can relay, my wife, myself and many guest have heard 3 to 4 minutes of a Jingling <something>.

It might be Jingling keys, it might be Jingling bells, it might be Jingling glass ware or silverware ... what ever.

We had a couple come to us in the middle of the night and request a different room. Seems that "Jingles" took a liking to the lady's charm bracelet and decided to play with it. (TRUE or NOT) she said when they turned on the light the bracelet fell to the floor. They put in back on the deck and 5 minute later then goes the jingling bracelet and then plop on to the floor. They were supposed to stay with us 5 night but left the next morning. :redface2:

The only one that annoyed me was the one who liked to walk up and down the darn stairway at night. He must have had size 15 shoes when he was alive.
CLOMP .... CLOMP .... CLOMP. After I yelled he would stop for a few days then startup again. Haven't had him for a while now.

We did have a Paranormal Investigator here once from Southern Maine University ... what a joke! He scared me more than the ghosts!


My advice Mike unless you've got about 12 clean pairs of underwear, stay in Galveston, I'd take my chances with the water vs the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future that live in Larry's house....................:wink2:
Evening John,

Ya' John, it has a lot of space to spread the wings .... :rolleyes: or put toy soldiers ... ^&grin.

When I brought the house, most of the rooms were just barely usable, but over the years I have worked on the house, barns, property (48 acres) and got it up to my liking. I am still working as this summer has been two porch extensions.

The house was built by Joshua and John head who started it in 1798 and finished in 1802 ... extensions have been added in 1880's, 1923 and 1972.
The Head family went on to establish Head sporting equipment empire .. Head Ski. The Head family was quite wealthy in their day and owned a large fleet of merchant ships.

Ghosts ... most certainly.
Actually two active ones!

We have the crying baby.

Back in the 1700's - 1800's expectant mothers were move into the "Birthing' room when delivery time arrived. It was generally a closed room (No windows and one door.) The history of the house has some children living only a short time after birth and (sadly) passing away in that room.
When we first purchased the house, it was an operating inn, which we ran for 12 years.

SEVEN times we had a guest tell us that the child in the next room was crying during the night and woke them up a few times. Their complexion changed when I told them the room next door was empty and that was our most likely a child that died two hundred years ago. {eek3}

Then we have Jingles

More times than I can relay, my wife, myself and many guest have heard 3 to 4 minutes of a Jingling <something>.

It might be Jingling keys, it might be Jingling bells, it might be Jingling glass ware or silverware ... what ever.

We had a couple come to us in the middle of the night and request a different room. Seems that "Jingles" took a liking to the lady's charm bracelet and decided to play with it. (TRUE or NOT) she said when they turned on the light the bracelet fell to the floor. They put in back on the deck and 5 minute later then goes the jingling bracelet and then plop on to the floor. They were supposed to stay with us 5 night but left the next morning. :redface2:

The only one that annoyed me was the one who liked to walk up and down the darn stairway at night. He must have had size 15 shoes when he was alive.
CLOMP .... CLOMP .... CLOMP. After I yelled he would stop for a few days then startup again. Haven't had him for a while now.

We did have a Paranormal Investigator here once from Southern Maine University ... what a joke! He scared me more than the ghosts!


Larry, that is awesome, I am definitely coming to visit you one day!
This is in no way comparable to what you are going through in Texas but I was reminded of Hurricane Sandy when I saw Chris Christie on tv tonight. That was a rough two weeks without power, plumbing, what have you but Houston is obviously 100 times worse.
Wow Larry 48 acres 17 rooms not a large population in Maine.Sounds great except the Maine winter and cleaning those 17 rooms.{eek3}^&grin

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