What a very good idea for a thread. I have often thought "why am I interested in this era". Mainly Napoleonic.
History has always been an interest to me especially British history.
At school in the sixties we were mainly brainwashed into believing nothing much happened up until WWII. WW1 only got a look in because we had to learn how it related to WWII.
No lessons about the British Empire, Zulu wars, Crimea and nothing about the Napoleonic wars;
History at school seemed so drab.
So I would say movies like Zulu, Charge of the Light Brigade and Waterloo being the major ones and books fueled the interest; More recently the Sharpe TV series and authors such as Cornwall. Mallinson and Scarrow have kept the interest alive for me.
It's the whole thing about huge armies dressing up in brightly coloured uniforms to look the best for the enemy and then cutting each other to pieces in some open field far from home that I found totally fascinating.
The whole heroic scene of standing around a flag and protecting it with your life. I find that amazing.
The little toy soldier guys bring it all to life again for me.
It's funny that "octavedoctor" says going to see the film Zulu with his dad was a bonding experience. It was the reverse for me visiting the Woolwich Odeon with my dad when I must have been about nine or so. I'm in my fifties now and I still remember my dad ripping into me because I said I couldn't understand why in tha last scene of the film the Zulus just didn't attack all at once and slaughter the remaining red coats. I obviously thought it a good discussion point. He didn't..........