Mr. Larry Lo (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Earlier today I had a phone call from the States from Hans Hedrich, whom some of you know from the “Chicago” and “West Coaster” Shows.

Hans told me the very sad news of the passing of Larry Lo in New York. For almost six months, Larry had been fighting bravely against a very virulent and aggressive form of cancer.

As I write these words I still cannot believe Larry has gone! Together with Hans, John Bennett, Louis Badolato and Howard & Jen Woods I spent several days with Larry last June in New York after the “Texas” Show. At that time he appeared in the pink of health and in great spirits.

Larry loved his wife, his family, his very successful restaurant business, his friends, the U.S. Navy (especially Navy fliers and aircraft carriers) and…he loved his toy soldiers!

I first met Larry many years ago through Louis and always enjoyed his wit, intelligence and zest for life…He was a true original and an all-round “good guy” who was a joy to spend time with.

As a toy soldier collector he had a world-class collection that was one of his “pride and joys.” To attend toy soldier shows with him or just to sit down and have a meal with him was a guarantee of a good time. The sight of Larry in jeans and his US Navy flight jacket coming towards you was always something to look forward to at any time.

Myself, Gordon and all of us at King & Country extend our deepest condolences to his wife and children at this terrible time. It may be a very small consolation to know that Larry’s suffering is over and…somewhere above us…Larry is up there, with a big wide grin on his face, flying an F18 Hornet!

Rest in peace buddy…with the greatest regrets, your old friend,
Andy C. Neilson​
This is Very Sad news. It is a big loss for the Hobby as he was a dedicated Collector, and for those who knew the man. My Condolences go out to his Family and close friends .
That is sad news...My condolences go out to Larry's family...

Terrible, terrible news.

Marie and I send our heartfelt condolences to his family.

I never met Larry face to face but exchanged many emails and on one occasion a few years ago, when Larry was visiting London, I had the pleasure of a long telephone conversation with him discussing our joint love of collection Trophy Miniatures

R.I.P. my friend

I met Larry for the first time last year. He was as advertised, a most genuine and gracious man. I am so sorry for his passing, and for his family's loss. There is a hole in the heart of collectors' nation today. My condolences also to Louis and his loss, as Larry was a great friend of his...Michael
I am very saddened to read of this terrible news. My deepest sympathies and condolences to his wife and family for their loss.

Although I never had the chance to meet him, he was most kind in helping me with my King & Country collection. I shall miss his dedication and enthusiasm for the hobby.

Always a gentleman to me, super polite and super generous! Larry will be missed, God Bless You and God Bless your Family! You "are" loved by many!

I first met Larry in 2005 at the first NY Symposium when I was a relatively new collector and over the years he was all the things everybody said he was. He had a great sense of humor and always knew how to make us laugh. His collection was incredible. He may had the best K & C collection in the world except maybe for Louis. He know how to find rare pieces. His Trophy collection was as equally large. He helped me in immeasurable ways.

Louis had told me he was very ill several months ago and his chances poor but I always hoped he would somehow pull through and I saw him bidding on eBay a month ago and thought he must be getting better.

I'm really, really sad about his passing but like Andy said thank god his suffering is over.

A warm human being has left the stage. My condolences to his family as well as his great friends Louis and Hans.

RIP Larry.

I never met him but would have liked to.

Have bumped a few of his threads in memory of him and his collecting.

All the best to his family and friends.

I have never met Larry but he sounds like a nice bloke. R.I.P. Larry.

Truer words never written about Larry. Larry is one of the main reasons I got back into the hobby, we met by chance on ebay of all places many moons ago. Larry had me come up to NYC for a symposium and it has been a ride ever since. He was the true meaning of a gentleman and just an incredible guy and I was saddened by the phone call I received yesterday. Larry had a zest and an excitement for life and this hobby like no other. Over the years we traded and exchanged items more times than I can count and if you needed something, he could find it................amongst the duplicates in his collection! Like Brad indicated earlier, the true shock of the news of his health earlier this past year was an absolute blindside. I have never met a guy who had appeared as a stalwart of health in my life, it is just a sad day. Jill and I send our condolences to Annie and kids and will truly miss Larry. He was just a gem. Larry, rest in peace, I know that you will eternally be collecting the little men in quadruplicate!

Just feel sad to hear this sad news, a couple of years ago I asked Larry to post some old K&C wooden Tiger tank photos for me and he though did not know me but posted several photos the following days. A very kind man. I appreciated his kind assistance. Deeply sorry for a great loss to this hobby.
A real shocker. I had no idea he was ill. Even though we exchanged only a few PMs, he came across as a very genuine guy. And by the way his collector friends always spoke of him, he will surely be missed.

My sympathies to his family and to his friends in the toy soldier world.

Cancer is such a horrible thing, glad his ordeal is over and may he rest in peace.

Wow, I know he was sick and I was hoping against hope.

He was a great guy and a humble one too.

I've seen him along with Hans, Louis and the rest of gang at the Chicago Show many times.

God bless him and his family,

I never had a chance to get to know Larry. It can be said that the measure of a man can be found in what others think of him, and obviously Larry measures up well. My sincere condolences go out to his family and friends.

I received a phone call regarding this yesterday like many others of you have, what a sad day, just terrible.

Met Larry a long time ago at one of the shows, saw him many, many times after that initial meeting and he always had a big smile on his face, never, ever in a bad mood, an all around terrific person. One of the most enthusiastic collectors I've ever met, I helped him hunt down a few rare items for his collection over the years.

He'd always be one of the first collectors in line at the shows, was a fixture at Valley Forge and Hackensack, he was extremely respectful to my Dad, always called him Mr Guerriero, he'd always make sure my Dad was ok at the shows and would spend some time with him, my Dad thought the world of him, as did I. He'd always invite us to his restaurant after the shows.

I phoned my Dad yesterday to inform him of Larry's passing, he was pretty upset, he said why is it always the good ones this happens to, much too young to pass away.

Larry certainly was one of the good ones and he was much too young, that is for sure.

My sincere condolences to his family; R.I.P. my friend, the toy soldier community and society in general loses another of it's terrific members..................
i write this today in complete shock and sadness i was new to the hobby in 2005 met larry in chicago at the show and within seconds knew with his never ending smile and excitement for the hobby he was one of the good guys. from that day on we became good friends, i was lucky to see him often being i live in new york he would come to my place and look over the collection and talk for hours about the history of the hobby and i would take it all in with amazement of his vast knowledge of it all. And to see his collection was the most amazing thing.i remember larry me and hans drove together to valley forge this year and how we laughed all the way there and back.on a personal note myself i was battling cancer three years ago and remember larry would send me toy soldiers that i was missing to make me feel better, thats the kind of great person he was always thinking and helping others my heart is broken today as we have lost one of the good guys. my thoughts and prayers go out to his family.
That is very sad news. Larry was a gentleman and I interacted with him regarding trophy soldiers
Very sorry to hear this

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