Muddy Tracks (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 6, 2006
While everyone is getting uptight about K&C's new P series

I always disliked the tracks, but I am not going to knock them I figured I would work with them. Here is the begining phase of my fix. More highlighting and texturing to be done. This is going into a scene with FL Russians when I am done.

I used pigments and plaster to enhance the tracks

There is other weathering done also


Looks good Alex. I have the K&C winter T-34 as well and I like what you've done to yours here. I was also planning on using this T-34 with some of the new FL winter Russians. I think they would make a great match. Will probably buy some of the new K&C Russian figures as well and some of the tank riders as they look great too. Looking forward to more of your wonderful photos/dios.
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Remember the days when the " filled in track crud " :D was the K/C standard look. It was all the rage until other companies offered a clean open track. Alex proves that history does repeat itself and it still looks as perfect to me as in K/C 's golden years. Nice job..Michael
Looks good Alex. I have the K&C winter T-34 as well and I like what you've done to yours here. I was also planning on using this T-34 with some of the new FL winter Russians. I think they would make a great match. Will probably buy some of the new K&C Russian figures as well and some of the tank riders as they look great too. Looking forward to more of your wonderful photos/dios.

Thanks Men

My new project Battleground Art is a movement to bring together the finest talents in the hobby to teach the finer points of the modeling aspect of the hobby. Your statement gives me the opportunity to clearly explain this.

First FL figures are the only figures that would be in scale with the K&C T34, so K&C or Figarti Russians will NOT actually work with the K&C T34..

Conquering price. Of course you could use a FL T34 with the FL figures, but K&C's T34 is a quality product, reasonably priced and with some detail work will look great.

Right now you cant use the K&C or Figarti Russians until Collectors Showcase makes something to go along with them because they make the only tanks that go with mainstream figures.

K&C AFV's are a better quality product than CS in many aspects but look what a little work did for this CS Tank below. Note the Thomas Gunn figure well proportioned to fit with CS's large Tiger. I also used an earlier CS Tank commander as they made them smaller a few years ago. CS's figures being the absolute biggest figures actually dont fit with any AFV's at this time....Well maybe with their new gigantic Stewart.

So there are answers, join us at Battleground Art for a no spin look at the hobby, we will take you where you never thought you could go before in this hobby.

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Wow! What a cool shot. While the tank is awesome (as well as the figures), I'm loving the buildings and landscaping that really makes this scene look like the real deal.
In regard to the tank, the treads and paint look extremely realistic. I like the tank commander who reminds me a bit of William Shatner (I always like finding facial similarities to people we all know.^&grin)

Fantastic shot - well done!
Wow! What a cool shot. While the tank is awesome (as well as the figures), I'm loving the buildings and landscaping that really makes this scene look like the real deal.
In regard to the tank, the treads and paint look extremely realistic. I like the tank commander who reminds me a bit of William Shatner (I always like finding facial similarities to people we all know.^&grin)

Fantastic shot - well done!


I am a big Star Trek fan I hired Mr.Shatner to pose for this shot. :wink2: {sm4}

By the way the buildings are by Crown Toy Soldiers, with a John Jenkins building in the rear.
quality work as usual, but that is what we expect from Alex
OK phase two...I have added streaking, burnishing which gives the polysone a metalic look and different tones to the mud ( dry and wet )

I will stop here for a while and let things dry well...Now to the scene then final tweaks to the tank.

I reorganized Photobucket which removed the previous pics

So I will do it all here.

Chairman - The International Society of Battleground Artists Visit us on Facebook
This was a relatively easy project....I did the scene quickly as the summer is coming and attention now has to be turned to some Normandy projects.

I have more planned for this tank. I am going to saw off at least one of the front fenders and put more stores on it.

I will evenually do a permanent scene with the tank in a wet mud. I will spend some time working on creating realistic wet mud first.


I suppose its time for the obligatory nice dio. Nice dio!!! T-34 looks much better after some work
I hope in a good way ! ^&grin...I am working on the scene for it as we speak.
Your first pictures of muddy tracks do not open on my PC...your last two pics have...looks great......your post on different Brands figures for the tanks is interesting... Do the TS mobs have different versions of the same scale ? I would have though a 1/32 scale from X would be the same scale as the one from Y....and..X and Y scales would fit the standard 1/32 scale AFV....I am probably wrong but I get the impression the so called standard 1/32 scale differs between Brands......just an observation.....TomB

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