My 2013 OTSN Photos (2 Viewers)

Gentle Friends.

Below are a few more photos of the action and items available in the Treefrog room.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn84 - Konrad (Kogu) and Shannon engaged in conversation.


Photo 13otsn86 - Our hostess, the smiling Shannon Reuss


Photo 13otsn87 - John Rio (Leadmen) demonstrating the muscles he has developed by applying his chainsaw to the construction of dioramas.


Photo 13otsn89 - Another photo of our friend, Shannon


Photo 13otsn90 - A First Legion ACW set that was almost too tempting to resist
Gentle Friends,

Below you will find the final two photos I took in the Treefrog room. These two photos present images of the "man behind the scene."


More photos will will appear as soon as I can prepare them for posting.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn91 - Pete "The Rev" Reuss


Photo 13otsn92 - Another photo of Pete
Gentle Friends,

One of the greater disappointments with my photography was the resulting quality of the photographs I took in Ted Dedden's room (Tedtoy). Ted is a special friend who always displays irresistable figures in his room. I am always drawn to the Monarch Regalia sets he has available and I never leave the show without making purchases from Ted.

One of the characteristics of our relationship is a constant banter between us. During our interaction, each of us maintain a straight face, but our banter is always in good fun. For example, when I entered his room for the first time this year, I did so while extending my hand palm up and saying, "Alms, alms for the poor!" He immediately looked at me and responded, "Sit down in that chair over there and take a nap!" As instructed, I sat down knowing Ted would make me wait endlessly before attending to any request from me. As I sat there, a nice middle aged couple entered the room and began examining some First Legion figures. Since I was seated and looked official, the lady turned to me and asked, "How much are these figures?" I responded that she would have to first ask Ted that question, but to check with me afterward and I would give her a better price. Needless to say, I had to wait in that chair for service for quite a while.

When I returned to the room on Saturday to take a few photos, I said to Ted, "My budget is almost depleted and I need to sell more of your figures in order to replenish it." As you might imagine, I again sat in that chair for a long period of time before being allowed to take some photos. Such is the quality of our fun and banter.

Unfortunately, I think too much laughter accompanied our banter and most of my photos of Ted's room are hopelessly blurred. However, I will present to you below the "best" of some really poor photos.

I must run some errands now, but I will post some more photos later.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn95 - Incredibly beautiful Monarch Regalia mounted Crimean War figures


Photo 13otsn99 - A Monarch Regalia boxed set of Crimean War figures


Photo 13otsn100 - Monarch Regalia Ronin figures


Photo 13otsn110 - My friend, Ted Deddens
Pat, a big thank you from Germany for sharing your fine pics with us here in Europe !
we have not often the chance to see or hear something new from Hocker...
Gentle Friends,

As most of you know, I am a dedicated Delhi Durbar collector. As such, my hands down favorite Durbar figures are those produced by Beau Geste. Consequently, while at the show, I make frequent stops in the Beau Geste room and visit at length with Ana Donzino. And, as you might imagine, I typically emerge with an arm load of purchases.

As usual, Ana unveiled a new Durbar elephant, the Elephant of the Maharajah of Kotah. It is a most beautiful thing and it is spellbinding to view. Ana's sculpting and painting is beyond the normal talents of most skilled toy soldier artists. In short, her work is incredible.

I was one of the first collectors to arrive in her room when she opened it on Friday afternoon. At the point of my arrival, she only had a minimum of items on display, many of which were new releases. I did not have my camera with me and I delayed returning to her room for photographs until Saturday afternoon. I took a number of photos, but I was again plagued by my photography disability and only a very few these photos are actually usable. Unfortunately, the photos of the new releases are among the worst of my photos.

However, Randy (Polar Bear) has come to my rescue and has posted photos of the new figures in the Beau Geste section of the Glossy portion of our forum. You may view some excellent photos of the new items there.

For now, I must be content with presenting you with five photos of sets found in her room.

Warmest personal regards,



Photo 13otsn122 - Elephant of Gwalior


Photo 13otsn124 - Elephant of Travancore


Photo 13otsn127 - Camel Corps, German Schutztruppe, Winter Uniform, Southwest Africa


Photo 13otsn128 - Gwalior Horsemen


Photo 13otsn129 - German Colonial Troops, Africa, WWI
Gentle Friends,

As you doubtless know, many of our forum members who attended the show left on Sunday morning before the actual show was underway. Knowing this would be the case, I took my camera (as well as my magic tote bag) to the show and attempted to capture some moments and images that might provide some slight flavor of the actual event.

I have been following the discussion of impressions folks have of the show, the attendance, the facilities, and the services provided at the Hyatt. I am hopeful these last few photos will provide some small amount of data with which to judge the success of the show.

From my perspective, room trading was clearly down from previous years and the Sunday crowd was smaller. However, even though the Sunday crowd was smaller, there were still plenty of folks browsing the treasures in the show area. Obviously, I was one of them. :)

Enjoy the photos and images that follow of the Sunday event.

Warmest personal regards,



Photo 13otsn130 - This photo was taken at approximately 9:30 a.m. prior to the opening of the show. As you can see, a fair crowd had already begun standing in line. The line is facing forward toward the show entrance.


Photo 13otsn131X - I realize this is a particularly sorry photo, but I am including it in order to give you some impression of the length of the line. Again, this photo was taken at approximately 9:30. What you cannot see is the shop that exists next to the far side of the bar. However, the line extends to the shop and is about to turn the corner and progress down the hallway that exists beyond the shop. Was this a smaller crowd for this time of day? Yes, but I would hardly conclude the crowd was small.


Photo 13otsn132 - Can you guess whose table this was?


Photo 13otsn133 - If you guessed the table in the preceding photo was George's, you guessed correctly.


Photo 13otsn134 - The diorama you see on the table above was one of George's dioramas. What reputable show would be complete if George were not present? None, in my opinion. :wink2:
Gentle Friends,

More images of the Sunday show.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn135 - A closer view of one of George's many dioramas.


Photo 13otsn136 - Another of George's dioramas.


Photo 13otsn137 - Here is the man himself, George.


Photo 13otsn138 - Another of George's WWII displays.


Photo 13otsn139 - I do not remember on what table I saw these figures, but you can see I have finally progressed beyond George's tables.
Gentle Friends,

More photos from the Sunday Show.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn140 - American Dimestore figures for sale.


Photo 13otsn147 - Some amazing flats.


PHoto 13otsn148 - More amazing flats.


Photo 13otsn149 - U.S. Marine Marching Band.


Photo 13otsn151 - How did this happen? I am back at George's table! I think George knows some magic by which he draws customers to his displays. :rolleyes2:
Gentle Friends,

Slowly, but surely, I progress further into the show area. There are so many wonderful items to view, I wonder if I can see it all.

More Sunday show photos appear below.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn153 - Some wonderful Connoisseur figures.


Photo 13otsn155 - The friendly telephone voice of Treefrog Treasures, Julie. It is always a pleasure to visit with Julie at the show or any other time.


Photo 13otsn157 - Wow! Have I again returned to George's table? Whew! No, I am now standing in front of the Hobby Bunker table. Matt seems to have as many tables as George! I think I may be doomed.


Photo13otsn158 - More figures available from Hobby Bunker.


Photo 13otsn159 - A nice WWII diorama on the Hobby Bunker table.
Gentle Friends,

Even more Sunday show photos!


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn160 - More Hobby Bunker temptations!


Photo 13otsn161 - Have I finally escaped the spell of George's and Hobby Bunker's tables? Yes, thankfully, I have. There is so much to see at the show, I dare not linger one place too long. I do not remember on what table these figures appeared, but they are certainly nice!


Photo 13otsn162 - More wonderful figures from which to choose.


Photo 13otsn163 - Hiriart figures available from Buzz Thorpe. I lingered quite a while looking at this Tiger Hunt set, but I finally convinced myself it was not a Delhi Durbar set. However, it was a significant temptation for me!


Photo 13otsn165 - More beautiful Hiriart sets.
Gentle Friends,

Still more Sunday show pictures!


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn166 - More beautiful Hiriart sets from which to choose. You know, this show could really drain your pocketbook! ^&grin


Photo 13otsn178 - An incredibly nice small Western diorama. See what I mean about temptations and draining one's pocketbook?


Photo 13otsn179 - A very impressive small Western Saloon diorama constructed by the same fellow who built the chuckwagon diorama pictured above. I do not know if you can read the price tag on the Saloon diorama, but it is not cheap!
Gentle Friends,

Well, folks, I have come to the end of my photographic tour of the 2013 OTSN show. While there are hundreds more items to photograph, by the time I reached this point, toy soldier saturation and fatigue were beginning to overtake me, not to mention the depression caused by my empty wallet.

These last three photos present closer views of the wonderful Western Saloon diorama pictured in my previous post. Given my show fatigue, these photos seem to be a fitting end to my presentation.

Thank you for the time you have taken to follow me on my photographic journey. I hope I have been able to present some of the excitement, fun, and flavor of my favorite toy soldier event.

Peace and prosperity to all of you!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


Photo 13otsn180 - Closer view of the Saloon diorama.


Photo 13otsn181 - Another close view of the Saloon.


Photo 13otsn182 - I think that gentleman lying on the floor of the saloon reflects the fatigue I felt at the end of the show. But, what a grand experience the show was! I cannot wait until next year!
Gentle Friends,

Below you should find five more photos taken in Mr. Hocker's room. Even though he brought fewer sets to sell at the show this year, there was still plenty to please collectors.

As is frequently the case, Mr. Hocker brought figures to provide a glimpse of a new line he will soon be releasing. These figures were not for sale, but they allowed each of us to drool at what will soon be available. In this instance, the new line is WWI. Unfortunately, a number of my photos of his WWI line proved to be too poor to post. Consequently, you will see some gaps in the photo numbers beginning to appear in my posts.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

View attachment 136335

Photo 13otsn029 - Western History Figures

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Photo 13otsn030 - Pancho Villa Raid Figures

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Photo 13otsn031 - Pancho Villa Raid Figures

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Photo 13otsn032 - New WWI Figures

View attachment 136339

PHoto 13otsn033 - New WWI Figures

I really like the WW1 figures in the final photograph. Thanks for posting!!
Great pictures Pat :salute:: many thanks for taking me on a tour of the Show {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}


Pat thanks for the pictures! As usual I carry an Iphone around all day but neglected to take one picture!
Thanks for posting Pat.

Always good to see the more unusual items and the actual main show room. Particularly liked the two Western dios.

Gentle Friends,

Thanks to all of you for your kind remarks. I feel blessed to be able to attend OTSN and I always want to share the experience with those who are unable to be there. Hopefully, I have succeeded in presenting a bit of the experience to you.

As has been mentioned in other threads, the greatest fun is spending time with friends. While the show is excellent for viewing figures in the flesh, finding treasures, and adding to one's collection, the warm fellowship with friends and fellow collectors is the grandest part of the show experience. I wish all of you could have attended.

I want to add that the show was a great success for me. I returned home with many new treasures that I am just now unpacking. Anyone want to see what I acquired? I should warn you, if you encourage me to share my newly acquired toy soldier loot, you will have to put up with some of my silliness and nonsense.

Again, let me say thanks for following me on my OTSN journey and for your warm and thoughtful comments. As my friends Konrad and Sam are fond of saying, "Isn't this the greatest hobby in the world?"

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Thank you for sharing your pics and observations. Please be encouraged to silly away {sm3}


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