My Dad has passed away............... (3 Viewers)

George, I'm very sorry to hear this and my condolences to you and family. My father passed in 1999 and I still miss him. The father/son relationship is special and unique. Your father will always live in your heart and the others that love him. God bless. -- Al

Thanks Al, I wish you could have met him, he was an old school no nonsense guy just like you, one of BPD's finest.

They're giving us a police escort during the funeral, plus an Army honor guard with taps and an American flag, I know I'm going to lose my **** for sure during all of this.............. condolences...I feel your pain...I know you well enough to know that you totally loved your Dad and he was one of your best friends and a huge part of your life...I'm really sad to hear this...not gonna say I know how you feel...but I'm sure it's crushing as I have been there also...if I can help in any way...let me know...

Thanks so much Mike, you already did help me a great deal, so thanks for doing what you did, that meant a lot to me.........
George, very sorry to hear of your father passing......I didn't get a chance to meet him but from your stories over the years here on the forum I felt like I kind of knew him just a bit..... it is never easy to lose a parent, but you and your father made a ton of memories together, you'll have that always...

Thanks Sammy, I appreciate it.............
George very sorry to hear of your loss. It is nice that you enjoyed his company for 88 years. Take comfort in knowing he will forever be watching out for you.

Thanks John; I know you don't post as much here as you used to, it means a great deal to me that you chose to post in this thread................
George, I am so sorry to hear the sad news. Hold on to those great memories, they will gain even more value with time. Chris

Thanks Chris, I appreciate it...........I have to hold on to something in order to keep my **** together at this point.

Oh man, just seeing this and I am so sorry, he was one of a kind, I always enjoyed spending time with him! 88 years, I can tell you from experience, you are lucky! I only got 49 of which I was only alive 18 with my Dad, I of course cherish every memory and I know you have a ton to cherish as your Dad was a great guy. Again, sorry to hear, keep your chin up and remember the good times.


Thanks a lot Tom, he was a hoot, never a dull moment with my Dad, we kept each other in stiches..............
Very sorry to hear of the loss of your father George. I am just now reading this post. Although I did not know him well, I do remember him helping you at the Chicago OTSN show for so many years. My thoughts and support are with you tonight . . .
Sorry to hear that George, I lost my dad a few years back also and know how tough it was to go through.
George -

You and your family are in my prayers. So sorry to hear this news!


Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I regret never having the chance to meet your father, but in some ways I felt like I did meet him through your posts about him. May he rest in peace.

Very sorry to hear of the loss of your father George. I am just now reading this post. Although I did not know him well, I do remember him helping you at the Chicago OTSN show for so many years. My thoughts and support are with you tonight . . .

Thanks Mike, he loved doing that show, looked forward to it for weeks....................
Sorry to hear that George, I lost my dad a few years back also and know how tough it was to go through.

Thanks Tim; I knew I'd have to deal with this at some point, but yes, it's been gut wrenching to go sad.

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