My first creation (2 Viewers)

Fat Boy

Private 1st Class
Jun 11, 2009
I am usually free of talent. But I am still happy with my first try. {sm2}

In real it looks better. :rolleyes2:

Looks great. That Snow Tiger sure looks like one fierce cat!
That's brilliant mate! I love the cliff! See if you made that black and white it would look like a legit photo from the war!^&grin

excellent stuff looks very good for a first bash. Get the wifes thread out and you can use that for wire for the telegraph poles its really effective and just a little cheap way to make thos poles look even better. Look forward to more of your work
Brilliant work ! Did you make those telephone poles ?
Nicely done, looking forward to more of your work.
Great work mate.......I find most of the fun is in the making of a dio.....gets the creative juices flowing{eek3}
Now that's what I call a great first time!... You've got talent, keep the creations coming!
Awesome effort mate i still remember my first pics :redface2: well done look forward to more..................{bravo}}
Excellent "first creation" and I hope there are many more to come. Thanks for posting.
Awesome first attempt mate looks great! Are the telegrath poles home made?

Very good first effort !!!!! keep trying ,it will only get better
Find a back drop and hide the figure bases with some artificial snow . The result will be 100% improved.
Hey Fatboy....For a first attempt top marks friend!!! Like your use of different levels, dont think many would try that on thier first go!!.
Look forward to seeing your future Dio"s.

IF that is your "first attempt", you are destined to produce some great work.
Can't wait to see you "improve" with time. -- Larry

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