My first creation (1 Viewer)

Well if that is your first effort my friend I look forward to seeing your work when you're really experienced! Excellent scene, very well done indeed.

First try or 500th it looks great thanks Mike B.^&grin
For the first picture I've got lots of good tips. What I can do better.

So I thought I put a new image here in the forum and hope for more tips.

In this setup (its only a test)........I have run out of ideas. ^&confuse

I know ............ I need more allied troops ..... :redface2:


Great work, you asked for tips - cover up the bases on the figures where possible, with desert dios this is a bit easier, I use a brush to dust the sand around the bases until covered being careful to keep the boots visible . With the more solid surfaces it becomes more problematic, I try to use camera angles, debris, putting figures behind low walls, bushes and vechicles and stand them in long grass and etc, use your imagination as to what you can do, hope this is some help. But your effort is very good, well done.
I think its a great set up plenty of things going on which, you want in a large dio. If you can build the base board as a sand type dio is very easy to do. I would not worry about hiding the bases some do some don't I know K&C never do and nobody comments on their dio's and, figure base hiding.

If you want a sand base just add sand to paint and that will set in a quite realistic manner for desert scenes. Look forward to more of your stuff
I really don't see much that needs improvement. Very good job.

Maybe, a bit more debris in the desert and maybe, a little more definition to the road such as coarser material and tracks where the previous vehicles have passed.

I find that the best dioramas pay attention to where the head and eyes are focused. So maybe have the motorcycle and tank turning to face the attacking British troops. IN that case you would see the sharp turn in the sand and eyes looking at the enemy.

But these are really nit-picking as your "attempt" shows a lot of thought and good techniques. --- Larry
Very nice Desert dio mate, as for tips, the blokes below have covered most things but i would suggest a backdrop as it would really bring your dio to life.

Nicely done really{sm4}....the lads have covered off plenty of helpful tips and suggestions......which is why the forum is soooo good.{sm3}

For what it's worth I always like a few well placed small rocks etc. Waynepoo & a few of the other guys have got this down-pat.....also I've found the odd barrel/drum etc adds a bit more detail. 'Build-a rama' products are perfect for this and can add so much to even the most basic dio.

Regardless, it looks good've got tons of vehicles/figures and the desert village buildings are tops and the palms are a nice finish.

I'm sure you had loads of fun putting it together.......thanks for posting.{bravo}}

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