My Flat Collection (1 Viewer)

Here are some old guard in great coats on the defense in winter and the woods.

Thank you Ivanhoe, I have quite a bit of scenery, trees and such and am going to try to incororate them more, but as here the more scenery the less of the set I can put in the scenes, this is probably a little over 1/2 of the Old Guard in this group, some of the better trees are massive!

1683 The Siege of Vienna, if you were the Calvary of the Ottoman empire would you want to charge into this regiment of Imperial Pikeman? a prickly situation NO?

1683 The Siege of Vienna, if you were the Calvary of the Ottoman empire would you want to charge into this regiment of Imperial Pikeman? a prickly situation NO?


I came across this pic recently Ray - which shows squares of Pikemen (who were supported by Arquebusiers) - who could hold off and inflict damage on any cavalry charges. Short answer to your question therefore - is NO THANKS! - jb

I haven't heard from Ray for some time now. Is everything okay??? jb

This is really weird, JB, but the same thought occurred to me about 90 minutes ago. Certainly hope that he's well and still enjoying his fabulous collection.

Any update on Ray?

(Hope all is well.)[/QUOTE

It appears that Ray has also stopped posting on the International Flat Figure Society - where he is a member. It is difficult to know where to find any information - as I only knew him on the Treefrog Forum, and don't even know his real surname. It doesn't look good - as I just can't see him just stopping collecting or posting on either Forum.

Thanks for the information - troubling as it seems.

(His last name is Habeger. I can email him directly and ask what's up.)
All is well with Ray. More job related responsibilities combined with the fact that he's mostly a Flats collector and this Forum is mostly Rounds explains his absence. He hopes to return.
All is well with Ray. More job related responsibilities combined with the fact that he's mostly a Flats collector and this Forum is mostly Rounds explains his absence. He hopes to return.

Thanks for that Asterix. much appreciated - jb

There are some 67,000+ views of this post so far. Are there flats collectors hiding out there? Come on down people and let's talk flats!

There are some 67,000+ views of this post so far. Are there flats collectors hiding out there? Come on down people and let's talk flats!

Ok so here are some pictures of flats coming from a French auction in September 2017. These have been all painted by a collector named Jacques Meyniel.


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and some more ...


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OK, decided to start a thread ofr my Flat collection, I'll just post some here as I go thru them these are all 30mm... first group!
French mounted grenadier of the Guard
Russian Guard Currassiers
Russian Infantry vs. Westphalian Jaegers
Napoleon and trophy's of Austerlitz 1806
Russian Infantry and General Staff at Borodino 1812
Romanov dynasty

Hallo, Ray! Das sinf die Figurenvon Yankowskiy- Die könnte man an Vernisazhe in Moskau in 90 er Jhare kaufen- Sind sehr selten - Gratuliere!

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