My Little Collection since 2010 (1 Viewer)


Staff member
Feb 2, 2011
So 5 years ago (today!) I knew nothing of this hobby! I am not much of a collector but have purchased a few items and been given some others and thought it was a good day to post my photos!

Glossy Golfers by LeMan's

Figarti Lunch Figure from my First OTSN in 2011

"Lil' Tim" from my recent visit to Florida with a side-trip to Jacksonville to visit Tim & Melissa Tyler
Lil Tims.jpg
Free Figure from OTSN 2014

Smurfs for fun!!!

It's been a learning experience thus far with more years to come!!

We have a collector in the making. Tell Shannon you ain't working in Chicago. We'll hit the rooms together.
We have a collector in the making. Tell Shannon you ain't working in Chicago. We'll hit the rooms together.

I'll let you tell the Bosses that Brad!! Are you offering to buy items to expand my 'collection'?
No flying this year so I will be there on Wednesday :p

Hi Julie,

I very much appreciate you small, but very nice, collection and I hope you add to it in time. Thanks for posting your photos. I hope to see more of them.

Isn't this hobby really infectious? Rumor has it that Jesse has already fallen to the temptation of purchasing a figure of Clint Eastwood. Without question, Aron is next. :rolleyes2: Everyone at the shop should be on their guard!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :wink2:
I'll let you tell the Bosses that Brad!! Are you offering to buy items to expand my 'collection'?
No flying this year so I will be there on Wednesday :p


I will give you the benefit of my experience {eek3} Now, that's got to be worth somethin'
I'm impressed with your "Discipline" If i worked there i would of bought everything (Well almost :wink2:) so well done on your collection and for posting some pictures,wish other members would do the same.
Thank you for the kind words guys :)
Since I work with this stuff every day I do not feel the need to also have it in my home I guess! Makes it easy when my desk is in the showroom where the displays are.
I think it is enough that images of some of these figures populate my brain when reading books!!!

Can't go into any sort of 'shopping' spree! I think 1 purchase per year is where I'm at :D
My travel/adventure/Art budget cannot be compromised . . . . and I rather loathe 'shopping' in general. ^&grin

Imperial's Town & Around series made a nice golfer. You might like that series as well as Trophy's Town & Country series.
Who doesn't like Papa Smurf .... {sm4}

To many, you are in a envious position to be surround by all the items on display all day.
I suppose that having them all over the house at night isn't quite as appealing.

Those golfer's are really nice.
Gee, think of the diorama you can make with them .. (the) Augusta National Master's Tournament

--- LaRRy
Smurfs, Golf and dogs....I knew I liked you!!! What more does one need in life!!! {sm4}
You can put me down as not liking smurfs. Must be a generational thang.
As an interesting bit of info about the Little Tim Jenkins ACW figure, they represent Tim Tyler as the Confederate re-enactor that he is. Tim's actual uniform is the gray and blue while the butternut was done for varieties sake. -- Al
One of the perks from me running the Consignment portion of our site! I have yet to run across any other Golfers like them again :D

One of the perks from me running the Consignment portion of our site! I have yet to run across any other Golfers like them again :D


I would be surprised if you didn't run across a set or two in Chicago .... that is if Pete and Shannon let you roam free for a few hours. ....:p

--- LaRRy
One of the perks from me running the Consignment portion of our site! I have yet to run across any other Golfers like them again :D


Tradition of London do a few golfers that are in similar poses to those you have shown, Julie ( but NOT the same). Find them online by going to Tradition's opening page - and typing in "golf" to the Quickfind box and clicking onto the magnifying glass icon next to it. Not quite as nice as your examples though. jb
Tradition of London do a few golfers that are in similar poses to those you have shown, Julie ( but NOT the same). Find them online by going to Tradition's opening page - and typing in "golf" to the Quickfind box and clicking onto the magnifying glass icon next to it. Not quite as nice as your examples though. jb

Tommy Atkins also has some golfers in various positions. Trooper
Received a SURPRISE today!! That lovely chap Clive Gande brought me a gift of a figure to add to my little collection.
He did stipulate I needed to learn about this figure of Jack Cornwell, VC - the youngest recipient I am told by a knowledgeable man!

Figure from Clive.JPG

THANK YOU VERY MUCH Clive for this addition to my collection. :salute::
I appreciate your generosity greatly!


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