N.F.L. 21-22 Season (2 Viewers)


Registered Member
Oct 30, 2007
One month away from training camps opening and as my Baseball season goes it can't come fast enough!!
After a year of little to no fans, delays, Covid-19 infected players etc. Etc. I'm really looking forward to this NFL season, lots of interesting topics in play this upcoming season, will Rodgers play for the Pack? Will Brady pull out another Super Bowl?? Can Lamar get the Ravens further in the playoffs? Looking forward to September!! Should be a great season!!
Dirty Dan Snyder was fined $10 million by the NFL. Typical NFL PR move to make it seem like they really care about something. A token fine for a billionaire and the kicker is that they relieved him of "day to day" duties. And who do they put in charge? His wife! HA HA HA. You can't make that up. Will Dandy Dan be in the cone of silence while his wife takes charge? Very funny. Like the NFL harping on player safety with a lot of ticky tack rules but then extending the season to 17 games.
Dirty Dan Snyder was fined $10 million by the NFL. Typical NFL PR move to make it seem like they really care about something. A token fine for a billionaire and the kicker is that they relieved him of "day to day" duties. And who do they put in charge? His wife! HA HA HA. You can't make that up. Will Dandy Dan be in the cone of silence while his wife takes charge? Very funny. Like the NFL harping on player safety with a lot of ticky tack rules but then extending the season to 17 games.
In DC, Danny Boy can still be heard laughing all the way to the bank. His wife in charge? Sure, why not? Certainly, she can't know less about football than Danny Boy.{sm3} -- Al
So are the politically correct Washington no name team decided on a new name or just happy with the Washington football team??
So are the politically correct Washington no name team decided on a new name or just happy with the Washington football team??
No decision yet. Nothing in DC is decided in a timely matter, so no surprise that the Redskins are still without name or emblem. -- Al
No decision yet. Nothing in DC is decided in a timely matter, so no surprise that the Redskins are still without name or emblem. -- Al

Danny is twisting in the wind. Folks have been anticipating the name change for years and have obtained the rights to all the good names. So he would have to pay a bundle for the rights. And, in fairness, there will be critics of any name selected. With all the PC nonsense, it limits the options. I read somewhere that even "Red Tails" to honor the Tuskegee airmen was criticized for some reason but it would be appropriate since the Deadskins are so often spanked.
No decision yet. Nothing in DC is decided in a timely matter, so no surprise that the Redskins are still without name or emblem. -- Al

Got to ask Al, what's the holdup in finding a name ?? Over a year and the Team hasn't even put out suggestions??
Got to ask Al, what's the holdup in finding a name ?? Over a year and the Team hasn't even put out suggestions??
Sammy, part of the problem seems to be, as mentioned in Combat's post, that many of the more popular names have been bought up and trademarked in anticipation of this dilemma. Now it would cost Danny Boy a fortune to purchase the rights to one of the names. There just seems to be no particular rush to get the Redskins a new name or emblem. I'm thinking Danny Boy is real gun-shy at this time, what with recent fines and publicity, so probably just prefers to lay low and not cause more public angst by choosing a name right now. -- Al
Just read that the Washington football team will announce its new name in early 2022....can't wait 🙄🙄
Just read that the Washington football team will announce its new name in early 2022....can't wait 🙄🙄
Yea! Only 6 or so months to go until we can proudly hail our new Redskins nickname. :rolleyes2: -- Al
Yea! Only 6 or so months to go until we can proudly hail our new Redskins nickname. :rolleyes2: -- Al
Well, the local frontrunner for the team name was Warriors, but that has been nixed as being too close to Native American Culture. Really? The cancel culture insanity is alive and well. :rolleyes2: -- Al
There was a great article many years ago in a sports magazine that listed how every team “mascot” or name was offensive one way or another.

Among my favorites as I recall was:

The Miami Heat: tens of thousands of people die from heatstroke every year = offensive to the victims and their families

The Tampa Bay Lightening: thousands die each year from lightening strikes = offensive to the victims and their families

The Dallas Cowboys: there are millions of ranch hands in the US = offensive to anyone who works on a farm

The Pittsburg Pirates: Somali Pirates continually hold ship crews hostage = offensive to the hostages and their families
Well, the local frontrunner for the team name was Warriors, but that has been nixed as being too close to Native American Culture. Really? The cancel culture insanity is alive and well. :rolleyes2: -- Al

I'm waiting for folks of Scandinavian descent to complain about the Vikings mascot who is portrayed as being prone to violence and mayhem. And even wearing the horned helmet! Both stereotypical and historically inaccurate.
I'm waiting for folks of Scandinavian descent to complain about the Vikings mascot who is portrayed as being prone to violence and mayhem. And even wearing the horned helmet! Both stereotypical and historically inaccurate.
All the NFL needs is for PETA to go on the warpath (yes, I know, an offensive term) and go after all the animal mascots. It's gonna happen... -- Al
Sounds like he’s in real trouble.

yes...lol...RS has quite a few charges against him...
right now...he's a free agent...looking for a job...not helping himself...

just like my mom and dad used to tell me when I was a young kid...
nothing good ever happens after 1AM...
The recent NFL headlines are not good:

Frank Clark: charged with felony firearms possession

Barkevious Mingo: charged with sexual crimes involving a minor under 13

Richard Sherman: multiple charges related to domestic issues

Aldon Smith: charged with assault for choking a man unconscious in New Orleans
The Ring video of Sherman trying to bust the door down at his in-laws home is beyond disturbing.

On social media his wife continually noted that no one was harmed during the incident.

One can’t help but wonder who would have been harmed had he actually been able to breach that door that he so desperately wanted to break through.
The Ring video of Sherman trying to bust the door down at his in-laws home is beyond disturbing.

On social media his wife continually noted that no one was harmed during the incident.

One can’t help but wonder who would have been harmed had he actually been able to breach that door that he so desperately wanted to break through.

he looked extremely agitated and almost fell at one point...
as violent as his attempts were to get inside...
probably a good thing he didn't...
might have turned really ugly...

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