Napoleon. Ridley Scott (1 Viewer)

Below is the last sentence from the review at Hollywood v History.

"articles that address where the film deviates from the facts and veers into fiction are important, as is understanding that the film is first and foremost a piece of entertainment, not a documentary",
Here's the part I don't get; they hire/have technical advisors on movie sets correct?

You know; people who know things like there were no trenches/breastworks at Waterloo, Napoleon did not lead charges at Borodino and Waterloo, etc, etc....................

Why make stuff up/be inaccurate?

If you're directing a movie set in the 1970's, you don't have a character talking on a cell phone.
If you're directing a movie set in the 1950's, you don't have a 1970 Dodge Charger rolling down the street.
If you're directing a movie set in the 1980's, you don't show someone using a lap top computer.
If you're directing a movie set in the 1990's, you don't have people in leisure suits and bell bottom pants with platform shoes.

War movies in particular get lazy and sloppy; modern tanks, 1960's uniforms and equipment in WWII movies, inaccurate uniforms in Napoleonic and ACW movies, (as much as people rave about Zulu, those British uniforms............good Lord, give me Zulu Dawn for more accurate uniforms all day long).

I really wanted to see this one on the big screen, but forget it, not sure if I'll even bother when it comes on Apple TV or whatever streaming service they want to con you into paying for.
I know that historical films aren't all that accurate but they don't have to go off the deep end with it.
Movie industry is like Toy Soldiers I guess, some TS companies try harder to ensure details and scale etc are correct, while others are more concerned with the 'Art'. The reality is that most consumers either don't know or care about accuracy, be it in movies or toy soldiers.
Movie industry is like Toy Soldiers I guess, some TS companies try harder to ensure details and scale etc are correct, while others are more concerned with the 'Art'. The reality is that most consumers either don't know or care about accuracy, be it in movies or toy soldiers.

As Dad has said many times, "Wouldn't the real History have made a better story than what they came up with?"
In fairness, he has also said, "I liked this cheesy story better than the realistic version. It's just more fun."
I have to agree on both points.
So, issue solved{sm2}.
Best wishes & I'm sure Dad & I will enjoy it to some extent because it's at least trying when most new releases are pure junk,
As Dad has said many times, "Wouldn't the real History have made a better story than what they came up with?"
In fairness, he has also said, "I liked this cheesy story better than the realistic version. It's just more fun."
I have to agree on both points.
So, issue solved{sm2}.
Best wishes & I'm sure Dad & I will enjoy it to some extent because it's at least trying when most new releases are pure junk,

Yeah I'll probably watch Napoleon if tickets are cheap enough.

Presently watching John Wick 4 on Binge for the Fourth time, one of the few Guy movies made in recent times, he usually has no time for romance considering the number of people trying to kill him ^&cool^&grin
I'm just home from seeing the movie tonight, and I am quite pleased in what I have seen on the big screen.

Due to such a big story, over many years, the had to be a much-condensed edition, but I feel that the events were portrayed in a most realistic manner.
The Battle of Austerlitz and the Retreat from Moscow really depicted the appalling conditions that the troops had to fight in, but on the other side, also the battles in Egypt in 1799.

I loved seeing all the colourful uniforms that were worn in that period, especially by the French.

Napoleon's coronation was wonderfully displayed in its regal best and appeared true to the famous painting by Jaques David that I've seen in the Louvre.

On a technical point, I noticed that the Royal Artillery guns at Waterloo were all box trails, similar to the French, not single pole trails.
None of the British shakos had oilskin covers (due to the rain) but had feather plumes displayed.

Well worth a viewing, but you need a big screen for full effect, so don't wait for it to come onto TV.

As the Wall Street Journal critic Kyle Smith puts it, “Mr. Phoenix’s Napoleon could never have commanded so much as a squadron of the Salvation Army.”
Historical inaccuracy doesn't bother me if the movie is entertaining. I haven't seen this one but the reviews are not good. Whoever cast Phoenix as Napoleon might need to take up a different line of work. There is also no modern audience for even good historical movies. The mob wants Barbie and comic book themed movies. Idiocracy.
There is also no modern audience for even good historical movies. The mob wants Barbie and comic book themed movies. Idiocracy.[/QUOTE]

Wait a minute, Oppenheimer did well. That seems to disprove the statement above pretty easily:

‘Oppenheimer’ surpasses $500 million, sets box office record for highest grossing film set during World War II
And there's been a series of failed comic movies recently, mainly because of poor female characters.
Saw it, everyone will view it differently and hopefully find redeeming aspects. Robin.
There is also no modern audience for even good historical movies. The mob wants Barbie and comic book themed movies. Idiocracy.

Wait a minute, Oppenheimer did well. That seems to disprove the statement above pretty easily:

‘Oppenheimer’ surpasses $500 million, sets box office record for highest grossing film set during World War II[/QUOTE]

I was impressed with Oppenheimer.
To make a block buster which has to explain the principles of quantum mechanics and the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission and still keep the general public watching is no mean feat.
Shame that they take such liberties with history.
Went to see "Napoleon" say disappointing is putting it mildly!
Besides the inaccuracies, omissions and outright falsehoods Napoleon was portrayed as a horny buffoon.
The movie was more burlesque than history and the musical score was incongruous and distracting.
If you could make this into a musical maybe it would have more entertainment value.
I have studied Napoleon and the French Revolution for many years. He was a complex man living in
complex times. I don't venerate the man the way some French people do but he was certainly both
villain and genius in his own way.
What a shame that this movie may be the only history some people will learn about him and this era.
I read an account by someone who took his long suffering wife to see the movie. When Napoleon asked soldiers on his return from Elba if they would shoot their Emperor, his wife said "please so we can go home."
I agree with Ny, it was ridiculous.
besides being so inaccurate and portraying Napoleon as a love crazed fool whose main concern was creating an heir the film didnt know what it wanted to be, a love story, a historical account or a war drama. I will never get that time or money back.
Such an incredible human, for good or bad, living in a tumultuos time and Scott gives us MERDE.
For me all might be forgiven if there was a decent love story, but it was pathetic. Robin.
Ericka and I went to go see it as soon as it was released even though there had been some scathing reviews. When we returned, Ericka thought she should just say something good rather than joining in on all of the other criticisms. After some thought she posted that she liked the font they used when setting the time and place…kind of. I couldn’t agree more.

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