NBA news........... (1 Viewer)

I hated Lebron for a long time...
when he left Cleveland...
I wrote him off...
now that he is back...
I would like to see the fans get a title...
Same here. I don't think Cleveland has had a championship of any kind since the Browns won the NFL title back in the early 60s. The Indians came really close in 1995 but that's about it.

If he gets his third ring, it will probably cement his status as one of the best ever.
Have to be honest, I've watched about 12 seconds of the NBA playoffs this year.

As I stated before, NBA basketball is so far in my rear view mirror I can't even see it anymore.

The sport is a joke, I have no doubt the fix has been in for a long time with this league; get Lebron's team to the finals no matter what.

Was there any doubt by anyone it would be a Cadavers/Warriors final? No upsets, no close calls, no nothing.

In the NHL playoffs, two road teams just won game 7's to advance to the finals; I challenge any of you to tell me the last time a road team won a game 7 in the NBA, the home team gets all the calls all the time, it's a joke of a sport.

So sick of Lebron too; ever listen to him talk? It's all "Me, I, me, I, me, I", never "Us, we, the team, the guys, the fellas"; it's all about him.

And where is Golden State anyway; all these California teams confuse the crap out of me. Is it near or in Oakland? So Oakland has three teams; Raiders, A's, Warriors? And the Ducks; are they in the same town as the Angels? So are they the Anaheim Ducks or the Los Angeles Ducks, are they the Anaheim Angels or the Los Angeles Angels?

Way too confusing...................
So, based on your post, would it be fair to say you won't be watching the series? :rolleyes2:
So, based on your post, would it be fair to say you won't be watching the series? :rolleyes2:

No, because I know the fix is in and the NBA wants Lebron to win a championship for Cleveland.

Watching him get handed another title will annoy the **** out of me, so why put myself through that, I've got better things to do with my time.

Have you ever seen a guy drive to the basket continually and lead with his forearm and never and I mean NEVER get called for an offensive foul?

He plays basketball like a linebacker and never fouls out, it's a joke.

The whole sport is a joke.

Just like the NFL; when Brady retires and Belichick is gone, I'll be gone too, no more NFL for me.

I used to be an NBA junkie in the 1970's through the 1990's, that ship has sailed.

I used to be an NFL junkie in the 1980's through the 2000's, that ship is getting ready to leave the port.
you're missing some good games...

I've watched just about every NHL playoff game, there is no better sport on the planet than NHL hockey.

At this point, NBA playoff basketball is putrid, followed closely by the NFL playoffs, they are both awful on a number of levels.
I've watched just about every NHL playoff game, there is no better sport on the planet than NHL hockey.

At this point, NBA playoff basketball is putrid, followed closely by the NFL playoffs, they are both awful on a number of levels.


well...if you're totally bored...

Chapter 3 of Texas Rising is on tonight...

I know how much you said you like that show...^&grin
No, because I know the fix is in and the NBA wants Lebron to win a championship for Cleveland.

Watching him get handed another title will annoy the **** out of me, so why put myself through that, I've got better things to do with my time.

Have you ever seen a guy drive to the basket continually and lead with his forearm and never and I mean NEVER get called for an offensive foul?

He plays basketball like a linebacker and never fouls out, it's a joke.

The whole sport is a joke.

Just like the NFL; when Brady retires and Belichick is gone, I'll be gone too, no more NFL for me.

I used to be an NBA junkie in the 1970's through the 1990's, that ship has sailed.

I used to be an NFL junkie in the 1980's through the 2000's, that ship is getting ready to leave the port.

The man will be marooned {eek3}
The man will be marooned {eek3}
Not a chance, if George sticks with MLB. Between his Red Sox and SF Giants, his teams pretty much have a stranglehold on the WS every other year or so. Not too bad. :wink2: -- Al
Not a chance, if George sticks with MLB. Between his Red Sox and SF Giants, his teams pretty much have a stranglehold on the WS every other year or so. Not too bad. :wink2: -- Al

It's funny you posted this Al; all the deflategate BS has really soured me on the NFL, not sure if I want to even go there this year.

I've come full circle as far as sports goes, baseball was my true passion growing up, it was a sport I played competitively from the age of 8 up until my late 20's.

So far this year, I've been to about five Red Sox games, have tickets for about another ten games this year. In baseball, there's no power crazy wingnut of a commissioner ruining the game, there's no continual tweaking of the rules to generate interest and their players aren't sacrificing their future health playing a sport, it's a simple, pure game.............................
I've watched just about every NHL playoff game, there is no better sport on the planet than NHL hockey.

At this point, NBA playoff basketball is putrid, followed closely by the NFL playoffs, they are both awful on a number of levels.

Great post.

The NBA playoffs have been boring. With the exception of the Spurs and Clippers series, every other match-up has been a joke.

As far as hockey goes? There is nothing better in sports than an NHL game 7 at any level of the playoffs.
What's the NBA? I would rather watch a hot dog eating contest.
Maybe it's me but why do people feel the need to come on here and try to rain on the parade of those who may like the NBA. If something doesn't interest me I just ignore it. Case in point: I don't follow cricket or rugby but when the Brits or Aussies talk about the sport do I tell them their sport is boring or I don't like it. To do so would be in bad taste, in my opinion.
Maybe it's me but why do people feel the need to come on here and try to rain on the parade of those who may like the NBA. If something doesn't interest me I just ignore it. Case in point: I don't follow cricket or rugby but when the Brits or Aussies talk about the sport do I tell them their sport is boring or I don't like it. To do so would be in bad taste, in my opinion.

I wanna add to this...
you guys are missing some really good playoff games...

I understand when your team is out of the playoffs...
that it's not as fun to watch...
but that's not reason enough for me to turn my back on the sport...

my Lakers totally crashed and burned this year...
but that doesn't mean the quality of the sport or competition has diminished...

Lebron is in his prime...
arguably the best player ever in the NBA...
hard not to watch...
even if you don't like him...

one day you will be re-watching some of these games on ESPN Greatest Games series...

but to each his own...
personally...I still enjoy it...
just amazed at the negatives responses on the quality of the games in these series...
Maybe it's me but why do people feel the need to come on here and try to rain on the parade of those who may like the NBA. If something doesn't interest me I just ignore it. Case in point: I don't follow cricket or rugby but when the Brits or Aussies talk about the sport do I tell them their sport is boring or I don't like it. To do so would be in bad taste, in my opinion.

I don't think I rained on anybodys parade. My comment would not cause a NBA fan to suddenly loose interest. As for cricket and rugby I know nothing of the sports so I won't comment. I do know about the NBA so therefore I feel I can state my opinion. Brad you said you would ignore it, that's not the Brad I know.
Maybe I should have rephrased that, I would rather watch paint dry!
I wanna add to this...
you guys are missing some really good playoff games...

I understand when your team is out of the playoffs...
that it's not as fun to watch...
but that's not reason enough for me to turn my back on the sport...

my Lakers totally crashed and burned this year...
but that doesn't mean the quality of the sport or competition has diminished...

Lebron is in his prime...
arguably the best player ever in the NBA...
hard not to watch...
even if you don't like him...

one day you will be re-watching some of these games on ESPN Greatest Games series...

but to each his own...
personally...I still enjoy it...
just amazed at the negatives responses on the quality of the games in these series...

My team (the Bruins) didn't make the playoffs this year, yet I've watched just about every NHL playoff game.

My team (the Celtics) did make the playoffs, I could have cared less as they played the Cadavers and the fix was in.

I don't like LeBron, not even a little, as in not at all.

He's a crybaby, a drama queen, an attention whore and a flopper, he's one step above soccer players with all the faking of injuries, head snapping back and falling to the floor when there is contact like he was hit by a sniper bullet.

He's all about himself, plus like I said, it's a joke how he gets every call, commits a **** ton of offensive fouls and never gets called on it.

Stevie Wonder can see the fix is in and the NBA wants it's star player to get another title.

I'll be honest with you Mike; I gave up on the NBA after game 6 of the ECF, Celtics/Heat, I've never in my life since such a horseshit example of the fix being in as the Heat were down 3-2 and the Celtics could have wrapped up the series and moved on to the finals, but nope, the fix was in, LeFraud and the Heat got all the calls and they won the game and the series.

Glad you still enjoy the sport, good for you, but I'm done with it.....................
My team (the Bruins) didn't make the playoffs this year, yet I've watched just about every NHL playoff game.

My team (the Celtics) did make the playoffs, I could have cared less as they played the Cadavers and the fix was in.

I don't like LeBron, not even a little, as in not at all.

He's a crybaby, a drama queen, an attention whore and a flopper, he's one step above soccer players with all the faking of injuries, head snapping back and falling to the floor when there is contact like he was hit by a sniper bullet.

He's all about himself, plus like I said, it's a joke how he gets every call, commits a **** ton of offensive fouls and never gets called on it.

Stevie Wonder can see the fix is in and the NBA wants it's star player to get another title.

I'll be honest with you Mike; I gave up on the NBA after game 6 of the ECF, Celtics/Heat, I've never in my life since such a horseshit example of the fix being in as the Heat were down 3-2 and the Celtics could have wrapped up the series and moved on to the finals, but nope, the fix was in, LeFraud and the Heat got all the calls and they won the game and the series.

Glad you still enjoy the sport, good for you, but I'm done with it..................... have been passionate about basketball for as long as I can remember...

but...if you really believe their is a conspiracy theory to rig the game so Lebron wins...
I guess I wouldn't watch it either...

so do you really believe the NBA is rigged?
I mean really you do?

or is basketball off your radar for just now...this season?

I mean...if Boston went deep in to the playoffs this year...would you be watching them?

tell me you're not gonna wait for Lebron to retire before you become a Celts viewing fan again...^&grin
My team (the Bruins) didn't make the playoffs this year, yet I've watched just about every NHL playoff game.

My team (the Celtics) did make the playoffs, I could have cared less as they played the Cadavers and the fix was in.

I don't like LeBron, not even a little, as in not at all.

He's a crybaby, a drama queen, an attention whore and a flopper, he's one step above soccer players with all the faking of injuries, head snapping back and falling to the floor when there is contact like he was hit by a sniper bullet.

He's all about himself, plus like I said, it's a joke how he gets every call, commits a **** ton of offensive fouls and never gets called on it.

Stevie Wonder can see the fix is in and the NBA wants it's star player to get another title.

I'll be honest with you Mike; I gave up on the NBA after game 6 of the ECF, Celtics/Heat, I've never in my life since such a horseshit example of the fix being in as the Heat were down 3-2 and the Celtics could have wrapped up the series and moved on to the finals, but nope, the fix was in, LeFraud and the Heat got all the calls and they won the game and the series.

Glad you still enjoy the sport, good for you, but I'm done with it.....................

If you're done with it, then why bother to comment? have been passionate about basketball for as long as I can remember...

but...if you really believe their is a conspiracy theory to rig the game so Lebron wins...
I guess I wouldn't watch it either...

so do you really believe the NBA is rigged?
I mean really you do?

or is basketball off your radar for just now...this season?

I mean...if Boston went deep in to the playoffs this year...would you be watching them?

tell me you're not gonna wait for Lebron to retire before you become a Celts viewing fan again...^&grin

Thanks for the comments Mike and you are right, I used to be a big NBA fan.

That's before a ref got busted for rigging games; and speaking of rigged, tell me that draft lottery they run isn't rigged too.

If you can find it, watch game 6 of the ECF, Celtics/Heat.

And tell me that wasn't rigged.

And yes, the league IMO is rigged.

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