Next job, open all 26 boxes and take some pictures of the contents :wink2:
What could be better than bringing home 26 boxes of LL's from the show ..... opening those 26 boxes, of course! :smile2:
Have fun Martyn and we'll all enjoy seeing what you brought home. ^&grin
Some nice pickups there as the crowd awaits ^&cool
Only 109 figures was it!?? {eek3} you wasn't kidding was you Martyn. :wink2:
Oh what lovely additions to your collection Martyn. THanks for adding to my wish list. :smile2: Looking fwd to seeing what's in all those boxes. Chris
Here are my 2 supply mules and 2 supply camels, all with debatable loads
Well Martyn, I'm thinking that pack mules ..... as with camels ..... are going to have to be added to that list of things you just can't have enough of. ^&grin Great looking batch of goodies so far, I like those officers with the rolled up maps ..... keep 'em coming. :smile2: