New Catalogue 2008 (2 Viewers)

What I find really amazing and enjoy is the postings and the excitement of those who are awaiting the 2008 catalog and those who have received theirs. It's like listening and watching a bunch of little kids anticipating the arrival of Santa and can't wait for his arrival to open their packages. I can appreciate the excitement the catalog has generated. Can you imagine what I would sound and act like if it also include figures and set of the Zulu War Series.:);):);):rolleyes::rolleyes:The Lt.

Can you imagine what I would sound and act like if it also include figures and set of the Zulu War Series

Yup, I can.....:):)
Having now seen those wonderful Museum figures, you would probably sound and act just like me.....:):)
How does one get on the mailing list for Britain's catalogues?
How does one get on the mailing list for Britain's catalogues?

Joining The Club did it for me. And I didn't get my catalog with this months Standard because I need to renew according to a letter I received and which I didn't read properly :eek:.
Still odd I didn't get it since it's usually part of the mailing but oh well, was going to renew membership anyway.

If you have a bit of patience, the entire list of releases will be put on the WB site incl. release dates.
I got the catalogue through my membership, it seems that the Brits get it before the rest of the world.

Just trying to work out what my spending plans are going to be over the next few months. I think I've finalised on the full Britains matt Zulu Range, the AWI British Cannon, a few more Brit and American AWI inf, the Nap Surgery set and the Museum collection. The Wife has said that she will buy me the Archive collection (my Lady in my eyes is even more of a class act). There is also the JJD, Figarti and K&C which I like, although the K&C purchases will take a knock because of the new Britains.

Has this changed anyone else's buying patterns for the next few months and remember another catalogue comes out later this year.......


Here is the new ACW/WWI and Zulu War Tactical Scenes



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I got the catalogue through my membership, it seems that the Brits get it before the rest of the world.

Just trying to work out what my spending plans are going to be over the next few months. I think I've finalised on the full Britains matt Zulu Range, the AWI British Cannon, a few more Brit and American AWI inf, the Nap Surgery set and the Museum collection. The Wife has said that she will buy me the Archive collection (my Lady in my eyes is even more of a class act). There is also the JJD, Figarti and K&C which I like, although the K&C purchases will take a knock because of the new Britains.

Has this changed anyone else's buying patterns for the next few months and remember another catalogue comes out later this year.......



That is some shopping list :eek::eek: plus another catalogue coming down the creek mid-year :confused::confused: Wow!
And there I was believing the media that there is a credit/mortgage crunch going down in the UK.
Lucky lucky man!
Has this changed anyone else's buying patterns for the next few months and remember another catalogue comes out later this year.......



Still all ZW figures for me (matte/gloss). But nothing much else (although I really like the Indian mutiny series). I can understand people's pain with all the goodies being released, and not just by WB. It makes choosing very hard.

If WB were to launch a Sudan range I'd be all over it but for now I'm totally pleased with the amount they put out and the amount I can purchase. I'm even thinking of buying multiple shooting poses of the same figure to beef up the ranks (well, to create a rank to begin with).
Hi Guys:

The club mailing has gone out in the US and UK. True - the UK post works a bit faster than ours so some UK folks are receiving theirs already. I imagine US folks should start receiving this week and next.

Joachim - once you rejoin we send the catalogs - Mark sent along the Standard to give you a heads up that your membership had expired.

Brad - you can join the club to get on the mailing list or likewise the images will go live on our site today in a couple hours. One of your local retailers might also get you on their W Britain mailing list as well.

Thanks for all the great feedback. I hear the comments about stretched budgets and releases - the next April/May flyer will have a few new and key sets - not an overwhelming number. Trying to pace things out.

All the Best.

FYI all the upcoming WB releases are on the Treefrog website with pricing and release dates. Looks like it's going to be a banner year for Britains!
Hi guys (my first visit to the Britains thread)could someone please give me a link to Britains home page?.Thanks guys

Thank you Ken it is very much appreciated.:)

Wow, the napoleonics are brilliant. Also really like the looks of those mealie bag walls and the new WWI British sets. Still have not had a chance to look at all of it. :D

There is only one thing to say with the new WB catalog and its releases and the excitement they are generating on the forums is to paraphrase an old chestnut:


Does anybody have access to an image of the struggle to close the north gate at Hougomont? I have seen such a painting recently I just cannot recall where. I love the looks of the gate closers set, and obviously will be buying the gate diorama piece now as well.

Does anybody have access to an image of the struggle to close the north gate at Hougomont? I have seen such a painting recently I just cannot recall where. I love the looks of the gate closers set, and obviously will be buying the gate diorama piece now as well.



There are a few. Here are some: (Most famous by Lady Butler but I have not found it online yet)


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Excellent, thank you for posting those, Randy.

I can't wait to get home and update my geeky spreadsheets with all of the new items for April-July. :eek::)

Ah, Ken, much to be grateful for here. My direct ancestor, Elias Dayton, commanded the 3rd NJ Continentals, and if that doesn't temp me to start collecting your AWI line instead of being exclusively ACW, nothing will! I am also grateful for the NCO stripes on one of your advancing confederates, as I was delighted with the Union artillery set last time around with its casualty.

Many thanks to all.

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