Well, you probably won't get this in time now, but an interesting difference in the Iron Brigade figures is the use or non-use of the red circular 1st Corp insignia on the Hardee hat. Since these were adopted for use in the first months of 1863, they would not work for Antietam battle scenes (if you want to be accurate - that is one reason I have used mostly Conte) in that setup. For Gettysburg though, which you will be representing with the 24th Michigan set they are not a requirement but do add a nice touch if most of your soldiers have them. I have noticed that many of the Britains Iron Brigade figures available do have them. Until my purchase of the Michigan set I had stayed away from the badges because of this. I may actually have all Conte in my Antietam set.
Because the Confederates were the attackers, I would go mostly with defending troops, so mostly standing and firing, wounded, dead. Britains 31003 (although the coat seems longer - more of a winter variety) should go well. 31001 is also good - firing line - but again with the longer coats. Conte has a lot of Iron Brigade - some with gaiters and some without - that would go great. I just placed one of my dead figures on the Michigan base, and it looks like it came with the set. These can lie directly on the base, whereas to add standing figures you will have to place their stands on the base and not within the slots like the figures that come with the set.
The Michigan set comes in a beautiful box. The painting on the front should give you lots of ideas about how to set it up!! Have fun!! Sorry I didn't see your last message last night - I was watching Saturday Night Live by then.