new civil war (4 Viewers)

Not any problem at all...I just thought that if someone started to search for these retired sets that they should know who made it. It is easy to see the confusion as Don has had his work represented in 54-56 mm under three different labels over the years and I have had my hand in all three.
By the way there are a good number of ACW sets coming out in 2009 from W.Britain. The January catalog is only the tip of the iceberg.
All the Best!
Ken Osen
Not any problem at all...I just thought that if someone started to search for these retired sets that they should know who made it. It is easy to see the confusion as Don has had his work represented in 54-56 mm under three different labels over the years and I have had my hand in all three.
By the way there are a good number of ACW sets coming out in 2009 from W.Britain. The January catalog is only the tip of the iceberg.
All the Best!
Ken Osen

Who else did Troiani's work besides THM and Conte?
There is no reason to ever miss the end of an auction with modern tools available. You don't have to be there if you set it up.;):)

That's true, but I just hadn't made up my mind on it and wasn't here at the right time to make the decision. Doesn't matter though; I just ordered one I found on sale!!
Not any problem at all...I just thought that if someone started to search for these retired sets that they should know who made it. It is easy to see the confusion as Don has had his work represented in 54-56 mm under three different labels over the years and I have had my hand in all three.
By the way there are a good number of ACW sets coming out in 2009 from W.Britain. The January catalog is only the tip of the iceberg.
All the Best!
Ken Osen

Nice to know!! Britains is definitely putting out very nice figures right now, and I like being able to pick out singles to integrate with dioramas.
Guys (in particular 6th Wisconsin)

Last night I quickly threw together a mini-dio of the 24th Michigan THM set we have been discussing here on this thread in an attempt to let you see what an excellent center piece it can make within an ACW dio.

Placed some trees and shubbery in the background to represent the woods where this particular action took place. A rail fence and stone walls for the perimeter of the McPherson farm, similar ground cover to the set's resin base and ten minutes later Voila!

NB The figures placed around the base perimeter do not come with the set. They are Conte Iron Brigade and Iron Brigade casualty sets just placed to flesh out the dio.(might even be an odd Britain's in there as well)




Super!!! Thanks Reb. Now if that doesn't inspire me, nothing will! I just ordered that set earlier today. If anyone else is interested, The Horsesoldier shop in Gettysburg has them on sale for $40 - a steal. I have been buying relics from them for years, and they are great to work with. One of these days, maybe I will buy a Troiani print of The Iron Brigade and hang it above my two Iron Brigade sets.
Just got the 24th Michigan Troiani set I ordered from The Horsesoldier today. I never bought it before because I was already putting together an Antietam group and didn't want more Iron Brigade at the intro price. Getting this on sale though was great. This is a beautifully sculpted set. I think the officer, flag bearer, and crouching poses of many of the soldiers are so nicely done and very evocative. One of my best toy soldier buys to date. Great stuff. Now I am looking to get a 19th Indiana flag set to add another Iron Brigade item.
That is a great deal. For $40 how can you pass this up. I am going to call shortly.
Just ordered it. They have plenty of the Troiani in stock and a few other sets also at great prices like Marines, Zoaves, Tennessee and Texas in stock. Thanks to 6th Wisconsin for the tip:)

I blame UK Reb for turning me to the dark side:)
Thanks 6th Wisconsin.I ordered Lee's Texans thanks to your tip .
Thanks 6th Wisconsin.I ordered Lee's Texans thanks to your tip .

No problem guys! I was tempted by some of those other sets too and may yet order more. The Troiani sets always look nice. I have 3 or 4 of them.
Since this is coming, any thoughts on how the Frontline 6th Wisconsin sets might go with the Troiani set?
I have a couple of the Frontline 6th Wisconsin figures - the two flag bearers. I used them with a bunch of Conte Iron Brigade for my Antietam group. They go together well behind a fence as I have them set up, and a couple of Fronline mixed in would probably be fine with the Michigan set. I pulled one of my Frontline out of the case and compared after you asked. The Frontline figures are smaller - a little shorter and much trimmer than the Troiani figures. They probably will work, but I prefer to blend in Conte and Britains Iron Brigade figures. There are so many nice sets available - dead, wounded, advancing, firing, etc. I have mixed in several Frontline figures in a Pickett's Charge diorama, and they work for that group.
Another thing - the Frontline 6th Wisconsin figures have their gaiters on. None of the figures with the Michigan set are wearing them. Among the Conte and Britains figures I have used, some wear gaitors and some don't. The biggest problem you might run into is that the Wisconsin guys might resist getting put into the same regiment as the Wolverines :) Couldn't resist - I went to grad school at Wisconsin.
I can see Badgers and Wolverines not gettin' along:)

As I'm going to the East Coast show tomorrow, maybe I will look out for some of the Britains sets. Any particular recommendations?
Well, you probably won't get this in time now, but an interesting difference in the Iron Brigade figures is the use or non-use of the red circular 1st Corp insignia on the Hardee hat. Since these were adopted for use in the first months of 1863, they would not work for Antietam battle scenes (if you want to be accurate - that is one reason I have used mostly Conte) in that setup. For Gettysburg though, which you will be representing with the 24th Michigan set they are not a requirement but do add a nice touch if most of your soldiers have them. I have noticed that many of the Britains Iron Brigade figures available do have them. Until my purchase of the Michigan set I had stayed away from the badges because of this. I may actually have all Conte in my Antietam set.

Because the Confederates were the attackers, I would go mostly with defending troops, so mostly standing and firing, wounded, dead. Britains 31003 (although the coat seems longer - more of a winter variety) should go well. 31001 is also good - firing line - but again with the longer coats. Conte has a lot of Iron Brigade - some with gaiters and some without - that would go great. I just placed one of my dead figures on the Michigan base, and it looks like it came with the set. These can lie directly on the base, whereas to add standing figures you will have to place their stands on the base and not within the slots like the figures that come with the set.

The Michigan set comes in a beautiful box. The painting on the front should give you lots of ideas about how to set it up!! Have fun!! Sorry I didn't see your last message last night - I was watching Saturday Night Live by then.
Thanks for the information. I did get it after I left but no sweat. I will add them in the near future, most likely the Confed attackers.

Missed the first part of SNL last night so didn't see McCain. Thought the rest of the show wasn't too good.
Thanks for the information. I did get it after I left but no sweat. I will add them in the near future, most likely the Confed attackers.

Missed the first part of SNL last night so didn't see McCain. Thought the rest of the show wasn't too good.

I usually isn't too good these days. The McCain part was pretty funny though.
Thanks to you all I have just returned from Gettysburg with the Troiani 24th Michigan set and Collectors Showcase 14th Brooklyn command set. What a great bunch of figures! The Troiani set is the deal of the century as I have seen this set still listed and available elsewhere at $170.00. No way to pass this bargain up even though AMC is backburner for me. As to the CS 14th Brooklyn, I am very impressed. Pictures do not do them justice, and upon seeing them in person for the first time, I had to have them. Great job CS. Sign me very happy with these purchases. May now get Lee's Texans. -- lancer

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