New Conte Zulus in action (2 Viewers)

Thanks Joe for posting the new figs. Great additions and can't wait to add them to my dio. That wounded set is simply outstanding. Chris
Another set being added to Conte's Zulu War Series subject to minor changes. I sure got plans for featuring it once it arrives in my land of the Zulus.......The Lt.


Conte at its best!

A must have piece.
The Loss of the members of the 1st/24th continue to mount on the field of Isandlwana.

I always enjoy seeing the results of your playtime with your Conte AZW figures Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Hi Joe,

I have just spent half an hour looking at the Conte site, there is some really nice looking figures coming up for release. And I think you are going to be spoilt! :wink2:


Your ever so right Jeff an like a little kid can't wait for them to arrive to join and play with the following. By the way looking forward to seeing you at play with your new Gun Boat manned by your Naval Brigade and Marines.{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}

Great picture Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Keep 'em comin' Joe {bravo}}..............looks like you are having a great time..........shame the same can't be said for The 24th {eek3}

Cheers mate

As requested Martyn and I'm having a great time at play an do agree it's not one for the lads of the 24th.

The series to date Chris has a number of great combos and looking forward to seeing what else Conte has in store for us as my playtime continues.

Thanks Tommy the figures are a pleasure to put in front of a camera an photograph as they seem to come to life............Joe

Thanks Tommy the figures are a pleasure to put in front of a camera an photograph as they seem to come to life............Joe


That they do Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Cheers mate

Lieutenant Melvill finds himself in the thick of it durig his attempt to save the Queens Colours.

Once again thank you my friend and here Martyn are new proto types that will be joining the Colour-Segeant from the house of Conte to include a new casualty an we haven't seen the last of what's headed our way...........PapaZ




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