Good call on this one. IMO this is a very under-rated movie. Patric, Studi, Duvall all do great jobs in their roles. Well worth the time to watch. -- lancerOn the subject of movies one called Geronimo with Wes Studi and Jason Patric.Studi is a great actor who plays Geronimo and Patric plays Lt. Gatewood who historically was a friend of the indians and that's why he was never promoted.A very good movie in my opinion.
I agree that western is dead for 20-30 years but that is just a little pause.Like all things everything is repeating.Like fashion,the trausers that was in fashion in 1970,it was fashion again in 2000,after 30 years and now are not fashion again.Or movies,before in the 1960 was a lot of old romans movies(Ben Hur,Qua Vadis.Spartacus,....) than nothing after 2000 it was tons of Greek and Romans movies again,like Gladiator,Troy,Aleksander, is just that someone need to start this.I am just asking why the USA who is leading the movie production are more interested in Greek history movies,Roman History movies,Middle east history movies like Heaven Kingdom,....but not play with their own culture and history like wild west.
I think it will be good to start with the wild west western movies but it must be a spectacular story,like some famous battle like Custer,or Sioux war,Alamo,some famous battle before the Civil war,maybe Geronimo,Or Cochise wars,maybe some fight bettwen Crow and Sioux,...because the batles,tthe indians with their wild nature,painted faces, something that it can make movie interesting.Without indians it will not be nice movie,because i know people hate westerns where is only one cowboy,riding his horse,come to town,than talk and talk,play some cards,kiss a bar girl,than some corupt Sherif wannt to put him in jail and than it is 5 minutes action at the end and someone die(sherif or this cowboy).Or like Open Range with Kevin Costner and Duval,they are good actors but the movies is kind of boring to watch this two cowboys with the cows,bad land owner,a lot of talking and than 5-10 minut of gun fight and over.
I wanna watch western that it is full of battles,full of gun shoots,arrows,cannons,strategy,indians,buffalos,forts,.....not just one cowboy riding a horse.
GIVE US WESTERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Most of those movies shy away from the issue of the native American people. The conflicts tend to be between settlers. The open rangers vs the big bankers etc. Some of them are in fact "cops and robbers" movies with a western theme. No country for old men is set in the 1960's Texas/Mexican borderland. As an aside I enjoyed Unforgiven immensely. You also omitted the two Young Guns Movies starring the brat pack of the early 1990's. How could any of us forget when Billy the Kid said " I've killed 19 men and that ain't counting Mexicans".
I agree with you that Ales is not going to see a movie like he describes. However I also feel that Hollywood has in some ways lost its counter culture activism.
I don't think Hollywood would make a blatant anti-war movie like "Apocalyse Now" or "Soldier Blue" today. I distinguish anti-war from a "war is hell" movie.. In the 1960's the artistic community was keen to stick it to the man any way they could. I am not so sure that the same ethos pervades today. So a movie portraying Longhair as a genocidal blood thirsty maniac butchering and raping his way across the Blackhills of Dakota probably won't see the light of day either. *** rights and anti-death penalty themes are OK for Hollywood but not anti-war themes.
But even these are only rare treats as 80% of what gets made in Hollwood these days is mindless drivel, Hacker/slasher moveis and just plain old crap in general.
And don't the kids just luv'em and there lies the rub-they put their bums on seats while most of us "old'uns" just wait for the DVD to go into the bargain bin.
I watch movies for entertainment, I read books for history.
I don'y know which film that was, but I'm glad I never saw it!!