New EA sets-who got them? (3 Viewers)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
Everybody seemed so thrilled that the new EA sets were coming out but all the dealers I've been talking to recently (including myself) have reported flat sales on these new items. Anyone have ideas on what is happening? Did you all find a secret source? Decide not to get them? Change over to glossy WWI? What?
Enquiring dealers want to know.
As you know I'm a big British fan so I'm getting them. I'll be picking them up in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to get them. They may be the best made of anything that Andy has done so far. I think they're better than the AK sets.

If people don't buy these why should Andy make more, so please go out and buy them.
I did my part. I pre-ordered them when they were first annouced. Still waiting for the delivery guy to get here. They have been shipped and I want what I want NOW.

And I agree with Brad, come on collectors, buy 'em so that a greater selection will be available.
I had pre-order all the new sets a month ago.

In my opinion, a lot of collectors are keeping their money for the upcoming HB and NMA tanks and other armoured vehicules, just in case they be so tempted to buy them that they can't resist.

It surprises me a little that the EAs are moving slowly. They look very well done - maybe the best I have seen from KC. I think some folks have been playing catch up on the AK sets with the Rommel Greif creating a lot of interest. That may impact $'s available for other things. I have passed on them because they will be available for a long time and the HB stuff looks so great.
There may be something to what Pierre and Combat have to say. There is a limit to collectors' resources and with three 60mm companies to choose from that makes the choices all the more difficult. Plus, there's always new fascination with the new kids on the block.
You're kidding me,

Is it possible that there simply isn't enough of us collectors to sustain the increased supply created by old and new suppliers. Jeepers, I hope not.

I did order my EA's but I wonder if the lack of EA Armor being released with these new sets has anything to do with it? I mean the AK series is loaded with plenty of armor, transports and artillery. Gees, I hate when the Germans again and again out sell the commonwealth troops and US troops.

I guess we're never going to see that EA or DD British Lorry.

I will eventually get them but I'm playing catch up and I just received my HB Panthers. Awesome tanks.
Only so much money and to many new sets out there. I'm still trying to catch up on the last BOB Germans. I'll just get them and the new sets in Sept will be released. Thats my problem. I like the new EA sets but being on a budget I have to pick and choose. Didn't someone say before its not expected that every collector can buy every set. There are only a few of those guys or gals out there.
Shannon Reuss said:
Everybody seemed so thrilled that the new EA sets were coming out but all the dealers I've been talking to recently (including myself) have reported flat sales on these new items. Anyone have ideas on what is happening? Did you all find a secret source? Decide not to get them? Change over to glossy WWI? What?
Enquiring dealers want to know.
When they were announced, I preordered all the new EA sets from my regular K&C dealer. Despite the wishes of some collectors, Shannon's information supports the view that the AK and EA series, like IWJ, are not as popular as DD and WS. For example, the two AK tanks, AK19 and AK23, seemed to have been available for a very long time. Some collectors have commented on Honour Bound and New Model Army releasing German sets as their first sets, but it appears to be the right move for new companies.;)
jazzeum said:
As you know I'm a big British fan so I'm getting them. I'll be picking them up in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to get them. They may be the best made of anything that Andy has done so far. I think they're better than the AK sets.

If people don't buy these why should Andy make more, so please go out and buy them.


To help you out I just ordered the complete set.
jazzeum said:
... I'll be picking them up in a couple of weeks ...
But Brad himself has gotten them yet. We need you to lead by example.:D :D :D
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I'm another that's holding off on buying these EA releases though i will get them at some point in the future. I'm also not that keen on the forthcoming D-Day releases so i'll be saving some more money there.

I'm having to take a break after going a bit over the top buying DAK sets. My bank balance can't take much more!

I like the look of the Britain's FJ's coming soon so i'll be saving some for those.

I do agree that K&C should have released some armour with the EA sets. With the Matilda not available the EA figures are desperate for some armour support.

The sound of the forthcoming release don't excite me that much either. We've had Winter germans very recently and Russians also although maybe these will be winter Russians..
I received all seven sets three days ago and can tell you that these sets are visually stunning! The detail and the sculpting (especially in the facial features) are absolutely superb and have to be among the very best that K&C has turned out.

I've already ordered two more duplicates to use in other diorama settings. The Minesweeper set is probably my favorite out of the bunch but I'd be hard pressed to pick a second because they are all quite good.

Not sure why the slow start, but if I had to speculate I'd say that Carlos' assessment is probably closest to the mark. The AK sets had three pieces of rolling stock, one a Strictly Limited piece, that probably helped to draw buyers to the figure sets and vise versa. Only one piece of rolling stock in the EA sets but the Dingo is quite impressive and looks even better up-close than in the pictures.

Semper Fi!
With 20+ new releases coming out in a 3 month time span and more promised for July (Normandy Germans) maybe some our wallets need a little breather. The HB and NMA argument has a lot merit also, looks like we have some difficult choices to make.:)

Based on the pics they seem to be well detailed. Of course it is well known that the LAH, Waffen SS and Napoleonic ranges are the most popular K & C figures and the remainder attract lesser interest.

Perhaps one factor with the latest EA stuff is that there is a degree of variation in the subjects. For example there's an Indian machine gun set, a New Zealand vehicle, Aussie infantry, and the usual British 8th Army figs. Variety is welcome but I guess it makes it difficult to put a 'realistic' diorama together with the new stuff.

Personally I will certainly consider the Dingo as it's rarely seen as a model, the early Britains Deetail (toy) 8th Army vehicle being my only example. And of course the two Aussie sets are a must have for me.

Maybe others are also correct in saying that the recent HB issues are affecting collector cash flow at the moment. However the world economy is also slowing down somewhat as well, and perhaps people are a bit more cautious lately on where they spend their money.
I had a pre-order for EA10 and EA14 with a European dealer (sorry Shannon!) when they were first mentioned but haven't yet decided upon the other sets just yet on account of budget and also the potential for other (K&C non WWII and also non K&C) releases.

Perhaps the EA releases and the DD releases need a 'Strictly Limited' circus to draw attention to the ranges and perhaps also attract buyers who will take a set as a "consolation prize" and then find themselves buying more from the range. I'm not sure on the lack of armour as a reason: as trophy pieces go the Matilda is probably as good as it gets for a North African campaign but it took ages to sell out, and had Andy gone for a 'popular' release such as another Sherman to attract new buyers it would have caused a rebellion amongst the existing K&C collector ranks. (Remember the near-lynching over the British Sherman).

I think the German WWII sets generally tend to outsell the Allied ones anyway. (I think Mike Neville once said that either Hitler figure outsold any of the Allied leaders including Churchill, even in Britain). I'd imagine that a retirement or two might enhance collectibility too, but perhaps there are collectors holding back a cent or two in case the K&C equivalent of pipe and slippers issues to one or two sets in the WS or DD range.
boot51 said:
With 20+ new releases coming out in a 3 month time span and more promised for July (Normandy Germans) maybe some our wallets need a little breather. The HB and NMA argument has a lot merit also, looks like we have some difficult choices to make.:)


OVERPRODUCTION!.........Dare I be the one to say it??

Currently there are over 450 items available from King & Country......yes

450. With all the new items ready to hit the marketplace who can afford to

keep this up?

Retired prices are crashing, the idea of limited space for new inventory went

out the window so now production is unlimited!

Will no one ever not make product until it is worthless?

If you can sell 500 don't make 5,000. I just do not understand.

Because they are a new release [so hopefully will be around a while] ,I have held of until i can make my mind up about other releases ,I would never aim at having the whole lot as i like bits and pieces of a number of ranges and manufacturers.[still debating about an honour bound panther as they look great]But their is at least 2 that will be a must from the new EA sets, And of course the coming scots greys.
Njja said:
... Currently there are over 450 items available from King & Country ... yes, 450. With all the new items ready to hit the marketplace who can afford to keep this up?
But every few (if any) collectors get every theme and set made by K&C. There are over 50 available sets for Streets of Old Hong Kong alone. Besides myself, I am only aware of 3 other forum members that collect this line. How many people collect Imperial China, Ancient Egypt and Ancients? If you only look at K&C's WWII themes, the number of available sets drops to 125. You can also probably subtract another 14 for IWJ, 8 for the Russian sets, and 24 for AK and EA sets since these themes are less popular, so there are only 79 sets with a WWII European theme that most people collect. Yes, K&C has a very broad range of products, but I do not think this impacts on the buying decisions of most collectors.:)

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