New Hetzer (4 Viewers)

Remember when you first started to make and paint models and failed to mix the flat paint thoroughly? The result when the paint dried was glossy finish; that is what the CS Hetzer is! It is not just a preference but a poor paint job. This could be fixed by spraying with DullKote but for the money one should not have to do that.

I will tell you this as the creator and manufacturer: The variation in gloss/specularity was completely intentional! The idea was to create dust that looks like dust, hence one would need a moderately specular ( semi ) surface to create such visual contrast, so this was done.

I and some others think the effect came out quite good. Also ever look at real armor?, I'll tell you this with all of the foot traffic, burnishing up against foilage etc. the surface actually tends to polish out a bit. This extreme flat finish on most AFV models is incorrect. The surface variations from flat to polished are all over AFV's. Sure once they come out of the paint process they are flat, but in the field? Don't bet on it.

We're trying to grow the complexity of the surface variation, don't like? No problem, this I understand and accept. But will we try to move the ball forward in striving towards realism?: Always.

I must say this, I think the delivery of some of the comments on the forum is quite poor in some cases. We are fine appreciators of the entire genre of product in our industry are we not? Are we really not collecting art by a variety of creators? Hysterics are completely unproductive and certainly are not a positive way to further express opinions and to help grow product ranges. We must consider ourselves properly educated, polite gentlemanly individuals: and I believe we all are, but lets make sure that we are perceived as such.


well, I have them on order and look forward to getting them soon. I am not in the slightest bit bothered where they are made, if I am honest but, the paintwork in the pictures shown looked good and, if CS have tried to recreate an in field weathered look I look forward to seeing this.

I think weathering on AFV's has been an issue with AFV's over the years and, if CS are trying to replicate a correct battlefield appearance that should be greeted in the hobby.

I think maybe that we are so used to the flat painted AFV's that have been released for many many years and have after a little bit of dry brushing here and there in black or some autumnal coulouring that many may not realsie what an AFV should really look like in the field.

I know that I use an umbrella of colours on tri colour and similar camo that many look aghast at when they see it but, its whats required and, when painting standard grey place dots of colour over the grey including blue yellow orange white light grey and then blend them in to create tonal effects and an appearance of sun bleached and natured effects.

I look forward to collector pics and, to recieveing my own. Nice idea CS
Can someone please post a picture of the Hetzer (preferably without using a flash and next to another TCS tank) so we can see the paint job/model and decide for ourselves?

It would be much appreciated. I have found without visual reference, personal preference factors in an awful lot. All too often a paint job/sculpt/AFV size etc. gets describes as poor when its just a preference issue.


Hunter Rose, Excellent point as I have posted some pics in the past where the camera flash distorts the actual color rendition on the model.When viewed with the naked eye they look different. The camera flash does give a different aspect at times,as I have learned myself firsthand !
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The spare track could not be made to work well with the angled sides of the chassis on the Hetzer, unfortunately this we realized quite late in production. We realized this may be an issue with some collectors so we would decided to offer a free foot figure, of any from our catalog, as remuneration for the expected thrown track. Contact us at the company we'll get some details and send your choice along on us.

Glad you like the piece, we here in Austin were very pleased with the way the first pieces came out, and have incorporated even more thoughtfulness in design and weathering in the next AFV which is in production right now!


Cheer for the update Brian
I think offering a free foot soldier is astonishing really for not being able to add some detail because of manufacturing issues. I think most manufacturers would have just said it won't be added and took the rumblings on the chin.

Top service

I will tell you this as the creator and manufacturer: The variation in gloss/specularity was completely intentional! The idea was to create dust that looks like dust, hence one would need a moderately specular ( semi ) surface to create such visual contrast, so this was done.

I and some others think the effect came out quite good. Also ever look at real armor?, I'll tell you this with all of the foot traffic, burnishing up against foilage etc. the surface actually tends to polish out a bit. This extreme flat finish on most AFV models is incorrect. The surface variations from flat to polished are all over AFV's. Sure once they come out of the paint process they are flat, but in the field? Don't bet on it.

We're trying to grow the complexity of the surface variation, don't like? No problem, this I understand and accept. But will we try to move the ball forward in striving towards realism?: Always.

I must say this, I think the delivery of some of the comments on the forum is quite poor in some cases. We are fine appreciators of the entire genre of product in our industry are we not? Are we really not collecting art by a variety of creators? Hysterics are completely unproductive and certainly are not a positive way to further express opinions and to help grow product ranges. We must consider ourselves properly educated, polite gentlemanly individuals: and I believe we all are, but lets make sure that we are perceived as such.




I was in an Army maintenance battalion and worked on trucks and heliocopters, although many years ago. These vehicles were well worn with much foot traffic and cargo transfer. The paint got worn and when the first shirt got a bug up his behind the worn spots were repainted. I might add this was completed with a 3 inch paint brush using a field manual as a guide. No artistry was expected, as there were few Rembrants in the unit. I agree that the paint jobs done on models we buy these days is too perfect. In actuality they were not so. I don't know if collectors were purchase vehicles depicted this way as we have our own preceptions as to what they should look like. In viewing some WWII videoes, the German maintenance crew used mops to add paint to their vehicles as well as the US Army did when applying winter white wash. Overall, the vehicles I worked on did not show such glossy an appearance as the Hertzer. Only did so when it rained or when fuel was spilled on them.

Also, the Hertzer is a nice model but we should have been informed about track prior to receiving it.

I think the figure could have been a lot better. Panzer 4 figure vs Hetzer figure.DSC02862.JPG
I received the new Sherman and Hetzer last Friday. There are no certificates of authenticity with either model, nor is the broken track an option with the Sherman. I also noticed the hatches in the Hetzer are fixed. Not so with all other recent CS vehicles. The new Sherman hatches are removable. The tip of the Hetzer barrel is not charred black, as it is with the Pz IV, Panther, Tiger etc. Of course, there is no muzzle brake. :confused:
I received the new Sherman and Hetzer last Friday. There are no certificates of authenticity with either model, nor is the broken track an option with the Sherman. I also noticed the hatches in the Hetzer are fixed. Not so with all other recent CS vehicles. The new Sherman hatches are removable. The tip of the Hetzer barrel is not charred black, as it is with the Pz IV, Panther, Tiger etc. Of course, there is no muzzle brake. :confused:

How is the new Sherman? Was thinking of picking it up in a few weeks.
hajipavt and O.T.K,

Thanks for the pics. The Hetzer paint looks good to me, especially in O.T.K's pics taken without the flash. Methinks it will fit well next to my Normandy Jagdpanther. Sad to hear that the hatches are fixed, as that is one thing I have always loved about TCS AFVs, the ability to display them in a variety of ways.

Anyone have a winter one yet? For some reason, I always seem to like TCS winter vehicles better.
I am going pretty heavy with TCS AFV's because I think their features are very crisp, their paint is a bit bright and the winter schemes are some what pastel. But I think that they are going to be exceptional when I start working on them. I think they provide a good start point for extensive weathering.

I know many of you dont like weathering etc. and you want them perfect out of the box, so maybe you will not buy them, but I have yet to see perfection in this hobby. I like Figarti's paint style the best, but I still mess around with them.

In regards to the TCS Shermans...again I think they are nice out of the box, but I am going to do a lot of work to them. I will post pics when I am done. It will be a while. Mitch will probably get there first.

As far as figures, well that is another story, I have not found the perfect figure yet. All manufacturers have their good and bad. Alex
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I am going pretty heavy with TCS AFV's because I think their features are very crisp, their paint is a bit bright and the winter schemes are some what pastel. But I think that they are going to be exceptional when I start working on them. I think they provide a good start point for extensive weathering.

I know many of you dont like weathering etc. and you want them perfect out of the box, so maybe you will not buy them, but I have yet to see perfection in this hobby. I like Figarti's paint style the best, but I still mess around with them.

In regards to the TCS Shermans...again I think they are nice out of the box, but I am going to do a lot of work to them. I will post pics when I am done. It will be a while. Mitch will probably get there first.

As far as figures, well that is another story, I have not found the perfect figure yet. All manufacturers have their good and bad. Alex
Have to agree Alex like figarti paint style the best
Figarti nice when it stays on but, for me a little too dark on the allied AFV's and, I don't know about you guys but, I always feel Figarti seem to fragile and always a bit wary of holding them. CS in terms of paint went for the more bolder camo colours for their Normandy range and, what they remind me of is some of the camo patterns from the Italian theatre of ops that the germans used.

I still think some of the best armour to have hit the market have come from CS. the Panzer I from the DAK range still being one of my favourite AFV's.. the marder from the arnhem range was also superb to name a few

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