New Infraction System (3 Viewers)

I made a simple suggestion....lets post Dio's in the special section that was created for them......we could have even created special subsections in the Dio area for specific manufacturers. That way people, like myself, who LOVE Dio pics could easily find and enjoy everyone's hard work.

I like your idea Warbuff--we could add some subcategories in the diorama discussion section if people would be interested in that. I personally don't care if a person posts their dio pics in the dio section or under that manufacturer. There are benefits to both. If you post them in the general dio area there is a greater likelihood
people might see them who don't normally collect that brand and you may have opened up a whole new aspect of collecting for them they wouldn't otherwise have come across. Conversely, posting them under the manufacturer targets your audience to people who are more likely to collect the same figures and sets as you do and it can give them great ideas for displaying their collection.
So it's all good. ;)
When I get the several terrain mats from Buil-a-rama next week and use them with JG Miniatures terrain squares, I will make several small dios. I was wondering where to put the dios. Because they are small with probably no more than 3 pieces of armour, I was going to put them in the appropriate manufacturers section as other people have been doing. If I have armour from more than 1 manufacturer in a dio, I would put it in the dio section.

I really doubt putting a dio in the wrong section (appropriate manufacture vs dio) would result in an infraction. Misplaced posts can be easily moved by a moderator.

Deliberately putting a dio of one manufacturer's armour in a competing manufacturer's section is another matter - that would cause upset! :eek:


Don't sweat it. Put them where you think they make sense.

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