New Line - Cold War? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 17, 2008
What are the chances of K&C ever producing a line of "Cold War" figures, just curious what everyone would think about this?

Would it sell?

Is it to current?

Their doesn't seem to be a great interest in anything after WWII except maybe for the Israeli Wars.
Their doesn't seem to be a great interest in anything after WWII except maybe for the Israeli Wars.

I've pretty much noticed the same thing myself. Who knows though, maybe in another ten or fifteen years then???

Maybe John.I thought Vietnam would be more popular than it is.I personally don't have no interest in anything after 1939 except for the French in Indochina.
What are the chances of K&C ever producing a line of "Cold War" figures, just curious what everyone would think about this?

Would it sell?

Is it to current?


I would say 0% chance. If you look at the history of other companies, such as Franklin Mint, etc...Vietnam & GWI&II sell some, but nothing other than that. Personally I've talked to many tankers that served in 1960-80 M60 series tanks whom wish to have some collectible tank of their generation, but I have never seen an M60 of any sort except for the USMC M60A1 of GWI. The only Cold War tank in olive drab which ever gets produced are Vietnam M48 series. Korea would be nice too, but again, little interest from the market in general.
I'd like to see a "Checkpoint Charlie" scenario circa 1980, with MPs, East German guards, and civilians, with some lovely frauleins. But as you both mentioned, sets after WWII haven't proved popular in the past, perhaps recent events are to close and we all have personal and political opinions one way or the other. Two of my Great-Great Grandfathers were in the Union Army. I doubt if they would have kept a little 2 1/4 " statue of Nathan Bedford Forest on their shelf. On the other hand, for those who served there is a sense of pride and nostalgia, so you could make an argument either way.
I think there is a project of K&C for War in Algeria 1954-1962, i spoke about it with Andy, the Boss of K&C when he came in Paris.
He told me that General BIGEARD is one of his heroes.

It is my first post, so it is time to introduce myself.
I collect K&C for two years and i leave in France and i speak a very bad english, so please apologize me.
Welcome Pierre you English isnt as bad as some...............:D
I would buy Vietnam if it was revisited,Aussies diggers and our famous Phantoms of the jungles as the VC called them.
sympa de trouver un français sur le forum!!
Welcome Pierre! I am relatively new here too and found this group to be a fantastic bunch. Interesting and informative.

I would love to see a 'Bruno' Bigeard figure... as Lt Col in charge of 6 BPC at Dien Bien Phu. Maybe a collectors club figure to be considered?
Welcome Pierre! I am relatively new here too and found this group to be a fantastic bunch. Interesting and informative.

I would love to see a 'Bruno' Bigeard figure... as Lt Col in charge of 6 BPC at Dien Bien Phu. Maybe a collectors club figure to be considered?
I would also like to see Dien Bien Phu. Don't forget Langlais. As for other cold war conflicts, I would like to see USMC for the Chosin Reservoir campaign. There are tanks, trucks, etc. that could be done not to mention hordes of Chinese troops wearing sneakers, with burp guns. Could be an interesting series. -- Al
Andy has mentioned in the past that he's not interested in doing Korean War (that could change with a Korean presence but I doubt he'd want to inject himself into a controversy) nor revisiting Vietnam. This doesn't means that he may not change his mind, however.
While I wouldn't likely collect much from a Vietnam line (perhaps the iconic Huey and a few grunts) I'm surprised this line has not been revisited yet. I think someday it will. Given the majority of K&C's customers are American I would think this line would do very well, I know the old pieces are all very rare and expensive to collect.
I think the problem with modern wars is that they are dwarfed by WWII.Modern wars have been kept limited by nations, not all out war like WWII.Modern wars also have the same types of weapons,abeit vastly improved,especially in firepower but have tanks,planes aircraft carriers like WWII.More distant wars of the past are alien to us who are alive today and that may be what perks our interest in them.
Enfin un français!!
Lançons un fil en Français pour échanger un peu sur le sujet car mon anglais est tres approximatif!!!!
Aprés tout, tous ces anglo saxons qui collectionnent du Napoléon , apprenons leur qqs mots de notre pays et pas seulement celui de Cambronne!!!!
Je vis ds le sud de la France et j'ai une bien modeste collection de chez K&C.
Suite à un mail récent Andy N, m'a confirmé qu'une figurine de Bigeard en collector club serait disponible prochainement (plusieurs mois). Il voudrait faire la guerre d'Algérie mais pas l'indochine mais il craint le cote politiquement incorrect du sujet avec les crevettes Bigeard etc etc.....en tout cas c'est ce que j'ai cru comprendre ds ma mauvaise compréhension de l'anglais!!
heureux de lire le Français sur le forum!!!
Bonjour Caporal Pierre,

Je collectionne les pièces K & C depuis deux ans, je connaissais auparavant la marque ayant fait en tant que maquettiste des figurines. En fait, j'ai sauté le pas en découvrant la superbe boutique de Andy à Hong-Kong lors d'une escale, à l'époque j'étais dans la marine (maintenant jeune retraité!). Depuis le virus m'a pris....
Bref j'ai essayé de cibler quelques séries, mais pas facile, tout est tentant!!!
Bon finalement j'ai opté pour les séries suivantes:
- Napoléon
- Egypte
- USN et quelques pièces Streets of old Hong-Kong pour faire un décor
- 8th Army, mais uniquement les SAS
- et Sons of Empire (j'adore les uniformes britanniques...pas rancunier pour un marin...).
J'ai aussi quelques pièces de la série Collectors Club. Tout cela commence à meubler les vitrines....
Effectivement, je ne suis pas persuadé de l'intérêt pour K&C d'ouvrir une série relativement moderne (Algérie, Indochine) , tout d'abord politiquement...quoiqu'il y a quelques années il a produit une série Viet-nam et enfin en terme de marché international. J'ai acquis voici un peu plus de 18 mois les deux pièces françaises (produites par K & C pour la boutique Toysoldiers à 500 ex, apparemment ils en ont toujours en stock malgré la production limitée. Peut-être que la commercialisation d'un Bigeard se ferait via la boutique Toysoldiers?
En tous les cas merci de la petite réponse sur le forum.
A bientôt.
Hello Lancer

Perhaps do you want your first lesson in french?

best regards

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