New Panther with K&C riders. (1 Viewer)

A sweet challenge. 15 on a winter Panther. could have had more on but, could not be arsed to climb into the loft!!!LOL

Good show, old sport!!! (Did I say that right? {sm4})

I still think the individual figures look too big though, all ranging in the 6'7"-6"11 and 300 lbs range. It looks like the starting line-up for the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Bulls climbed on a Panther tank.

I'm not a King and Country hater though, I just wish they would go back to the size of their earlier figures, like the winter clad Panzergrenadier in the picture below from the Winter Tank Riders Set (one of my all-time favorite K&C figures). He was still "chunky" in the King and Country style, but a good size overall. When I had him and a bunch of the newer K&C figures, he was definitely the munchkin of the group, and it seems the figures just keep getting bigger and bigger.

A sweet challenge. 15 on a winter Panther. could have had more on but, could not be arsed to climb into the loft!!!LOL

Actually Mitch, The Re-painted K/C Panther(1:30th) looks very good...NICE JOB.....The K/C figures look good also...JUST TOO LARGE...Think how great the tank riders would look on that panther if they were really 1:30th or proper size...........Why???? Do it out of scale????.....It is beyond me.^&confuse
Actually Mitch, The Re-painted K/C Panther(1:30th) looks very good...NICE JOB.....The K/C figures look good also...JUST TOO LARGE...Think how great the tank riders would look on that panther if they were really 1:30th or proper size...........Why???? Do it out of scale????.....It is beyond me.^&confuse

As you get older and your eyesight weakens, the figures will begin to look the correct size ^&grin


I don't think there really is a *&$ hater its just some of us get associated with that bizarre tag from others who just can't see that when you critique something it does not mean you either won't still buy it or that you actually hate it. Its rather down to the individuals and little groups that frequent these manufacturers areas!!!

I like this company but, some is excellent and some is *****e just like all the other manufacturers. I am not sure though when their figures were the correct size. On the panther is a mix of new and old WSS 31 were stunning figures and the best stuff they have made. I like the figure you mention also but, what is clear is that the winter sets from bulge etc are very large (larger than the normal releases) and I don't know why.

Well, I do its that the majority of collectors are happy with bigger figures if they were not they would change overnight as sales would really be affected.

It was fun to wack a few sets onto a Panther as I don't have the Figarti version yet and what I have is this manufacturers and the HB panthers.

It nearly turned into one of those contests where you have to put 200 fat people in a fiat punto!!!LOL

PS...Frank... Thanks I enjoyed doing the cold metal effect on this AFV.

Good show, old sport!!! (Did I say that right? {sm4})

I still think the individual figures look too big though, all ranging in the 6'7"-6"11 and 300 lbs range. It looks like the starting line-up for the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Bulls climbed on a Panther tank.

I'm not a King and Country hater though, I just wish they would go back to the size of their earlier figures, like the winter clad Panzergrenadier in the picture below from the Winter Tank Riders Set (one of my all-time favorite K&C figures). He was still "chunky" in the King and Country style, but a good size overall. When I had him and a bunch of the newer K&C figures, he was definitely the munchkin of the group, and it seems the figures just keep getting bigger and bigger.

I can see this on a manufacturers box in the future. These figures are right when your 90 blind, incontinent and senile they will be bang on 1/30th!!!

As you get older and your eyesight weakens, the figures will begin to look the correct size ^&grin


In the background, I see a plane with Israeli markings. Is that the one you're working on for Zach?

Ultimately if you want figures and vehicles to correspond in size their are three options available:

Figarti vehicles + First Legion figures

Collectors Showcase vehicles + figures + K&C figures + Thomas Gunn figures

Thomas Gunn vehicles + First Legion figures

Alternativly if you are a model builder and figure painter; as I am, than Tamiya 1/25 scale vehicles and figures are the way to go. Much more affordable too. Many 1/24 scale diecast vehicles are available that work very well with the larger 68mm K&H, TSC and Thomas Gunn figures. The larger figures work very well with the superb Tin Toy military vehicles and artillery made by Lineol and A.O. Hausser in the 1930's. The potential combinations for accurate dioramas are endless if you are flexable in you choices of vehicles and figures; they do not have to be made by the Toy Soldier manufacturers to combine in an accurate diorama. As we say in engineering; what ever works!!
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NO thanks to tiny to skinny to inconsistent and to Bloody expensive.........................^&grin

Hi Wayne,
Coming from you that's the best advertisement for First Legion I have seen :wink2: Gebhard
Great photos Wayne; what camera are you using? The Figarti figures have come a long way; much improved. The panzer commander is equal in quality to the K&H figures IMHO. Unfortunatly he is also of equal size, too large for his panzer by far.

Actually Mitch, The Re-painted K/C Panther(1:30th) looks very good...NICE JOB.....The K/C figures look good also...JUST TOO LARGE...Think how great the tank riders would look on that panther if they were really 1:30th or proper size...........Why???? Do it out of scale????.....It is beyond me.^&confuse

I don't really concern myself with how many tin angels can dance on the deck of a panther...I just want to marvel at how great that winterized Panther looks-it's an awesome rework. :salute::
Wayne, you have been in the US for too long. Time for a trip to Europe to experience a different people and body culture. Germans are skinny, inconsistent and expensive.
If you look carefully at the Figarti Panther commander's hatch, you will see a filled in area on the top, edge surface, similar to how a dentist might fill in a cavity with amalgam. This was obviously an error in the mold, which Figarti attempted to correct. My Figarti Panther arrived with the cavity (recess) in the hatch, one they apparently let slip by. I contacted the company for a replacement, but it was a time consuming process.
If you look carefully at the Figarti Panther commander's hatch, you will see a filled in area on the top, edge surface, similar to how a dentist might fill in a cavity with amalgam. This was obviously an error in the mold, which Figarti attempted to correct. My Figarti Panther arrived with the cavity (recess) in the hatch, one they apparently let slip by. I contacted the company for a replacement, but it was a time consuming process.

I just wonder if you work for a different toy company as all your posts are dig at figarti Panther tank which for all your problems most people are happy with !?
can't be a manufacturer or their Jihad's as they don't have the knowledge to pick big blatant errors let alone such minutia!!!!!LOL Still the best detailed panther on the market. I have not seen the pics of the turret cupola but, perhaps they could be posted so we can see

Not sure why you contact Figarti unless it was bought direct a fault you contact the dealer and they exchange???

I just wonder if you work for a different toy company as all your posts are dig at figarti Panther tank which for all your problems most people are happy with !?
If you look carefully at the Figarti Panther commander's hatch, you will see a filled in area on the top, edge surface, similar to how a dentist might fill in a cavity with amalgam. This was obviously an error in the mold, which Figarti attempted to correct. My Figarti Panther arrived with the cavity (recess) in the hatch, one they apparently let slip by. I contacted the company for a replacement, but it was a time consuming process.

Would be interesting to hear your opinion on the new KC panther G tank ?

WOW ! This is what I envsioned I wanted to do all along - STUFF THE TANK WITH WINTER RIDERS - BBG style :salute::

PS:16 riders say @ $40 a piece - $640 {eek3}

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