New Release: HEINZ HARMEL! (1 Viewer)

I do not see the link. The SS were the epitome of the NSDAP and the regime. Having a tank from an SS unit facing British, American or Russian counterparts is different to having a statute of a senior SS officer who allowed the murder of POW's and civilian's. This idealises the man where a tank in battle does not.

OK I am glad you cleared that up. SS in vehicles OK, single larger figures not OK.

So I guess do you not buy armored vehicles if they come with SS crew. Peiper, Sepp Dietrich, Kurt Meyer are well known armoured and SS types. No vehicles from them or their units I suppose. It is not the size but the subject after all.
Your logic is fundamentally floored on so many levels it's hard to imagine where to begin.........

Really? It has prior as I have been reading been used by a number of posters on this forum and accepted and supported by a few in this discussion. Please remember the additions you post before trying to assume a lofty position and double standards. I read a thread about Nazi parades and a poster called Rob actually said a similar thing along with Lowis Badalato and that was greeted with acceptance and understanding. With the glowing welcome I have read back on a few people here so, please fire away and I will happily remind you of the double standards and contradictions you are now posting.

A tank battle allows one to have the allies winning and beating the Germans one to one. A figure of a Nazi to me is simply not what I would have in my home. It is the same when I see scenes daubed with the Swastika flag, portraits of Hitler and imagery of other such personalities of the Third Reich.

Apart from looking like a movie personality more than the Nazi himself is not what I would want in my home as I would not want parading Nazi's lots of banners for that period. No Brownshirts and no Italian fascists. Have what you want for me its a bit nasty and creepy
As an FYI. It seems one thinks I am Mitch whoever he is? Samual has constantly PM'd me and has called me George? and the recent one Harrold? in fact he welcomed me as Harold and repeated that name Harold several times. Again, zero idea what he is on about so, perhaps if I am some form of ''phantom'' why are you wasting your time? It seems it irritates you so much you have to contact me and reply. That is precious

Have fun enjoy the hobby and its enormous diversity
As an FYI. It seems one thinks I am Mitch whoever he is? Samual has constantly PM'd me and has called me George? and the recent one Harrold? in fact he welcomed me as Harold and repeated that name Harold several times. Again, zero idea what he is on about so, perhaps if I am some form of ''phantom'' why are you wasting your time? It seems it irritates you so much you have to contact me and reply. That is precious

Have fun enjoy the hobby and its enormous diversity

Ha, what a laugh, seems you are the only one who doesn't know who you are.....................{sm3}
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Ha, what a laugh, seems you are the only one who doesn't know who you are.....................{sm3}

......I think he's calling himself the 'Phantom' now Wayne.......I'm not sure PW would be overly happy about that.^&grin
Really? It has prior as I have been reading been used by a number of posters on this forum and accepted and supported by a few in this discussion. Please remember the additions you post before trying to assume a lofty position and double standards. I read a thread about Nazi parades and a poster called Rob actually said a similar thing along with Lowis Badalato and that was greeted with acceptance and understanding. With the glowing welcome I have read back on a few people here so, please fire away and I will happily remind you of the double standards and contradictions you are now posting.

A tank battle allows one to have the allies winning and beating the Germans one to one. A figure of a Nazi to me is simply not what I would have in my home. It is the same when I see scenes daubed with the Swastika flag, portraits of Hitler and imagery of other such personalities of the Third Reich.

Apart from looking like a movie personality more than the Nazi himself is not what I would want in my home as I would not want parading Nazi's lots of banners for that period. No Brownshirts and no Italian fascists. Have what you want for me its a bit nasty and creepy

You have completely lost me on this one mate and I see no need to respond further or waste my breath, particualrly when the forum administrators have asked for restraint.

I will say this though, for someone who claims to have only just joined the forum you seem to have a remarkable knowledge of previous discussions and many historical threads.
As an FYI. It seems one thinks I am Mitch whoever he is? Samual has constantly PM'd me and has called me George? and the recent one Harrold? in fact he welcomed me as Harold and repeated that name Harold several times. Again, zero idea what he is on about so, perhaps if I am some form of ''phantom'' why are you wasting your time? It seems it irritates you so much you have to contact me and reply. That is precious

Have fun enjoy the hobby and its enormous diversity

Let's see I sent you 2 pms to be exact, as far as the Harold thing you just remind me of another fella from days gone by, keep on fishing Phantom I wouldn't expect anything less from you...Sammy or Samual like in your emails
Brians George Patton figures; both 1/6 and 1/30 look just like George S. Patton not George C. Scott, a remarkable sculpt IMO. Has Brian ever done a 1/6 Erwin Rommel figure, It would make a nice companion piece for Patton?
You have completely lost me on this one mate and I see no need to respond further or waste my breath, particualrly when the forum administrators have asked for restraint.

I will say this though, for someone who claims to have only just joined the forum you seem to have a remarkable knowledge of previous discussions and many historical threads.

My thoughts exactly Toddy, he has come onto this forum and been in the thick of it from day one as far as heated discussions go and many of his posts are very similar, if not the same as a well known member that was banned from a part of this forum. I would hope the moderators will keep a very close eye on him as it would be a shame to see yet again senseless arguments started (and subsequent posts deleted and/or threads closed) from ridiculous comments that are only intended to bait other members into responses that we are now seeing. This behavior was a trademark of the previous banned member.

The writing style and syntax change frequently on the Baymax posts. I think several people are posting with the same usename. Sometimes they lose track of their posts and have to ask for clarification, when attempting to answer a reply. The negative replies seem to be directed at certain posters and subjects consistantly. I will in future not respond and I would advise others to do the same. If no one plays the game its no fun anymore and whoever will find something more amusing to do.
Churchill bombed Dresden killing both civilians and allied POWs. Harry Truman destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with Atomic weapons, killing many civilians. Total war is not pretty and the winners write the history. Had the Axis won WW II both Churchhill and Truman would have been executed as war criminals.

Erwin Rommel was held in high esteem by both sides in WW II; but civilians died by his command in the Blitzkrieg. Intentional or not; both sides in war commit atrocities and soldiers defend their countries by killing their enemies. The politicians are the responsable parties for resorting to war IMO. "War is the extension of politics by other means" Clauswitz!

Let me make sure I have this straight. In your view, Churchill and Truman were guilty as war criminals and only avoided prosecution/execution because the allies won? Moreover, the "winners" of WWII behaved in an as immoral fashion as their enemies, the nazis and imperial Japan. But because the winners wrote the history we see them in a false light, aka, as the good guys. Is that about it?

I suppose, by this logic, cops aren't any different from criminals, really. I mean both engage in violence, carry weapons and are known to cause trouble for mostly law abiding citizens. And certainly were the criminal lords to gain the upper hand the cops would find themselves behind bars -- or worse.

What an enlightened perspective, eh TFers?!!

PS :Thank goodness the propaganda writers are pro-cop!
Facts are facts. The Allied and Axis forces both commited atrocities against civilian populations.
Incendiary bombing of Hamburg and Tokyo killed mostly civilians. Hilter commited genocide and killed POWs. Stalin killed thousands of Polish, German, Czech and Hungarian POWs and civilians.

Any objective independant judicial authority would have indicted the political leaders of both sides for war crimes. Even today after 70 years have passed Harry Truman is still vilified by some for the use of Atomic Weapons on Japan. The intension was to shorten the war and save lives; mostly civilians were killed, but the war was indeed shortened. WW II was the first and hopefully the last total war; where noncombatants were killed indiscriminatly in enormous numbers by both sides.

"The only thing worse than a battle lost, is a battle won" Wellington.
Toy Soldier companies make WWII German SS combat and parade figures because people Buy Them ! They sell well.....Very well !

Facts are facts. The Allied and Axis forces both commited atrocities against civilian populations.
Incendiary bombing of Hamburg and Tokyo killed mostly civilians. Hilter commited genocide and killed POWs. Stalin killed thousands of Polish, German, Czech and Hungarian POWs and civilians.

Any objective independant judicial authority would have indicted the political leaders of both sides for war crimes. Even today after 70 years have passed Harry Truman is still vilified by some for the use of Atomic Weapons on Japan. The intension was to shorten the war and save lives; mostly civilians were killed, but the war was indeed shortened. WW II was the first and hopefully the last total war; where noncombatants were killed indiscriminatly in enormous numbers by both sides.

"The only thing worse than a battle lost, is a battle won" Wellington.

Ho hum. Standard progressive mumbo jumbo nonsense. Boring and worthless tripe.

PS: The same "reasoning" means our current military is no better than its foes, the taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS.

Soooo, on that note, I'm done here. Disgusting.
......I think he's calling himself the 'Phantom' now Wayne.......I'm not sure PW would be overly happy about that.^&grin

Wonder if banned members are still on the members list? Could be tedious, but if the forum dead were still archived, this guy would be easier to find out..I am pretty sure who he is, but would prefer to get the old monnicker right, before turning him in...again...really must learn to shoot these forum zombies in the head the first time around..Michael
Wonder if banned members are still on the members list? Could be tedious, but if the forum dead were still archived, this guy would be easier to find out..I am pretty sure who he is, but would prefer to get the old monnicker right, before turning him in...again...really must learn to shoot these forum zombies in the head the first time around..Michael

Imagine that.....Grown men portraying themselves as other people to cause a ruckus on a bloody Toy Soldier Forum. Who would have ever thought ! {sm3}

Wonder if banned members are still on the members list? Could be tedious, but if the forum dead were still archived, this guy would be easier to find out..I am pretty sure who he is, but would prefer to get the old monnicker right, before turning him in...again...really must learn to shoot these forum zombies in the head the first time around..Michael

Teehee....your analogy of brain dead zombie's is spot on Michael.{bravo}}

If the senario wasn't so tragic, it be would comical. Sadly though, the very reason these individual/s were banned/censored in the first place was for hijacking threads such as this and continually stirring the pot.

As other members have suggested already, rather than feeding their ego's any further and wasting time speculating on who they may be, we should simply ignore them all together and get back to enjoying the forum.
WWII not my focus but sorely tempted to buy this figure. Am a fan of Hardy Kruger...some great character roles and has added credibility to many a plot that could have been left short without his contribution. The likeness does him justice 😎:salute::
It's like I've stepped back into 2011 😊 Hope you guys are all well . Tell you something I used to say often but only in the last 18 months actually learned it properly, life can be full of s***, arguing about TS is beyond sad. Buy whatever does it for you and avoid what doesn't. :salute::


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