New Release: HEINZ HARMEL! (1 Viewer)

It's like I've stepped back into 2011 😊 Hope you guys are all well . Tell you something I used to say often but only in the last 18 months actually learned it properly, life can be full of s***, arguing about TS is beyond sad. Buy whatever does it for you and avoid what doesn't. :salute::


Rob, Just a chap or two that used to peruse the other forums trying to cause a ruckus here on TF. Many here spotted them from the start.
They got their wings shot off good and clean before their bombing run was made.... {sm3}

Rob, Just a chap or two that used to peruse the other forums trying to cause a ruckus here on TF. Many here spotted them from the start.
They got their wings shot off good and clean before their bombing run was made.... {sm3}


Oh right i see. Thanks for explanation, i obviously missed plenty while away .
Oh right i see. Thanks for explanation, i obviously missed plenty while away .

Hi Rob, good to see you! I still pop in here on occasion.....was really enjoying the other forum until it turned into such a mess. It was fine until Andy and Co. went over there and blew it up, that and the abysmal attempts at moderation.

Hi Rob, good to see you! I still pop in here on occasion.....was really enjoying the other forum until it turned into such a mess. It was fine until Andy and Co. went over there and blew it up, that and the abysmal attemts at moderation.


Hi Joe ,

Good to see you here too mate. :smile2: I was a member of the other forum but when i took a break here i also left the other one. I hear all sorts of things about both forums but have no beef with anyone on either and am just here to enjoy the hobby again.

Hope to see you here more often Joe
Hi Joe ,

Good to see you here too mate. :smile2: I was a member of the other forum but when i took a break here i also left the other one. I hear all sorts of things about both forums but have no beef with anyone on either and am just here to enjoy the hobby again.

Hope to see you here more often Joe

Hi Rob,
Sounds good to me my friend!
I'll be in touch.
It's like I've stepped back into 2011 😊 Hope you guys are all well . Tell you something I used to say often but only in the last 18 months actually learned it properly, life can be full of s***, arguing about TS is beyond sad. Buy whatever does it for you and avoid what doesn't. :salute::


Rob, Do you have any of these 1/6th scale Figures yet? I have 5 of them and the big scale collection keeps growing !

Rob, Do you have any of these 1/6th scale Figures yet? I have 5 of them and the big scale collection keeps growing !


Hi Wayne,

No i don't have any of these , I have loads of the original Dragon 1/6th figures in my loft :salute:: I bet these CS versions will sell well.

Hi Rob, good to see you! I still pop in here on occasion.....was really enjoying the other forum until it turned into such a mess. It was fine until Andy and Co. went over there and blew it up, that and the abysmal attempts at moderation.


I don't think that is a fair statement at all. There is one individual who doesn't get along with seemingly anyone. I wouldn't be casting total blame in one area, that is patently false, it was a collective effort.

I don't think that is a fair statement at all. There is one individual who doesn't get along with seemingly anyone. I wouldn't be casting total blame in one area, that is patently false, it was a collective effort.


I agree, it is a two way street and blame should not be cast entirely into any one direction. Thus I revise my statement accordingly and offer my apologies for any offense. For what its worth, the larger issue over there is with the "moderation" based on devolving arbitrary tenets.
I agree, it is a two way street and blame should not be cast entirely into any one direction. Thus I revise my statement accordingly and offer my apologies for any offense. For what its worth, the larger issue over there is with the "moderation" based on devolving arbitrary tenets.

You know a wise mod here told me recently if one allows another poster to raise your temper or anger and you respond in the same nasty tone as the original poster then basically you play into his games and stupidity, there will always be a few members here and the other joint that live to do nothing but live/breathe for just that, argue and fight, it's how we as a every day reader, collector, passer by choose how to respond to ignorance and I'm certainly glad that the mod shared his thoughts with me on this topic as his words rang true.

Joe, None of my post are directed at you or your thoughts at the other place just following up on your last post as well...Sammy
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Has anyone else here on the forum got this statue yet ? One of my favorites !



  • Harmel.jpg
    64.4 KB · Views: 203
The facial features are very well done; as are the features on the Patton figure. I await Rommel and Guderian figures. Field Marshal Rudolf Gerd Von Rundstedt would also be very nice!
Brian does excellent 1/6 scale figures IMO.
Facts are facts. The Allied and Axis forces both commited atrocities against civilian populations.
Incendiary bombing of Hamburg and Tokyo killed mostly civilians. Hilter commited genocide and killed POWs. Stalin killed thousands of Polish, German, Czech and Hungarian POWs and civilians.

Any objective independant judicial authority would have indicted the political leaders of both sides for war crimes. Even today after 70 years have passed Harry Truman is still vilified by some for the use of Atomic Weapons on Japan. The intension was to shorten the war and save lives; mostly civilians were killed, but the war was indeed shortened. WW II was the first and hopefully the last total war; where noncombatants were killed indiscriminatly in enormous numbers by both sides.

"The only thing worse than a battle lost, is a battle won" Wellington.

I usually steer clear of political discussions on here, but I don't think the two are the same. The Americans and British did not pursue a "policy" of extermination, although certainly they knew thousands of civilians were dying during the bombings. What was done was because they were trying to win a war brought upon them; it was a war that was not about gaining or losing territory; it was a war where the future of the world was at stake. The Germans were the aggressors and took that aggression to a level rarely seen in world history. Yes, you have a better case with Stalin, and certainly there have been cases throughout history when the US and Britain have done things that are questionable or downright wrong.

As far as collectibles go, we all have our own lines. Collect what appeals to you. As long as your political ideals are not in line with those collectibles, I don't see the harm. You just have to be comfortable with it yourself. I admire the quality of this figure and many others I would not display in my own collection.
The Roman Empire was one of the most brutal empires the world has ever known; yet it brought higher living standards to its subject people. The British Empire attempted to abolish slavery world wide; yet used indentured labor, which was slavery by another name. Every great nation does both good and ill and justifies its actions by its supposed good intensions.

The law should be blind to intensions which are subjective and base judgement only upon the facts of the matter at issue. The statue of blind justice exemplifies this standard. Killing of noncombatants (Civilians and POWs) in time of war is illegal; the justification is not material. During WWII all the nations engaged were guilty of war crimes; but the winners write the history!

Ultimatly time heals all wounds and today both Hannibal and Scipo Africanus are highly regarded as leaders of their people in a genocidal conflict. Today in Russia Stalin is regarded as a Hero of the Motherland; even though he killed 20 million of his own people. The same with Mao Tsu Tung who was responsible for the deaths of over 40 million Chinese during the Cultural Revolution.

No trurer words were ever spoken than; the path to hell is paved with good intensions!

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