New release: M4a1 sherman with lafayette pool! (1 Viewer)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006

As all you valued customers now by now our first Sherman ( Easy 8 ) sold out in about four months. Well we are very pleased to announce our brand new M4A1, with the Normandy version being " In The Mood ", Lafayette Pool's personal mount responsible for many a German wives change of status! Pool was responsible for the highest tally of kills by any Sherman. Our new Sherman comes with two figures and stowage!

Look for all the standard bells and whistles, open and closing hatches weathering and so on, and do our riders fit on this tank?, sure do. Anyhow enjoy as I'm sure they will sell out pretty fast we only did 300 of each variant and at a meager $165.00 per they should prove to sprout wings out of the warehouse.

This bad boy ships next month with all of our March goodies. Keep those ears perked for one more announcement that will blow your socks off, joke, hold on to your socks.

WOW......very very nice. A must buy Normandy version for me. The tracks look very good too....

As all you valued customers now by now our first Sherman ( Easy 8 ) sold out in about four months. Well we are very pleased to announce our brand new M4A1, with the Normandy version being " In The Mood ", Lafayette Pool's personal mount responsible for many a German wives change of status! Pool was responsible for the highest tally of kills by any Sherman. Our new Sherman comes with two figures and stowage!

Look for all the standard bells and whistles, open and closing hatches weathering and so on, and do our riders fit on this tank?, sure do. Anyhow enjoy as I'm sure they will sell out pretty fast we only did 300 of each variant and at a meager $165.00 per they should prove to sprout wings out of the warehouse.

This bad boy ships next month with all of our March goodies. Keep those ears perked for one more announcement that will blow your socks off, joke, hold on to your socks.

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Hi Brian,

Will one or both versions have the front hull machine gun that is MIA in these early production photos? Any more information on the winter version?

Thank You,
Hi Brian,

Will one or both versions have the front hull machine gun that is MIA in these early production photos? Any more information on the winter version?

Thank You,

Out for cleaning!Ha ha, that wouldn't do! Terry will let you in on the Winter variant as he's been kind enough to be doing all of the research for our recent allied releases.



Does it come with a second turret with shell & when will we see some British armour ?
And I will bet the other release is a 155mm Long Tom. My dad fired them in WWII and said the blast rolled his socks down!{sm3}
Pool’s first tank came ashore with the 3rd Armored about D-Day + 17 or about June 23. It was destroyed by a panzerfaust at La Forge Bois de Bretel or Villiers Foussard, north of Saint Lo, France on June 29. He got his 2nd tank early July and it too was an M4A1(75). It was believed to have been destroyed by a friendly P-38 at Fromentel, France near the Falaise Gap about August 16th. His 3rd tank was an M4A1(76) which lasted to September 15th and was knocked out by a Panther. He was the top scoring US tanker with 258 total vehicle and self-propelled gun kills and 12 tank kills.

Pool was in the 3rd Armored Division, part of Combat Command “A”, 32nd Armored Regiment, 3rd Battalion, “I” Company, 3rd Platoon

The Winter version is not an actual tank but represents one from Pool's 32nd Regiment, "C" Company that made it to 1945 to get whitewash.

Since I'm the one who suggested this some time ago, do I get one for FREE? {sm4}

I have one comment about the paint scheme: as there were three different "In the Mood" Shermans, the only existing photos were those apparently of "In the Mood" #3 which has black paint in addition to the olive drab.


This is a photo of an "In the Mood" model from tank expert Steven Zaloga's book MODELLING THE US ARMY M4 (76mm) SHERMAN MEDIUM TANK.

Pool got his 2nd tank at the beginning of July, but 1st Army did not begin its pattern painting of black over Olive until just before Operation Cobra at the very end of July.

Would the growsers be fitted to all versions? I like the growser addition myself, but would envision it in the Winter/Spring.

Thanks for the reply.

So you're saying that CS's model is Pool's second Sherman BEFORE it got the black paint?

When I first began to read about Pool months ago, I found an article which said:

"When the 3rd Armored came ashore in Normandy (23 June 1944), it was primarily equipped with M4A1 tanks with the 75mm cannon....As for each tank and the markings it would have used, the answer would seem to be as follows. The first IN THE MOOD lasted from 23 June until 29 June, when CCA attacked for the first time at Villers Foussard. IN THE MOOD was nailed by a German Panzerfaust and the crew had to bail out of the stricken tank. Shortly afterwards, Pool received IN THE MOOD II, which appears from his combat log to have been an M4A1(76)W."

This is the link to the original article:
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Thanks for the reply.

So you're saying that CS's model is Pool's second Sherman BEFORE it got the black paint?

When I first began to read about Pool months ago, I found an article which said:

"When the 3rd Armored came ashore in Normandy (23 June 1944), it was primarily equipped with M4A1 tanks with the 75mm cannon....As for each tank and the markings it would have used, the answer would seem to be as follows. The first IN THE MOOD lasted from 23 June until 29 June, when CCA attacked for the first time at Villers Foussard. IN THE MOOD was nailed by a German Panzerfaust and the crew had to bail out of the stricken tank. Shortly afterwards, Pool received IN THE oMOOD II, which appears from his combat log to have been an M4A1(76)W."

This is the link to the original article:

Very interesting read

Thanks for the reply.

So you're saying that CS's model is Pool's second Sherman BEFORE it got the black paint?

When I first began to read about Pool months ago, I found an article which said:

"When the 3rd Armored came ashore in Normandy (23 June 1944), it was primarily equipped with M4A1 tanks with the 75mm cannon....As for each tank and the markings it would have used, the answer would seem to be as follows. The first IN THE MOOD lasted from 23 June until 29 June, when CCA attacked for the first time at Villers Foussard. IN THE MOOD was nailed by a German Panzerfaust and the crew had to bail out of the stricken tank. Shortly afterwards, Pool received IN THE MOOD II, which appears from his combat log to have been an M4A1(76)W."

This is the link to the original article:

There is little info on Pool's tanks and some of the info is contradictory. Pool's 3rd tank was simply IN THE MOOD as in 2 photos and was not called IN THE MOOD III. He doesn't seem to have numbered his tanks - from what I have read, they were all just plain IN THE MOOD.

Pool's 2nd tank has contradictory info. One reference says it was in his log as a M4A1 76mm, which he got in early July, but M4A1 76mm didn't get issued until mid-July so unless Pool got an early arrival his 2nd tank almost had to be a 75mm type.

CS did it's model with track extenders - I don't know if Pool's 2nd tank had them or not at some point.


Thanks. From what I've read, there are only two known photos of "In the Mood". The better one is the one I posted. The second one, showing the Sherman's front, is blurred and no black paint is obvious.

A few months ago, I sent the Lafayette Pool info to a former co-worker who trained in tanks at Fort Knox. He had never heard of Pool---like many people.

I'm glad CS is releasing a preassembled "In the Mood". Dragon has two kits available, but I lack the painting skills required for kits.
Great looking release, seems on par with the previous Shermans and I will probably have to pick this one up as I love the previous Winter Easy Eight. IMO it is one of, if not THE, best CS armor piece w/ great detail and and an excellent realistic looking paint scheme. I also could use a more classic looking Sherman in the collection. I also am lad to see the M2 .50 cal now has an ammunition box attached.

One qestion to Brian, has the Olive Drab paint shade on the "In the Mood" model changed at all from the previous version? Just curious if the two Shermans will match in color or if you went to a lighter shade of Olive Drab.

Does anybody know how many of the Winter and Normandy EZ8 Shermans were released?
Great looking release, seems on par with the previous Shermans and I will probably have to pick this one up as I love the previous Winter Easy Eight. IMO it is one of, if not THE, best CS armor piece w/ great detail and and an excellent realistic looking paint scheme. I also could use a more classic looking Sherman in the collection. I also am lad to see the M2 .50 cal now has an ammunition box attached.

One qestion to Brian, has the Olive Drab paint shade on the "In the Mood" model changed at all from the previous version? Just curious if the two Shermans will match in color or if you went to a lighter shade of Olive Drab.


The easy 8 was not the correct shade of OD, this was apparent from all the feedback we got. So to be frank we did change the shade a bit lighter and a more correct OD. This is the shade we will use going forward on all upcoming allied AFV's.

Hope that helps.


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