Credit where credit is due; once my Dad stopped coming to the shows and Larry graciously stepped into the breach, he'd roll up his sleeves and assist me with sales and would come up to me and ask "What is the price on this one"...………….I'd rattle it off...……….then he'd ask...…………."what is the code as it sold, I need to find the box"...………...then I'd rattle off the code and poor Larry would be fishing through bins looking for the box...………….HE came up with the idea of putting a sticker with the code and the price on the bottom...……….kudos to Larry...………..then he came up with the idea of putting all the WS/DD/RTA/NA codes in the same bin...………… used to take ages to find boxes, Lord knows how many sales I lost as customers would just walk away...…….hey better late than never...…………..thanks to Larry, we are now an efficient, well oiled machine, takes us 2 seconds to rattle of a price and find the box...………….wish I had done it ages ago.
And the stand up act we perform at the shows is free of charge...…………………...I don't need a picture, it helps, but we got this.