New Warbirds on King and Country Site (1 Viewer)

Being able to sell 1200 sets is quite well... but may other histortically correct products have sold over 3000 sets. Who knows!

That's my point as well, I feel he has missed an opportunity to sell more. And no doubt the "German" armoured car will have some sales success, but you can bet it would have sold more if was REAL.

And this is really sad news.

1- Collectors are so ignorant in respect of history?

2- Collectors are so indifferent in respect of history?

3- Collectors are not exigeant?

4- Collectors are so obsess by K&C?

5- All the above assumptions?

No matter the answer, it is an authorization to any manufacturer to put on the market anything and it is a real danger.

To my knowledge, WS is a WWII range not a Star Wars 1945 line.

But it is only my very humble opinion.


I would say it is number 4 - thats why they are paying $800 for a Warbird whereas they can get the same avion half price with another manufacturer! Saying that I just paid $800 for one so guilty as charged M'lud!
Which one did you get?

ME410 - will be getting the Heinkel when it comes out as well. If you know anybody who has an ME110 I might be interested?! I would have loved the RN Wildcat but I dithered too long and now its gone!
I would say it is number 4 - thats why they are paying $800 for a Warbird whereas they can get the same avion half price with another manufacturer! Saying that I just paid $800 for one so guilty as charged M'lud!

Cheers red devil:

If you know of a company that can produce an aircraft similar to the K&C versions inclusive of the gear down configuration & clear canopies with cockpit detail-please share the details. I have only found companies that have done one or the other & my three attempts at "custom" orders have ended up & out of scale (ordered 1:30-1:32 with dimensions provided & 1:48 scale arrived) and historically WAY OFF-all three went back. Happy to hear that you will be a proud owner of a museum piece now. Enjoy...but bring on the Warbirds for the Masses too please.

Tally Ho,
ME410 - will be getting the Heinkel when it comes out as well. If you know anybody who has an ME110 I might be interested?! I would have loved the RN Wildcat but I dithered too long and now its gone!

That 410 looks fantastic. Would have loved to have the money for that one.

That RN Hellcat was fantastic! I too put an order in and it was gone. Counting you and me, there were four people who wanted that. I think he could have sold 10 of those. It's just a great looking plane. Oh, well, maybe he'll revisit it some day.
If anybody is thinking about getting any of the new Warbirds, the only ones left are two Hellcats, the Alex Vraciu and the Minsi III versions.

After that, you'll have to wait for a few months.
I'm going to post this again because it got lost in the shuffle...does anyone know?? :confused:

Does Andy design the planes like he does the soldiers? Or is he going to a company that already has done the design and he is just remarketing them under the King and Country label at a markup? I guess my real question is how much of the planes is really "King and Country"?

I talked to Andy about your question and it's no different than designing a soldier. K & C specify to The Workshop exactly what they want, i.e. type of aircraft, markings, quantities and so forth.

All of their airplanes are made to K & C specifications. K & C does not just take something The Workshop has made and slap a K & C logo on it.

For example, at the last Symposium Andy was showing us the aircraft books he had and and asking what kind of Focke Wulfe we would like made. I believe that one of the consensus choices was ultimately made.
I talked to Andy about your question and it's no different than designing a soldier. K & C specify to The Workshop exactly what they want, i.e. type of aircraft, markings, quantities and so forth.

All of their airplanes are made to K & C specifications. K & C does not just take something The Workshop has made and slap a K & C logo on it.

For example, at the last Symposium Andy was showing us the aircraft books he had and and asking what kind of Focke Wulfe we would like made. I believe that one of the consensus choices was ultimately made.
Sorry Brad.
I just cannot resist, but was that the book with the Ramjager in it by any chance?

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